Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

Mimic Locations: How to Kill Mimics

MW3 Zombies - Mimic Locations How to Kill Mimics
Mimics are found in Eliminate the Bounty Contracts in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) Zombies. Read on to learn more about Mimic locations and how to kill Mimics.

Mimic Locations

Eliminate the Bounty Contract

You can pinpoint the location of a special zombie by accepting an Eliminate the Bounty contract. In most cases, these contracts will point you to a Mimic location nearby.

Random Spawns

MW3 Zombies - Random Mimic
Mimics, similar to other Elite Zombies, can randomly spawn on the map. However, these spawns are more frequent in higher-threat zones. If you're really keen on looking for one, you might want to consider entering the medium or high threat zones.

How to Kill Mimics

Tips on How to Kill Mimics

Pack-a-Punch Your Weapons

If you're facing a Mimic and you feel like you lack the firepower to deal with it, the best solution is to Pack-a-Punch your weapons. Pack-a-Punch can be costly, but it will significantly boost the damage output of your weapons, allowing you to efficiently deal with threats.

How to Pack-a-Punch Weapons

Aim for the Mouth

Every zombie has a critical location in their body that serves as their weak point. For Mimics, their weak point would be their big, glowing mouths. Make sure to always aim for this area to maximize your damage.

Use Energy Mines

MW3 Zombies - Using Energy Mines
You can deal a huge chunk of damage to Mimics by planting and triggering your Energy Mine. To use one, make sure that you have the Energy Mine Field Upgrade equipped in your loadout and that it is ready to use.

While on the field, click on (Rb + Lb) on your controller or (X) on your keyboard to plant it on the ground. Once it is planted, all you have to do is lure the Mimic to the area to make it explode.

Run and Use the Terrain to Your Advantage

MW3 Zombies - Using Vantage Points Against Mimics
Facing Mimics head-on would be a suicide move. The best way to fight them is to run around and use vantage points to create chances where you can unload your bullets. Take your time dealing with these special zombies, as they can be tough.

What are Mimics?

Exotic Elite Zombies

Mimics fall under the category of Elite Zombies. These zombies are unique in appearance and have special attacks that can immediately place you in death's way. Mimics in particular have a long body structure with tentacle-like muscles in their back.

The most notable feature of Mimics is their large, glowing mouths, which can be intimidating. Ironically, this area also serves as their weak point.

How to Get Special and Elite Zombie Kills

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