Scarlet Nexus

Standard vs Deluxe Edition: Is Deluxe Worth it

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Standard vs Deluxe

This is a guide to the Standard and Deluxe editions of Scarlet Nexus, releasing for the XBOX, Playstation, and Steam! Read on to learn about the differences between Standard and Deluxe, and if buying the Deluxe edition is worth it.

Standard vs. Deluxe Edition

Differences between editions

Scarlet Nexus

Standard Edition Digital Deluxe Edition
    ・Scarlet Nexus Game
    ・Scarlet Nexus Game
    ・Digital Art Book
    ・Original Soundtrack
    ・Special Battle Attire Set - Red (Cosmetic)
    ・The Other (Cosmetic)
    ・3 Models of SAS Plug-ins

Most are Cosmetic Bonuses

Scarlet Nexus Red Battle Attire

Without pre-ordering, the Standard Edition of Scarlet Nexus will only include the Base Game. However, players will not be missing out on much with this version as many of the in-game bonuses for both Guardian and Digital Deluxe editions will be cosmetic.

Pre-order bonuses are also cosmetic

Scarlet Nexus - Pre-Order Edition

Even if players decide to pre-order either standard or deluxe, the bonuses will all be purely cosmetic.

Even the Baki Attachment mentioned in the pre-order is simply a small mascot that stands perched on the shoulder of either Yuito or Kasane.

SAS Plug-in Bonus

Scarlet Nexus Struggle Arms System

The major difference between Standard and Digital Deluxe editions will be the inclusion of bonus Struggle Arms System (SAS) Plug-ins for the Digital Deluxe. SAS Plug-ins, according to Bandai Namco, can improve character stats, damage, and abilities when equipped.

Likely, the 3 bonus plug-ins will give players an easier time of the earlier levels by boosting the damage and efficiency of their SAS interactions.

Is Deluxe Worth It?

Deluxe Edition Pros

Lots of Cosmetic Customization

Red Battle Attire Set

The Digital Deluxe Edition offers various cosmetic options to the game's many characters. For players who want to truly immerse themselves in the Brainpunk world of Scarlet Nexus, different customization options for your squad of OSF recruits might just be the way to go.

Early-game SAS Boost

Struggle Arms System

The Struggle Arms System might take some getting used to, especially for newer players. With the bonus SAS Plug-ins, the early parts of the game should become much more manageable for those still testing out the new mechanics.

Digital Artbook and OST

Scarlet Nexus World

Scarlet Nexus is a good-looking game with an intricately crafted world. If players want more glimpses into the world of Scarlet Nexus, the Digital Artbook and OST will offer a lot of value.

Deluxe Edition Cons

Higher Pricing for Digital Deluxe

Kasane Gameplay

For only cosmetic bonuses and outside-game content, the $20 increase is a lot of money for players who simply want to play the game. After all, base game content is more than enough to fully experience Scarlet Nexus.

SAS Plug-ins could become obsolete

Gemma Scarlet Nexus

As with most titles that have pre-order bonuses that directly affect gameplay, majority of the bonuses become obsolete in the late-game. While the 3 SAS Plug-ins may well be amazing for early-game, there might be better alternatives later on without having to spend on Deluxe.

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