Scarlet Nexus

Support Skill Category

The password from Episode 6 of Scarlet Nexus for the password-cracking mini-game has been found! Refer to our page on Scarlet Nexus Musubi Codes for the latest Musubi code update!

Musubi Codes List and Rewards

This is a guide for skills under the Support Skill Category. Read on to know which skills are under this category and how they function!

List of Support Skills

Support Skills are skills that support your utility skills and bonuses.

General Skills

General Skills
Additional Plug-in Equip Slot 1 Increases plug-in capacity at the equip screen by one.
Additional Plug-in Equip Slot 2 Increases plug-in capacity at the equip screen by one.
Auto-heal Health gradually recovers outside of combat.
Brain Crush Chance Expand After reducing an enemy's crush gauge to 0, the time enemies are disabled is increased along with the potential time to execute brain crush.
Brain Crush EXP Bonus Defeating enemies with brain crush will increase EXP gained
Brain Crush Money Bonus Defeating enemies with brain crush will increase the amount of money received after the battle.
Brain Crush SAS Restore Defeating enemies with brain crush while SAS is active slightly restores the gauge of the SAS being used.
Concurrent SAS Activation Learning this skill will allow up to 2 concurrent SAS activations. Learning the second of the same name will allow up to 4. *SAS Electro and Pyrokinesis can't be used concurrently.
Overkill Hitting enemies stunned by a depleted crush gauge increases the EXP bonus. However, this doesn''t work against strong foes whose HP has been depleted.
Quick Item Eliminates the actions needed for using items, applying the item effects immediately.
Shorten Item Usage Cooldown Shortens cooldown after item usage.

Kasane Randall Skills

Kasane Randall ThumbnailKasane Randall
Latent Power When health is 30% or below, increases damage dealt by 20% and reduces damage received by 20%.

Scarlet Nexus Related Skills

List of Skills

List of Skills

Learnable Skills

Brain Map Categories
Brain Drive Banner.jpg Brain Drive Enhance Banner.jpg Enhance
Support Banner.jpg Support Brain Field Banner.jpg Brain Field
Expand Banner.jpg Expand


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