Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

Best Striker Loadout and Build

The Striker is a type of SMG in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (MW3). Learn the best loadout and build setup for the Striker, including its camo challenges, how to unlock, attachments, and stats.

Striker Best Loadout and Build

Striker Attachment Setup

Best Striker Attachments
Barrel Striker Recon Long Barrel
Stock FSS Priority Tactical Stock
Rear Grip Sakin ZX Grip
Ammunition .45 Auto High Grain Rounds
Optic Slate Reflector

Out of all the SMGs, the Striker is the most accurate and stable to use, and so this build is focused on further improving its medium to long-range capabilities by increasing bullet distance and velocity, as well as reducing its recoil control.

With the Striker Recon Long Barrel and the .45 Auto High Grain Rounds attached, you'll notice that you'll be able to shoot enemies from across the map more often since these two attachments will increase the range that your bullets can reach.

You'll also have to get the FSS Priority Tactical Stock and Sakin ZX Grip to lessen the recoil of the Striker and improve your chances of hitting your opponents from afar.

List of All Attachments

Striker Loadout Setup

Best Striker Loadout
Vest Infantry Vest
Gloves Scavenger Gloves
Boots Lightweight Boots
Gear TAC Mask
Field Upgrade Deployable Cover
Tactical Flash Grenade
Lethal Semtex

When choosing your loadout for the Striker, we highly recommend taking the Infantry Vest and Lightweight Boots to boost your movement speed as all SMGs are best used while constantly moving and repositioning around the map.

The Scavenger Gloves ensures that you'll almost never run out of ammo, provided that you also score some kills in order to pick up and resupply your ammunition.

▶ List of Perks ▶ List of Equipment

How to Get Striker

How to Unlock Striker in MW3

Base Game MW3 GunModern Warfare 3 Gun
How to Unlock Unlocked by default.

Striker Camo Challenges

All Striker MW3 Camos

Camo Challenge
Ameerga Get 50 kills with the Striker
Topo Regal Get 25 hipfire kills with the Striker
Absorption Get 10 kills while crouching or sliding with the Striker
Viral Invasion Get 15 kills on Operators affected by your tactical with the Striker
Gilded Striker Get 10 kills without the enemy damaging you with the Striker
Forged Striker Get 3 kills without dying 10 times with the Striker
Priceless Striker Get 5 kills without dying 10 times with the Striker
Interstellar Striker Complete 36 Priceless Camo Challenges
Nocuous In Zombies, get 250 kills with the Striker
Topo Blaze In Zombies, get 30 Hellhound kills with the Striker
Inner Demon In Zombies, get 250 kills with the Striker at Rare or Higher Rarity
Living Tissue In Zombies, get 250 kills with full attachments with the Striker
Golden Enigma Striker In Zombies, get 100 kills and successfully extract with the Striker in a single deployment.
Zircon Scale Striker In Zombies, get 300 kills with the Striker while it's Pack-A-Punched
Serpentinite Striker In Zombies, get 10 special or elite zombie kills with the Striker
Borealis Striker Complete 36 Serpentinite Camo Challenges

List of All Camo Challenges for Every Weapon

All Striker Attachments

Striker Barrels

Lachmann Marksman Barrel Striker Recon Long Barrel Striker SWAT Heavy Barrel

Striker Muzzles

VT-7 Spiritfire Suppressor L4R Flash Hider Purifier Muzzle Brake
Monolithic Suppressor STER45 Skyfury Compensator VP27 Mini Brake

Striker Optics

Intlas CAS-14 SL Truesight 2.5x Nydar Model 2023
MK. 3 Reflector KR V4 1X Riser AOK 4.0x RQ-9 Recon
FSS Spectre Microtherm Slate Reflector Caucasus Reflex Sight
Chrios Holo XTen ERX-10 Mini KR Mortis Precision 2.5X
Corio Eagleseye 2.5X TOS Nightfall 2.5X Thermal Optic Cronen Intlas MSP-12
JAK Bullseye KR Intlas LSJ-3

Striker Rear Grips

Sakin ZX Grip FTAC G-5 EXO Tacgrip

Striker Underbarrels

Chewk Angled Grip XTen TX-12 Handstop Kimura RYN-03 Vertical Grip
SL Skeletal Vertical Grip Bruen Tactical Vertical Grip Bruen Pivot Vertical Grip
Ftac SP-10 Angled Grip Bruen Bastion Angled Grip Bruen Heavy Support Grip
XRK Edge BW-4 Handstop Holger Vertical Grip

Striker Stocks

RB Crotalus Assault Stock FSS Titan Stock Lachmann Recon Series Stock
Lachmann Mk2 Light Stock Lachmann Nemesis-10 Stock No Stock

Striker Lasers

Sapphire-12 Laser

Striker Magazines

20 Round Mag 48 Round Mag 60 Round Drum

Striker Ammunitions

.45 Auto High Grain .45 Auto Low Grain .45 Auto PTFE

Striker Trigger Actions

Striker doesn't have Trigger Actions.

Striker Guards

Striker doesn't have Guards.

Striker Combs

Striker doesn't have Combs.

Striker Bolts

Striker doesn't have Bolts.

Striker Loaders

Striker doesn't have Loaders.

Striker Stats Overview

Striker Max Level and Class

Class SMG Rounds 30
Max Level 23 Reserve 70
Fire Modes Full-Auto/Semi-Auto
A hard-hitting and controllable SMG chambered in .45 Auto. Reliable at close to mid-range.

Striker Stats

Damage Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) - Damage
Fire Rate Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) - Fire Rate
Range Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) - Range
Accuracy Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) - Accuracy
Recoil Control Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) - Recoil Control
Mobility Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) - Mobility
Handling Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) - Handling

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