Fallout New Vegas

12.7mm Submachine Gun Ammo and ID

12.7mm Submachine Gun is a type of SMG in Fallout: New Vegas. Read on to learn where to get 12.7mm Submachine Gun ammo, as well as its ID, stats, and mods.

12.7mm Submachine Gun ID


Console Command Weapon Spawn
player.additem 001429D1 1

The ID for 12.7mm Submachine Gun is 001429D1. You can use this ID to spawn 12.7mm Submachine Gun by typing the command above in your game's command console.

How to Get 12.7mm Submachine Gun Ammo

By Crafting or Getting It From a Specific Location

Ammo Explanation Location / How to Get
12.7mm Highest-damage Pistol ammo type available. It has a slower rate of fire but packs a serious punch; effective against almost any target. Search one of the corpses in Bloodborne Cave.

By Spawning the Ammo via Its ID

Standard - 001429CF
Hollow Point - 001613D4

12.7mm Submachine Gun Stats Overview

Basic Information

Weapon Ammo Automatic?
12.7mm Submachine Gun 12.7mm
Mods? Sight?
Weapon ID Requirements
001429D1 -


DAM Crit% Mult Crit Dmg. Rate of Fire
36 x1 36 8
STR Req.
WT Health
4-6 100 5 250
Value Clip Count Spread AP
5,100 15 4 20


Vault Boy Attention Attention! This weapon has no other special attributes.

12.7mm Submachine Gun Mods

All Mods

  • 12.7mm Submachine Gun Silencer: Silences the weapon.

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Other SMGs

10mm Submachine Gun 12.7mm Submachine Gun 9mm Submachine Gun
Silenced .22 SMG Vance's Submachine Gun


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