Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

How to Get Arachnophobe Weapon

Arachnophobe weapon is a Blueprint of Haymaker in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (MW3). Read on to find out the attachments for Arachnophobe, improved stats, and how to get Arachnophobe in the game!

Arachnophobe Weapon and Attachments

Arachnophobe Weapon Blueprint Overview

Base Weapon HaymakerHaymaker
Improved Stats Sprint to Fire Speed
Sprint Speed
Damage Range
How to Get Purchase the Void Weaver Store Bundle.

Arachnophobe Attachments

Laser 1MW Laser Box
Muzzle XTen Modified Choke
Barrel JAB-30 Short Barrel
Barrel Wudi Long Barrel
Rear Grip Demo Assault Breaker Grip

How to Get Arachnophobe Blueprint

Purchase the Void Weaver Store Bundle

MW3 Void Weaver

You can get Arachnophobe by purchasing the Void Weaver at the in-game Store. If the Arachnophobe's Store Bundle is unavailable at the Store, you can look up this weapon blueprint through the Armory to see and purchase its related bundle.

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