Scarlet Nexus

Ending Guide: Ending Differences

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Scarlet Nexus - Ending Guide

This is a guide on the ending for Scarlet Nexus on the Playstation, XBOX, and PC (Steam) platforms. Read on to find out what the differences are in the ending for both characters, how party members' stories will end, and more!

The following article contains spoilers for the ending of Scarlet Nexus. If you wish to know about the ending differences between Kasane and Yuito, read on!

Scarlet Nexus Ending

An End to Karen Travers

Karen Travers Phase 12

As a team, both Kasane and Yuito, along with every other available member of the OSF, put an end to Karen Travers' madness that nearly placed the world at risk.

After a great battle that involved several changes in his form, the team manages to beat him back, resulting in the death of the time-travelling Travers.

Alice is Saved

Scarlet Nexus - Alice Ending

Regardless of which story route, Karen sacrifices himself to save Alice. She will appear in the present timeline alive and well, with Karen passing away earlier.

An End to the Extinction Belt

Both Yuito and Kasane, with the help of Karen himself, join together to use their Psionic powers to close the Kunad Gate with the use of the Arahabaki, dissipating the Extinction Belt from where the Others come from in the process.

With no new Others appearing from the now dissipated Extinction Belt, the world has changed – and no one apart from Kasane, Yuito, and the rest of their team remembers who Karen Travers is.

The Team Goes Their Separate Ways

Scarlet Nexus - The Team Goes Their Separate Ways
After a round of conversations with members of the team, the members of the OSF part ways – Yuito to remain in New Himuka with a quest to restore the Sumeragi name, and Kasane now intent to head to the moon in an effort to tackle the problem of the Others directly at its source. As they share final farewells, both do not realize the red strand that now connects their hands.

Dead Characters Do Not Come Back

While Alice will live in the ending, other characters that have passed away during both story routes will still not come back. This includes Naomi Randall, Nagi Karman, and Seto Narukami.

Ending Differences

Although a majority of the ending remains the same between the two characters you can choose, there are several notable difference in how certain scenarios in the ending play out.

Different Characters on the Lunar Mission

Scarlet Nexus - Lunar Mission
By the end of the story, both Kasane and Yuito decide to part ways. Depending on who you play as, characters will join either of the two leading characters on their own individual journeys.

Bonding Episodes

Based on which story route you choose, the bonding episodes that you can complete will vary. For the Kasane Route, you can complete the bonding episodes of Shiden, Kagero, Arashi, and Kyoka. On the other hand, you can complete the bonding episodes of Gemma, Hanabi, Luka, and Tsugumi while playing the Yuito Route.

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3 Anonymousover 3 years

the characters that accompany you in the end, what does it depend on?

2 Anonymousover 3 years

Not sure if you're still wondering but aside from being able to switch, you get a couple new visual items, and some new quests. That's it though.


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