Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

All Zombie Weapon Locations

Modern Warfare 3 - Weapon Banner
All weapon locations in Zombies mode are randomized in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (MW3). Find out all wall buy locations, weapon and gun locations, as well as the best loot locations.

All Zombie Weapon Locations

All Wallbuy Weapons Map

Zombies Interactive Map

Weapon Locations Are Random

Modern Warfare 3 - Weapon Locations
Most weapon locations in Modern Warfare Zombies are entirely random, and there is no guaranteed way to loot a specific weapon in every run. The Wallbuy weapons are random, their locations may shift around per game, and the weapons and their weapon rarity are all also random.

Zombies Best Weapons List

Only Boss Drops Have Set Weapon Locations

Weapon Location
(Sniper Rifle)

4th Floor, Ghalia Seaside Hotel
(Rook Drop)
.50 GS

Talanov Outpost in Popov Power
(Bishop Drop)
556 Icarus
(Light Machine Gun)

Set Knight Drop
(Roaming Boss)
The Mediator
(KVD Enforcer)

Dokkaebi Fortress
(Warlord Drop)

The only set gun locations in MW3 Zombies are the weapons drops of the bosses. Currently, there are 3 Chess Piece Bosses and 1 Warlord on the Zombies map.

The 3 Chess Piece bosses have set drops; 2 of the chess pieces (Rook and Bishop) have set locations, while the third chess piece (the Knight) also has a set drop but is roaming around the map. Killing these bosses is part of opening the locked vault in Shahin Manor.

How to Open Locked Vault

Best Weapon Locations

Mercenary Strongholds and Camps are Best Loot Locations

Modern Warfare 3 Zombies Best Loot Location
If you are looking to unlock new weapons, you can visit Mercenary Strongholds and Mercenary Camps. The enemies you encounter there have a variety of weapons that you can pick up and exfiltrate to unlock in your Insured Weapon slot. In addition to that, you can also find Large Merc Caches that usually contain high-rarity weapons, which you can use for your current run.

Open your Tac Map and look for these icons to find the Mercenary Camps (Strongholds) and Mercenary Strongholds (Encampments).

All Stronghold Locations

How to Get Weapons in Zombies Mode

How to Get Weapons in Zombies Mode

Dropped by Other Players

Modern Warfare 3 - Dropped by Other Players
Weapons dropped by other players can be picked up, even if they are not in your squad. If you are playing with friends, you can ask them to give you a weapon if you are empty-handed.

Squad Finder Message Board

Loot Caches and Weapon Lockers

Modern Warfare 3 - Loot Cache
Random weapons can occasionally be found inside Loot Caches, but they are more commonly found in Weapon Lockers. Be sure to check these lockers for random items when you have the time to avoid missing out on some loot.

Where to Find Loot Caches

Drop From Mercenaries

Modern Warfare 3 - Mercenary Drop
Eliminating enemy Mercenaries will result in them dropping the weapon they are carrying. If you're seeking a decent weapon with attachments, this is your best option. However, exercise caution, as these mercenaries pose a significant threat. Avoid direct confrontation to prevent the risk of dying.

Purchase From Wallbuys

Modern Warfare 3 - Wallbuy
You can purchase weapons from Wallbuys, with prices ranging from 1,000 Essence up to 10,000, depending on the rarity of the weapon.

The locations of these Wallbuys are usually fixed (a few locations may or may not appear per match), but the weapon they contain is random. Wallbuys can be found throughout the map and are represented by the pistol icon on your Tac Map.

How to Farm Essence

Random Weapon From Mystery Boxes

Wonder Legendary

Mystery Boxes are crates where you spend essence to obtain a random weapon with random attachments. There is a chance to acquire high-rarity items such as Legendary and Wonder weapons through this method.

All Mystery Box Weapons and Locations

How to Get Insured Weapons in Zombies Mode

How to Get Insured Weapons in Zombies Mode

Unlocked With Player Level and Weapon Level

Zombies Modern Warfare 3 - Player Level Unlocks
Reaching a certain player level and weapon level unlocks a new Insured Weapon that you can use and customize with the gunsmith. Do note that you have to level up a weapon before you can add new attachments and it will have the lowest rarity.

Weapon Rarity Effects Explained

Exfil Contraband Weapons

Zombies Modern Warfare 3 - Exfil Contraband Weapons
After successfully exfiltrating with a contraband weapon, you unlock the base version of that weapon without any attachments. You can then use and equip it in any of your Insured Slots.

Insured Slots and Contraband Explained

Equip Insured Weapons in the Loadout Screen

Zombies Modern Warfare 3 - Insured Weapon
You can edit and change the Insured Weapon you have equipped during the loadout screen before starting the match. Since any weapon picked up during the match is considered contraband, it is impossible to acquire Insured Weapons in the game. However, you will be able to unlock the base form of a weapon if you can exfiltrate with a contraband weapon.

Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) Related Guides

Modern Warfare 3 - Zombies Game Mode

Zombies Mode Walkthrough and Guide

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