Scarlet Nexus

Yuito Sumeragi Weapons, Abilities, and Profile

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Scarlet Nexus - Yuito Sumeragi

This a profile summary about Yuito Sumeragi, a character in Scarlet Nexus for the PS4, PS5, Steam, and Xbox. Read on to learn Yuito Sumeragi 's Character Profile, Weapons, Kinetic Abilities, Bonding Scenarios, and Best Combo Breakdowns.

Yuito Sumeragi Character Profile

Yuito Sumeragi

Name Yuito Sumeragi
Gender Male
Birthday January 1
Height 173cm
Power Psychokinesis, Sword Attacks
OSF Division 567th Class
ID WSY567369
OSF Service Record New Recruit
JP Voice Actor Junya Enoki

Yuito Sumeragi Biography

A bright and positive recruit with a kind heart. He is the second son of the prestigious Sumeragi family, his ancestor was the founding father of New Himuka.

The Sumeragi family has a long political lineage; with his father leading the current government, and his brother serving in command at the OSF. When Yuito was little, he got almost killed by an Other, but a member of the OSF rescued him.

Later, he enlisted himself in the OSF and endured an intensive training, to one day be able to help the citizens of his city. He still cherishes the ear cuff he received when he was saved.

Yuito Sumeragi Weapons


Yuito wields a Katana, which is an ideal weapon to use in close-range combat.

Yuito Sumeragi Powers and Abilities

Ability List

Exclusive Skills
General Skills
Brain Drive: Attack Crush Effect UpCan greatly reduce enemy's crush gauge with attacks while brain drive is active.
Brain Drive: Bonus Multiplier UpIncrease the EXP bonus multiplier gain while brain drive is active.
Attack Up 1Attack +5%. Increases damage for weapon attacks.
Attack Up 2Attack +5%. Increases damage for weapon attacks.
Power Up Attack +5%. Increases damage for psychokinesis attacks.
Psychokinesis Crush Effect UpPsychokinesis attacks can drain crush gauge by a great amount. Increase base by 5%.
Weapon Crush Effect Up 1Psychokinesis attacks can drain crush gauge by a great amount. Increase base by 5%.
Weapon Crush Effect Up 2Psychokinesis attacks can drain crush gauge by a great amount. Increase base by 5%.
5th Weapon Combo Attack HitCan perform five consecutive weapon attacks.
Enhanced Charge AttackIncreases the power and area of Charge Attacks and Level-2 Charge Attacks.
Level-2 Charge AttackAfter charging by holding ∆(PS)/Y(XBOX), charge one more level and release ∆(PS)/Y(XBOX) to increase the charge attack's power.
Expand Moving Spin AttackCan perform the Moving Spin Attacck twice during a single combo. Press ∆(PS)/Y(XBOX) while moving to execute this sweeping area attack.
Brain Drive: SAS Gauge RestoreActivating brain drive completely restores all SAS Gauges.
Brain Drive: Status UpWhile Brain Drive is active, +10% to power, defense, attack.
Brain Drive Gauge Charge Rate UpBrain Drive Gauge Accumulation +20%. Specific actions such as defeating enemies or receiving damage will increase the accumulation rate, allowing the brain drive to charge faster.
Brain Drive: Auto-healHealth gradually recovers while brain drive is active.
Brain Drive: Status Ailment RecoveryRestores status ailments when brain drive is activated.
Brain Drive: Restore Brain Drive 1Defeating enemies with brain crush while brain drive is active slightly restores the brain drive gauge.
Brain Drive: Restore Brain Drive 2Defeating enemies with brain crush while brain drive is active slightly restores the brain drive gauge.
Brain Field: OverkillWhile Brain Field is activated, hitting enemies with a depleted crush gauge increases the EXP bonus. However, this doesn't work against strong foes whose HP has been depleted.
Brain Field: Launch Level Up 1Increases the number of objects thrown with R2(PS)/RT(XBOX) in ☐☐☐(PS)/XXX(XBOX) or ☐☐☐R2(PS)/XXXRT(XBOX) while you have a Brain Field activated.
Brain Field: Charge Drop Level UpIncreases the number of objects that are gathered when holding L2(PS)/LT(XBOX) and the damage the dropped objects deal when brain field is active.
Brain Field: Swing Level UpIncreases the number of objects that can be swung with ☐(PS)/X(XBOX) and expands the area of effect when brain field is active.
Brain Field: Launch Level Up 2Further increase the number objects thrown with R2(PS)/RT(XBOX) in ☐☐☐R2(PS)/XXXRT(XBOX) while you have a Brain Field active.
Brain Field: Time Extension 1Prolong brain field active time by five seconds.
Brain Field: Reduce DamageWhile the Brain Field is active, you will receive less damage. There are 2 skills with the same name. Learning 1 will halve damage, while learning both will negate it completely.
Brain Field: Free Drive ChargeIf there is a brain field ready icon displayed, a brain field can be activated without consuming a charge when activated during brain drive.
Brain Field: Time Extension 2Prolong brain field active time by five seconds.
Follow-Up AttackIncreases damage dealt to enemies that are knocked down.
Revive Speed UpIncreases speed at which allies are revived.
Max Psy. Gauge BoostLearning this skill will increase the psychokinesis gauge maximum by 50%, while learning the second of the same name will increase it by 100%.
Mid-Air Attack Charge Rate UpIncreases Psychokinesis Gauge charge rate from aerial attacks.*Does not include X+☐(PS)/A+X(XBOX) rising slash attack.
Follow-Up Attack Expand 2Can perform four consecutive follow-up attacks and rush follow-up attacks.
Mid-Air Dash AttackUse X(PS)/A(XBOX) while aerial dashing to perform a forward weapon attack.Requires "Aerial Dash" Skill.
ReboundUse O to recover when knocked away and prevent being knocked down.
Charge AttackHold ∆(PS)/Y(XBOX) to charge power and release ∆(PS)/Y(XBOX) to perform a powered up weapon attack in a large area.
Slam AttackHold ∆(PS)/Y(XBOX) while mid-air to perform a downward weapon attack.
Perfect Dodge Psychokinesis RestoreCharge a small amount of psychokinesis gauge after a perfect dodge.
4th Weapon Combo Attack HitCan perform four consecutive weapon attacks.
Item AttractionAutomatically picks up nearby items.
Perfect Dodge AttackUse ☐(PS)/X(XBOX) right after a perfect dodge to perform a weapon attack.
Double JumpCan perform an additional jump by using X(PS)/A(XBOX) while mid-air.
Follow-Up Attack Expand 1Can perform three consecutive psychokinesis follow-up attacks and rush follow-up attacks.
Aerial DashCan perform an aerial dash by using O(PS)/B(XBOX) while mid-air.
Psychokinesis FinishUse R2(PS)/RT(XBOX) on a knocked down enemy to perform a psychokinesis attack slam.
Aerial Follow-Up AttackExecute an aerial follow-up attack by using R2(PS)/RT(XBOX) while performing an aerial weapon combo.
Quick ItemEliminates the actions needed for using items, applying the item effects immediately.
Additional Plug-in Equip Slot 1Increases plug-in capacity at the equip screen by one.
Shorten Item Usage CooldownShortens cooldown after item usage.
Brain Crush SAS RestoreDefeating enemies with brain crush while SAS is active slightly restores the gauge of the SAS being used.
OverkillHitting enemies stunned by a depleted crush gauge increases the EXP bonus. However, this doesn''t work against strong foes whose HP has been depleted.
Concurrent SAS ActivationLearning this skill will allow up to 2 concurrent SAS activations. Learning the second of the same name will allow up to 4.*SAS Electro and Pyrokinesis can't be used concurrently.
Auto-healHealth gradually recovers outside of combat.
Brain Crush Money BonusDefeating enemies with brain crush will increase the amount of money received after the battle.
Brain Crush EXP BonusDefeating enemies with brain crush will increase EXP gained
Additional Plug-in Equip Slot 2Increases plug-in capacity at the equip screen by one.
Brain Crush Chance ExpandAfter reducing an enemy's crush gauge to 0, the time enemies are disabled is increased along with the potential time to execute brain crush.

