Fallout New Vegas

Brass Knuckles ID and Stats

Brass Knuckles is a type of Unarmed Weapon in Fallout: New Vegas. Read on to see the stats and weapon ID of Brass Knuckles.

Brass Knuckles ID


Console Command Weapon Spawn
player.additem 00004324 1

The ID for Brass Knuckles is 00004324. You can use this ID to spawn Brass Knuckles by typing the command above in your game's command console.

Brass Knuckles Stats Overview

Basic Information

Weapon Automatic? Sight?
Brass Knuckles
Weapon ID Requirements
00004324 -


DAM Crit% Mult Crit Dmg. Rate of Fire
18 x1 18 5
STR Req.
WT Health
2 25 1 200
Value AP
120 18


  • Special V.A.T.S. Attack: Cross and Uppercut.

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Other Unarmed Weapons

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