Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

Best MTZ Interceptor Loadout and Build

The MTZ Interceptor is a type of Marksman Rifle in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (MW3). Learn the best loadout and build setup for the MTZ Interceptor, including its camo challenges, how to unlock, attachments, and stats.

MTZ Interceptor Best Loadout and Build

MTZ Interceptor Attachment Setup

Best MTZ Interceptor Attachments
Muzzle XRK Kraken
Rear Grip Bruen TR-24 Assault Grip
Magazine 20 Round Mag
Underbarrel VX Pineapple
Optic Slate Reflector

For this MTZ Interceptor attachment setup, you'll primarily be improving aim stability and recoil, as well as increase ammo capacity so that you can spam bullets without worrying about running out of ammo.

Both the XRK Kraken and Bruen TR-24 Assault Grip should ensure that your bullets won't go all over the place when firing your weapon as these two will signifacantly reduce your recoil.

The VX Pineapple also helps with gun control, but it also lets you move and strafe faster while aiming down sights (ADS), something that you'll be doing most of the time with a Marksman Rifle. 20 Round Mag should increase ammo count, allowing you to reload less often.

List of All Attachments

MTZ Interceptor Loadout Setup

Best MTZ Interceptor Loadout
Vest Infantry Vest
Gloves Marksman Gloves
Boots Lightweight Boots
Gear Mag Holster
Field Upgrade Munitions Box
Tactical Flash Grenade
Lethal Frag Grenade

In this MTZ Interceptor class loadout, you'll want to get the Infantry Vest and Lightweight Boots to be more mobile on the field and to be able to reposition around faster since you won't really be camping with this MTZ Interceptor build.

As with all semi-automatic weapons, the Marksman Gloves are important to have since this reduces weapon swaying and flinching while scoping or aiming down, so you'll be able to hit your targets more accurately.

Since you'll only be limited to 20 bullets, you'll be needing the Mag Holster so that you can reload faster if ever you run out of ammo rounds in your magazine.

▶ List of Perks ▶ List of Equipment

How to Get MTZ Interceptor

How to Unlock MTZ Interceptor in MW3

Base Game MW3 GunModern Warfare 3 Gun
How to Unlock Unlocked by default.

MTZ Interceptor Camo Challenges

All MTZ Interceptor MW3 Camos

Camo Challenge
Gilded MTZ Interceptor Get 10 kills while using a laser attachment with the MTZ Interceptor
Forged MTZ Interceptor Get 3 kills without dying 10 times with the MTZ Interceptor
Priceless MTZ Interceptor Get 5 kills without dying 5 times with the MTZ Interceptor
Interstellar MTZ Interceptor Complete 36 Priceless Camo Challenges
Golden Enigma MTZ Interceptor In Zombies, get 100 kills and successfully extract with the MTZ Interceptor in a single deployment
Borealis MTZ Interceptor Complete 36 Serpentinite Camo Challenges
Zircon Scale MTZ Interceptor In Zombies, get 300 kills with the MTZ Interceptor while it's Pack-A-Punched
Serpentinite MTZ Interceptor In Zombies, get 10 special or elite zombie kills with the MTZ Interceptor
Blood Brush In Zombies, get 100 kills shortly after using a Field Upgrade with the MTZ Interceptor
Thick Brush Get 50 headshot kills with the MTZ Interceptor
Psychedelic Loops Get 50 kills with the MTZ Interceptor
Psychedelic Misery In Zombies, get 250 kills with the MTZ Interceptor
Destiny In Zombies, get 250 kills with the MTZ Interceptor at Rare or Higher Rarity
Skullish Get 2 kills without dying 15 times with the MTZ Interceptor
Oil Slick Glitch Get 10 kills with no attachments with the MTZ Interceptor
Slash Glitch In Zombies, get 30 hellhound kills with the MTZ Interceptor

List of All Camo Challenges for Every Weapon

All MTZ Interceptor Attachments

MTZ Interceptor Barrels

MTZ Clinch Pro Barrel MTZ Drifter Barrel

MTZ Interceptor Muzzles

Talon Sixteen FTac Reaper EXF Relentless-40
Nilsound 90 Bruen Agent 90 FTac Dreadnought
VT-7 Spiritfire Suppressor Zenith-10 Compensator EX-01 Match Compensator
Casus Brake Colossus Suppressor Purifier Muzzle Brake
Monolithic Suppressor STER45 Skyfury Compensator VT-7 Soulstealer Suppressor
Sonic Suppressor VT-7 Spiritfire Suppressor L Monolithic Suppressor L
Sonic Suppressor L Colossus Suppressor L STER45 Skyfury Compensator L
ELR Blackfire Compensator L T4LR Saber Compensator L Shadowstrike Suppressor L

MTZ Interceptor Optics

Intlas CAS-14 SL Truesight 2.5x Nydar Model 2023
MK. 3 Reflector AOK 4.0x RQ-9 Recon FSS Spectre Microtherm
Slate Reflector Caucasus Reflex Sight Chrios Holo
XTen ERX-10 Mini KR Mortis Precision 2.5X Corio Eagleseye 2.5X
TOS Nightfall 2.5X Thermal Optic Cronen Intlas MSP-12 JAK Bullseye
KR Intlas LSJ-3 XRK Stalker

MTZ Interceptor Rear Grips

Bruen TR-24 Assault Grip MTZ Aggressor Grip Bruen TR-24 Assault Grip 2

MTZ Interceptor Underbarrels

Chewk Angled Grip XTen TX-12 Handstop Kimura RYN-03 Vertical Grip
SL Skeletal Vertical Grip Bruen Tactical Vertical Grip Bruen Pivot Vertical Grip
Ftac SP-10 Angled Grip Bruen Bastion Angled Grip Bruen Heavy Support Grip
XRK Edge BW-4 Handstop Holger Vertical Grip

MTZ Interceptor Stocks

Bruen Archangel Mk2 MCW Blackjack FTac Heavy Hunter Stock
JAK Cutthroat

MTZ Interceptor Lasers

SL Razorhawk Laser Light CS15 Scarlet Mounted Laser

MTZ Interceptor Magazines

20 Round Mag

MTZ Interceptor Ammunition

762 Low Grain 762 High Grain 762 Soft Point
762 Penetration Rounds 7.62x51mm Low Grain Rounds 7.62x51mm High Grain Rounds
7.62x51mm Round Nose 7.62x51mm Mono 7.62x51mm Frangible
7.62x51mm Hollowpoint 7.62x51mm Armor Piercing 7.62x51mm Overpressured +P
7.62x51mm High Velocity 7.62x51mm Incendiary

MTZ Interceptor Trigger Actions

MTZ Interceptor doesn't have Trigger Actions.

MTZ Interceptor Guards

MTZ Interceptor doesn't have Guards.

MTZ Interceptor Combs

MTZ Interceptor doesn't have Combs.

MTZ Interceptor Bolts

MTZ Interceptor doesn't have Bolts.

MTZ Interceptor Loaders

MTZ Interceptor doesn't have Loaders.

MTZ Interceptor Stats Overview

MTZ Interceptor Max Level and Class

MTZ Interceptor
Class Marksman Rifle Rounds 10
Max Level 18 Reserve 40
Fire Modes Semi-Auto
A high-powered Marksman Rifle chambered in 7.62. Control mid to long distances with this semi-auto weapon.

MTZ Interceptor Stats

Damage Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) - Damage
Fire Rate Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) - Fire Rate
Range Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) - Range
Accuracy Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) - Accuracy
Recoil Control Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) - Recoil Control
Mobility Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) - Mobility
Handling Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) - Handling

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