Combat Tips

Attack Aggressively

Yuito Attack Aggressively
Yuito's strength comes from his speed. He is more than capable of darting between attacking with his weapon and using Psychokinesis. His battle style favors a close-up tactic when dispatching enemies.

Enhanced Psychokinesis

Yuito Enhanced Psychokinesis
When making use of another Psychokinesis SAS Ability, you will be able to make use of your own Psychokinesis without depleting the Psychokinesis Gauge.

On top of this, you will be able to make use of Psychokinesis Fields, which summons and sends towards enemies multiple objects in the area all at once.

Yuito Sumeragi Bonding Scenarios

Yuito Sumeragi Thumbnail Yuito Sumeragi Bond Episode 1 Bond Episode 4
Bond Episode 2 Bond Episode 5
Bond Episode 3

Best Gifts for Yuito

Below is a list of all gifts you can give to Yuito to raise your Bond Level with him:

Gift Materials Needed
Plug-In Parallelization Program V Pool-type Suppression
Other Ecology A
Vase Paws Analysis
Plug-in Parallelization Program H Other Ecology A
Paws-type Suppression
Base Paws Analysis
Comic 'DAWN PICKLES" Chapter 9 Pound-type Suppression
Hieno Mountain Environment B
Hygge Housekeeping and Lifestyle Paws-type Suppression
Arahabaki Environment B
Baki Goods Set Vol. 2 Pool-type Suppression
BABE Environment B
Cooling Baki Doll Barrista Santa Analysis
Arahabaki Environment A
Big Fluffy Baki Doll Rummy-type Suppression +
Arahabaki Environment A
Baki Floor Light Rummy-type Suppression +
Mizuhagawa Environment C
Baki Dictionary Chinery-type Suppression
Hieno Mountain Environment C
Baki Floor Cushion Sabbat-type Suppression
Mizuhagawa Environment B

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