Scarlet Nexus

Yuito Route | Phase 0 Prologue: Reunion Walkthrough

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This is a story walkthrough for Prologue: Reunion for Yuito's Route in Scarlet Nexus for the Xbox, Playstation, and Steam Here you'll find a guide on how to complete this area, a story section, boss strategies, a list of enemies, and a list of items that can be found.

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- Phase 1

Phase 0 Prologue: Reunion Maps

Suoh City Ryujin Ward

Main Street
Sumeragi Tomb Grounds
OSF Training Facility

Phase 0 Prologue: Reunion Story Walkthrough

Suoh City Ryujin Ward

1 Continue forward until you exit the plaza. In the Main Street, take the left-side sidewalk then turn left as soon as a path to the East opens up and go to the objective marked as !.
Scarlet Nexus - Yuito Phase 0 Suoh City
Alternatively, you can take the right-side sidewalk then cross using the footpath.
2 After the cutscene, starting at Tomb Grounds, move forward and go to the objective marked as !.
Scarlet Nexus - Yuito Phase 0 Tomb Grounds
3 Back at Ryujin Ward, continue forward and turn left to the objective marked as !. A cutscene will play.
4 Continue forward until another cutscene plays. Prepare to fight Other. A short cutscene will play after defeating the first few Other. Prepare to fight more Other after.
5 Continue forward and turn left to the objective marked as !. A cutscene will play.
6 Fight alongside Kasane and take down Wither Sabbat.
Boss Fight Scarlet Nexus - Wither Sabbat Boss Battle
Boss Battle: Wither Sabbat
8 A cutscene will play after defeating the boss. Afterwards, continue forward to the objective marked as !. A cutscene will play.
9 Proceed to the next area to proceed with the story.

Phase 0 Prologue: Reunion Boss Fights

Wither Sabbat

Wither Sabbat Boss Battle

Recommended SAS SAS: Psychokinesis

This sturdy, humungous beast is what you have to defeat to complete this Phase. Deal as much damage as you can and persist.

How to Beat Wither Sabbat

Use Psychokinesis Attacks on Wither Sabbat

Wither Sabbat has a tough exterior and you'll need to pierce through its thickness. Use SAS: Psychokinesis to shatter its shell and expose its weak spot.

List of Enemies Encountered

Enemies Encountered
Scummy Pool iconScummy Pool Vase Paws iconVase Paws

General Tips

Explore the Surrounding Area for Loot

There is a lot of loot to be gathered in this area. Make sure to explore the level thoroughly to obtain helpful HP recovery items for battle.

Kill All the Other

You must kill all the Other in the area to progress through the map.

Exploit Enemy Weaknesses with SAS

Experiment with different SAS to get a feel of how fighting and enemy weaknesses work in Scarlet Nexus.

Practice Different Kinds of Attacks

Phase 0: Prologue is also a level where you can learn how to execute different kinds of attacks. This will help you when you encounter different enemies in the future and improve your combat skills in the upcoming missions.

Phase 0 Prologue: Reunion Obtainable Items

Marked Items & Data Spot Locations

Suoh City Ryujin Ward
Main Street
Sumeragi Tomb Grounds

Scarlet Nexus Related Guides

Yuito Route

Yuito Route.png

Yuito Route Walkthrough

Yuito Route Guides

Demo Edition Phase 0
Phase 1 Phase 2
Phase 3 Phase 4
Phase 5 Phase 6
Phase 7 Phase 8
Phase 9 Phase 10
Phase 11 Phase 12


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