Scarlet Nexus

Difference of Difficulty Settings : Best Difficulty Settings

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Scarlet Nexus - Difference of Difficulty Settings
This is a guide to Scarlet Nexus' Difficulty Settings for the Playstation, Steam, and XBOX. Read on to know about Scarlet Nexus' difficulty settings, how to change it, and its effects.

Difference of Difficulty Settings

Enemy Attacks Are Stronger/Weaker

Scarlet Nexus - Enemy Attacks
Naturally, the harder or easier the game's difficulty, the more an enemy's damage output also gets stronger or weaker. Use this if you're dying to enemies or bosses more often than not.

Alternatively, you may refer to our leveling guide to amp up your character's stats if you don't wish to turn down the difficulty!

How to Level Up Fast: BP Farming Guide

Enemy Health Pools Become Smaller/Bigger

Together with a dampened/strengthened damage output, enemies HP pools become smaller/bigger depending on your chosen difficulty setting. This forces you to learn enemy patterns when playing on hard mode or you'll be seeing the game over screen far more often than normal.

Enemy Crush Gauge Becomes Bigger/Smaller

Scarlet Nexus - Use Brain Crush
Enemies that you encounter on the field will have a bigger or smaller Crush Gauge, necessitating more or fewer hits before you can use Brain Crush on them. Higher difficulty settings will you see spending more time depleting an enemy's Crush Gauge than you would on lower difficulties.

List of Difficulty Settings

Easy, Normal, and Hard Difficulty

There are currently 3 difficulty settings in the game with each of them modifying the enemy stats according to the effects of each difficulty settings.

Recommended Difficulty Settings

Easy Difficulty Is Recommended for Newcomers

For players that are new to the ARPG genre, Easy difficulty may perhaps be the best choice for them. Enemies are quite a breeze to fight through, as a player's damage output and an enemy's survivability become stronger and weaker respectively. This setting is recommended for players new to the genre or for players who wish to just enjoy the story.

Normal Difficulty is the Best Difficulty

For the majority of players, we highly recommend choosing the Normal difficulty. Enemies will still pose a challenge and you'll still need to learn certain enemy and boss patterns to emerge victorious in battles, but the challenge and learning curve are not too high as to make the game difficult, making it the best and most recommended difficulty of the three.

Hard Difficulty Is Too Challenging

The Hard difficulty is meant for seasoned players of Scarlet Nexus. Here, enemies will hit harder and take longer to defeat. It is an extreme challenge that is difficult to conquer, and may take more time to finish a playthrough on compared to the previous two difficulties. The amount of time spent alone on trying to defeat regular enemies makes Hard a difficult challenge to get through, and is easily the least recommended setting for players.

How to Change Difficulty Settings

Go to the Options Under Settings then Change Difficulty

Scarlet Nexus - How to Change Difficulty
You will see the Difficulty settings under the Options tab from the Main Menu. You can toggle it to the three avaialable difficulty settings so feel free to choose any difficulty setting you wish to try then change it mid-game!

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