Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

All Doghouse Locations

Modern Warfare 3 - Doghouse Locations

Doghouses are used to summon a friendly hellhound to fight alongside you in Zombies mode of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (MW3). Read on to see a map of all Doghouse locations, what a Doghouse does, and how to use them.

All Doghouse Locations

Doghouse Interactive Map

Doghouses will only have a few possible spawn locations around the map and they will appear in random set locations for every Zombies game.

Listed above are some of the confirmed locations of where you may find a Doghouse.

How to Use a Doghouse

Deposit Chunks of Flesh in Doghouse

Modern Warfare 3 - Hellhound

To use a Doghouse, you'll have to deposit Chunks of Flesh inside them. After a few seconds, the Doghouse will explode and an ally Hellhound will come out of it.

How to Get Chunks of Flesh

Required Amount of Chunks of Flesh for Each Threat Zone

Level Requirement
Level 1 ・Chunk of Flesh x1
・Low-Threat Zone
Level 2 ・Chunk of Flesh x2
・Mid-Threat Zone
Level 3 ・Chunk of Flesh x3
・High-Threat Zone

The amount of Chunks of Flesh that you'll need to deposit in the Doghouse will depend for each Threat Zone. In addition, the Level of the friendly Hellhound will also depend on the number of Chunks of Flesh that you donated.

What is a Doghouse?

Spawns an Ally Hellhound

Modern Warfare 3 - Friendly Hellhound Attacking an Enemy

Doghouses are mainly used to spawn a friendly Hellhound or pet dog to fight alongside you in a Zombies game. They will automatically attack all nearby enemies including mercenaries.

They also have the ability to revive you and other squad members, in exchange for a small portion of their health. The amount of health it has depends on their level.

How to Get Pet Dog in Zombies

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