Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

Ninja Vest - How to Use and Unlock

Modern Warfare 3 - Ninja Vest
Ninja Vest is a Vest Perk in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (MW3). Read on to learn how to use the Ninja Vest and unlock the Ninja Vest!

How to Unlock Ninja Vest

Complete its Armory Unlock Challenge

As of Season 2, the Ninja Vest can be unlocked by completing its Armory Unlock Challenge. Mark it as your active Armory Unlock and complete 5 Daily Challenges to unlock the vest.

Note: Armory Unlock challenges only become available once you reach account level 25. Make sure you meet the requirements otherwise you will not be able to credit daily challenge completion towards the Ninja Vest unlock.

Armory Unlocks Explained

How to Use Ninja Vest

Take Advantage of the No Footstep Sounds

Similar to the Assassin Vest, this perk is most effective for players who prefer a sneaky playstyle, allowing them to flank enemies from behind.

Play Aggressively With Shuriken and Throwing Knives

Because of this perk's ability to provide you with an unlimited supply of Shuriken and Throwing Knives every few seconds, you can easily spam these items when taking down an enemy.

To replenish your stock, simply hide for 25 seconds, and the Ninja Vest will automatically resupply your Shuriken and Throwing Knives.

Immunity to Movement Reduction

Immunity to Movement Reduction - Ninja Vest
You will still be affected by the effects of Tear Gas and Stun Grenades if you get hit, but your movement speed will not be affected.

Ninja Vest and Covert Sneakers Does Not Stack

Ninja Vest and Covert Sneakers Effect
Additionally, it is important to note that the effect of the Ninja Vest and the Covert Sneakers does not stack. If you have Covert Sneakers equipped, you will instead receive the bonus effect of the Running Sneakers, providing you with increased Tac Sprint duration and reduced refresh time.

Ninja Vest Overview

Ninja Vest Basic Info

Modern Warfare 3 - Ninja Vest
Ninja Vest
Type Vest
How to Unlock Complete 5 Daily Challenges
Description ・Eliminate footstep sounds.
・Immune to movement reduction effects.
・Bonus Shuriken and Throwing Knife ammo.
・Resupply Shuriken and Throwing Knives every 25 seconds.

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