Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

How to Get Malicious Marrow Weapon Blueprint

Modern Warfare 3 - How to Get Malicious Marrow Weapon Blueprint
Malicious Marrow is a weapon Blueprint for Lockwood 680 that you can obtain by finishing the Act 3 Tier 3 Mission in Zombies Mode for Modern Warfare 3 (MW3). Read on to see the tasks that will get you the Malicious Marrow weapon Blueprint!

How to Get Malicious Marrow Weapon

Complete Act 3 Tier 3 Mission

Act 3 Tier 3 Mission Tasks
Check icon Complete a Merc Camp

Check icon Complete a Merc Stronghold

Check icon Defeat Warlord

Check icon Collect Strauss's Research

Completing all the tasks for the Act 3 Tier 3 Mission: Storm the Castle in Zombies Mode will get you the Malicious Marrow Blueprint alongside 3000 XP. All of the tasks can be difficult to clear, especially without proper gear, so try to team up with other players to complete them!

Zombies Acts and Mission Rewards

Malicious Marrow Weapon

Blueprint for Lockwood 680

The Malicious Marrow weapon Blueprint uses the Lockwood 680 gun. It makes the Lockwood 680 more accurate and a slight increase in range and damage in exchange for some Mobility and Handling.
Lockwood 680 Best Loadout and Build

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