Scarlet Nexus

Is It Worth Learning Charge Attack Skill

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This is a guide for Charge Attack Skill in Scarlet Nexus for Playstation, XBOX, and PC (Steam). Learn more about Charge Attack, its effects, and is it worth it to learn Charge Attack.

Charge Attack Skill Overview

Yuito Sumeragi Portrait
Yuito Sumeragi
Kasane Randall Portrait
Kasane Randall
Charge Attack
Charge Attack
Skill Tree BP Cost to Learn Stat Bonuses
Expand 2 No Direct Stat Bonus/ Stat Bonuses Activate on a Condition
Skill Description
Hold ∆(PS)/Y(XBOX) to charge power and release ∆(PS)/Y(XBOX) to perform a powered up weapon attack in a large area.
Charge Attack
Charge Attack
Skill Tree BP Cost to Learn Stat Bonuses
Expand ? No Direct Stat Bonus/ Stat Bonuses Activate on a Condition
Skill Description
Hold ∆(PS)/Y(XBOX) to charge power and release ∆(PS)/Y(XBOX) to perform a powered up weapon attack in a large area.

Charge Attack Skill Ranking and Review

Yuito Sumeragi

Learn At Your Discretion

B Rank Icon

Charge Attack is ranked as B due to its average function, and is not encouraged to be used, aside from specific conditions or situations.

Kasane Randall

Learn At Your Discretion

B Rank Icon

Charge Attack is ranked as B due to its average function, and is not encouraged to be used, aside from specific conditions or situations.

Scarlet Nexus Related Links

List of Skills

List of Skills

Learnable Skills

Brain Map Categories
Brain Drive Banner.jpg Brain Drive Enhance Banner.jpg Enhance
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Expand Banner.jpg Expand


1 Anonymousover 3 years

there is a quest related to it. so you'll need to use it at some point to kill 3 rat ruts


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