Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

How to Get Venomous Weapon

Venomous weapon is a Blueprint for the MTZ-556 in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (MW3). Read on to find out the attachments for Venomous, improved stats, and how to get Venomous in the game!

Venomous Weapon and Attachments

Venomous Weapon Blueprint Overview

Base Weapon MTZ-556MTZ-556
Improved Stats Aim Down Sight Speed
Sprint to Fire Speed
Sprint Speed
How to Get Prestige 5 Rank Reward.

Venomous Attachments

Modern Warfare 3 - Rocket icon Attention! This section is under construction! Check back soon for updates.

How to Get Venomous Blueprint

Prestige 5 Rank Reward

How to Get
Reach Player Level or Rank 250 to get to Prestige 5 and obtain the Venomous Blueprint as a reward.

Prestige System Explained

Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) Related Guides

Modern Warfare 3 - List of All Blueprint

List of All Blueprints

All Blueprints

All Weapon Blueprints
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Modern Warfare 3 Crysknife Icon Crysknife Modern Warfare 3 Dank Hit Icon Dank Hit Modern Warfare 3 Dark Spirit Icon Dark Spirit
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