Zenless Zone Zero (ZZZ)

Upgrade - Nekomata's Worries Quest Guide

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Zenless Zone Zero - Upgrade - Nekomata

Upgrade - Nekomata's Worries is a Trust Commission in Zenless Zone Zero 1.0 (ZZZ) for Nekomata. See how to unlock Upgrade - Nekomata's Worries, a walkthrough on how to complete this Trust Mission, and its rewards here!

Upgrade - Nekomata's Worries Quest Information

Upgrade - Nekomata's Worries Trust Quest Details

Location Sixth Street, Howl's News Stand
Client Nekomata
Time Morning to Evening

Upgrade - Nekomata's Worries is a Trust Commission for Nekomata. The commission can be unlocked once Nekomata is about to level up her trust to Close.

Raises Trust with Nekomata

All Nekomata Trust Commissions
Who's the Lucky Player Upgrade - Cat's Gratitude Nekomata's Promise
Who Doesn't Love Kittens I Love Watching You Shop Upgrade - A Cat's Home
I'm So, So, So Bored Upgrade - Nekomata's Worries

Trust Commissions increase a certain character's Trust when you complete them. Whenever you get an invite from one of your teammates, be sure to respond and help them with their cause!

Nekomata Trust Event and Best Answers

How to Unlock Upgrade - Nekomata's Worries

Before Nekomata's Trust Level Ranks Up to Close

The commission appears when Nekomata is about to rank up her Trust Level to Close with the Proxy.

Upgrade - Nekomata's Worries Quest Walkthrough

Upgrade - Nekomata's Worries Guide

  1. Receive the Commission
  2. Find Nekomata Near Howl's Newsstand
  3. Go to Coff Cafe With Nekomata
  4. Talk to the Cunning Hares

Receive the Commission

Upgrade Nekomatas Worries Schedule

You will receive the commission via the Schedule first thing in the morning. The Commission will only appear if Nekomata's trust level with you is about to rank up to Close.

Find Nekomata Near Howl's News Stand

Find Nekomata Near Howl

To start the commission, head to Howl's Newsstand. Nekomata will be beside a pile of boxes, thinking about her recent experience in the Hollow.

Howl's News Stand Guide

Go to Coff Cafe With Nekomata

Go to Coff Cafe With Nekomata

Afterwards, follow Nekomata to Coff's Cafe in Sixth Street. She will be beside Mr. Panda, drinking Mint Espresso.

Coff Cafe Guide

Talk to the Cunning Hares

Talk to the Cunning Hares

Finally, talk to Nicole and the Cunning Hares to finish the commission.

Cunning Hares AKA Gentle House Faction

Upgrade - Nekomata's Worries Rewards

Raises Nekomata's Trust Rank to Close

Raises Nekomata

Completing Upgrade - Nekomata's Worries will raise Nekomata's trust rank to Close.

How to Increase Agent Trust Level

Trust Rewards

All Trust Rewards
PolychromePolychrome x30 DennyDenny x10000 ZZZ - Apex Predator Apex Predator x1

Upon raising Nekomata's Trust Rank to Close, you can get 30 Polychromes and 10,000 Dennies on the Trust Reward.

You will also unlock Nekomata's Affinity Resonium, Apex Predator, to use in Hollow Zero!

List of All Resonia

Zenless Zone Zero Related Guides

All Side Commissions

All Nekomata Trust Commissions

All Trust Commissions
Invite Who's the Lucky Player
Invite Who Doesn't Love Kittens
Invite I Love Watching You Shop
Invite I'm So, So, So Bored
Friendly Upgrade - Cat's Gratitude
Close Upgrade - Nekomata's Worries
Trusted Upgrade - A Cat's Home
Video Tape Nekomata's Promise


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