Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

Ordnance Gloves - How to Use and Unlock

Modern Warfare 3 - Ordnance Gloves

Ordnance Gloves is a Gloves Perk in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (MW3). Read on to learn how to use the Ordnance Gloves and unlock the Ordnance Gloves!

How to Use Ordnance Gloves

Throw Equipment Farther

The Ordnance Gloves allows you to toss throwable equipment from longer ranges. This allows you to be more creative with equipment, and you can even wear the Engineer Vest or Demolition Vest to take advantage of this.

List of All MW3 Equipment

Reset Grenade Fuse Timer

Cookable grenades like the Frag Grenade and Thermobaric Grenade can be returned before they explode.

Returning them to the enemies while wearing the Ordnance Gloves will reset its timer, potentially catching them by surprise.

How to Cook Grenades

How to Unlock Ordnance Gloves

Reach Level 15

The Ordnance Gloves is unlocked for your loadout by reaching level XX on the progression track. Play matches to complete Daily and Weekly Challenges to get XP fast!

How to Level Up Fast

Ordnance Gloves Overview

Ordnance Gloves Basic Info

Modern Warfare 3 - Ordnance Gloves
Ordnance Gloves
Type Gloves
How to Unlock Reach Level 15
Description ・Throw equipment further. Reset fuse timer on thrown back grenades.

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MW3 - Perks.png
List of Perks

All Perk Types

List of All Perk Types
Vest Gloves
Boots Gear

All Gloves Perks

List of All Gloves Perks
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Modern Warfare 3 - Commando GlovesCommando Modern Warfare 3 - Scavenger GlovesScavenger
Modern Warfare 3 - Marksman GlovesMarksman Modern Warfare 3 - Assault GlovesAssault


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