Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

All Stronghold Locations: Mercenary and Infested

Modern Warfare 3 - Strongholds

Mercenary and Infested Strongholds are areas where you can obtain Fortress Keycards in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (MW3 2023). Read on for a map of all Stronghold locations, and a guide on what Mercenary and Infested Stronghold are.

All Stronghold Locations

Stronghold Interactive Map

Tip: Tap on the icons on the right to display all Infested Stronghold locations.

Mercenary Strongholds and Infested Strongholds have set possible spawn locations on the map but randomly appear in only a few places every game of Zombies.

While one type of Stronghold cannot transform into another in the middle of a game, there are a few points on the map where either a Mercenary or Infested Stronghold can spawn.

Urzikstan: Zombies Interactive Map

What are Strongholds?

Places to Obtain Fortress Keycard

Modern Warfare 3 - Obtain Fortress Keycard

Each Mercenary Stronghold will have a safe that contains a Fortress Keycard, which can be used to unlock Fortresses in the Zombies map. Obtaining the keycard from a Stronghold is the only known way to obtain a Fortress Keycard.

Infested Strongholds Do Not Have Keycards

Infested Strongholds do not have Fortress keycards in them, and function more like larger Aether Nests. If you're aiming to enter a Fortress, you can safely skip Infested Strongholds.

How to Enter Legacy Fortress

Unlocked with a Stronghold Keycard

Stronghold Keycards can be obtained from Mercenary Camps or Encampments scattered across the map. Each Mercenary Camp will have a Loot Cache that contains a Mercenary Stronghold Keycard. Alternatively, you can also purchase this Stronghold Keycard at Buy Stations.

How to Get Stronghold Keycards Fast

Filled with Enemy Mercenaries

Modern Warfare 3 - Filled with Mercenaries

The safe containing the Fortress keycard is guarded by an army of Mercenaries, and their number and difficulty depends on the Difficulty Threat Zone you're currently in.

Strongholds are harder to clear than Mercenary Camps, so make sure to upgrade your weapons at Pack-A-Punch machines and obtain perks at perk machines with your squad.

Where to Find Loot Caches

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