Scarlet Nexus

Team Bond: What Are Team Bond Levels?

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Scarlet Nexus - What are Team Bond Levels
This is a guide on Team Bond Levels in Scarlet Nexus for the Playstation, XBOX, and Steam platforms. Read on to find out how you can increase Team Bond Level, what to unlock with a high Team Bond Level, and how to fix the not working team bond level!

What Are Team Bond Levels?

Scarlet Nexus - What Are Team Bond Levels
The Team Bond Level denotes the level of relationship your character has with the individual members of their team. The level can be viewed when visiting the Hideout in or out of Standby Phases.

Team Bond Level Rewards

Scarlet Nexus - Team Bond Level Rewards
Achieving higher levels of Team Bond Levels will result in the unlocking of rewards that show the unity of your team. Upon reaching particular levels, the game will notify you of any rewards that you can make use of.

Primary Team Bond Levels

For a majority of the game, you will only be able to raise the Team Bond Level by increasing the individual Bond Levels you share with your chosen character's Primary Team.

It is during the latter half of the game (Phase 9 and beyond) that you will have to raise the Bond Levels you have with characters outside of your immediate team in order to raise the Team Bond Level.

Yuito Primary Team

Yuito Sumeragi ThumbnailYuito Sumeragi
Hanabi Ichijo ThumbnailHanabi Ichijo Tsugumi Nazar ThumbnailTsugumi Nazar
Gemma Garrison ThumbnailGemma Garrison Luka Travers ThumbnailLuka Travers

Kasane Primary Team

Kasane Randall ThumbnailKasane Randall
Shiden Ritter ThumbnailShiden Ritter Arashi Spring ThumbnailArashi Spring
Kyoka Eden ThumbnailKyoka Eden Kagero Donne ThumbnailKagero Donne

How to Increase Team Bond Level

Team Bond Episodes

Scarlet Nexus - Team Bond Episodes
Similar to the individual Bond Episodes you can do for each of your character's allies, once the Team Bond Level has been adequately raised, you can have Bond Episodes that involve the entire team. These episodes function in the same way individual episodes do, but increases the Bond Level you have with other characters as a group, and has the benefit of adding decorations to your hideout.

Give Gifts

Simply raising the individual Bond Levels you have with other characters is not enough. You must also give gifts to them in order to adequately reach the next level in your Team Bond.

Raising the Individual Bond Level

Scarlet Nexus - Bonding Guide

One way you can increase the Team Bond Level is by raising the individual Bond Level your character has with their allies. In order to unlock the next Team Bond Level, the Bond Level you have with other characters must at least be the same level of your target Team Bond Level.

However, to reach Team Bond Levels above 4, you must also raise the Bond Levels you share with characters outside of your Primary Team.

Team Bond Level Rewards Requirement
1 None Automatically unlocked
2 White Battle Attire
Your starting character's primary team can wear
Individual Bond Level 2
3 None Individual Bond Level 3
4 Bond Episodes
Regular Dining Photo decoration
Individual Bond Level 4
5 White Battle Attire
Opposite primary team can wear
Individual Bond Level 4

For a guide on how to raise the Bond Level, you can check out our guide below!

Bonding Guide

Team Bond Level Not Working

Give Gifts to Everyone

Scarlet Nexus - Giving Gifts
Simply going through Bond Episodes with characters to raise their Bond Levels is not enough to raise the Team Bond Level. Players will need to give their allies Gifts in order to increase the Team Bond Levels once the Individual Bond Level you have with other characters are at the appropriate level.

For a guide on how to get and give gifts, read our guide below!

How to Give Gifts?

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6 Anonymousabout 3 years

oh you got to give gifts i did realise

5 Anonymousover 3 years

this doesn't explain anything. All individual bonds are 6. but my OVERALL TEAM (yes the word TEAM is there) is 2. so... yeah...


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