Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

CCT Comms Vest - How to Use and Unlock

Modern Warfare 3 - CCT Comms Vest

CCT Comms Vest is a Vest Perk in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (MW3). Read on to learn how to use the CCT Comms Vest and unlock the CCT Comms Vest!

How to Use CCT Comms Vest

Support Allies with Enemy Info

Modern Warfare 3 - Support Allies with Enemy Info

Enemies killed while having the CCT Comms Vest equipped drop intel packs that can be picked up by you and your allies. When picked up, it generates a radar ping that detects nearby enemies.

Whether the radar ping tags enemies or not, it boosts your whole team's awareness to help turn the tides in your favor.

Improve Radar for the Team

The CCT Comms Vest also zooms out the minimap for you and your allies, allowing you to see more of the battlefield.

It also increases the duration that enemy pings stay on the minimap. Because the CCT Comms Vest provide team-wide bonuses, it's recommended to have at least one member of the team equip it.

Take Advantage of Two Gear Perks

In exchange for its ability to provide team-wide information, the CCT Comms Vest has no Tactical and Lethal Equipment slots. It makes up for the absence of equipment by having the ability to use two Gear Perks.

List of MW3 Equipment

How to Unlock CCT Comms Vest

Reach Level 40

The CCT Comms Vest is unlocked for your loadout by reaching level 40 on the progression track. Play matches to complete Daily and Weekly Challenges to get XP fast!

How to Level Up Fast

CCT Comms Vest Overview

CCT Comms Vest Basic Info

Modern Warfare 3 - CCT Comms Vest
CCT Comms Vest
Type Vest
How to Unlock Reach Level 40
Description ・Increases duration enemies stay on radar and zooms out radar for you and nearby allies.
・Enemies you kill drop intel packs, which generate a radar ping for you and nearby allies when collected.
・Has no Tactical and Lethal Equipment slots.
・Can equip two Gear perks.

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