Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

Skidrow Map and Strategies

Modern Warfare 3 - Skidrow

Skidrow is a 6v6 multiplayer map in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (MW3). Read on to see the full interactive map, all locations, spawn points, Hardpoint rotations, sites for Domination and Search and Destroy, and tips and strategies for winning in Skidrow.

Skidrow Interactive Map

Skidrow Map Layout

Legend for Map Icons
Team Spawn Points Team Spawn Points

Search and Destroy Spawn Points Search and Destroy Spawn Points

Hardpoint Rotations Hardpoint Rotations

Domination Domination Sites

Search and Destroy A Search and Destroy Sites

Locations Pin Locations (Toggle Name ON to see all names)

List of All Multiplayer Maps

Skidrow Tips and Strategies

Skidrow Best Spots

See Full Image

It's generally advised to try to claim the central area, since it has a good view of either side of the map. Avoid areas with campers and stick to areas with lots of cover and corners.

Stick Around the Hallway for Kills

Modern Warfare 3 - Hallway
Players tend to frequent the hallway area of Skidrow, as it is a great place for gunfights. Try to claim this area with your team as fast as possible. The long corridor allows for quick, long-range sniping, while the rooms on either side allow one to sneak by or outmaneuver opponents.

Snipe From Windows

There are also several windows and vantage points here that peek out to the rest of the map. While you're here, occasionally look out windows to scan for incoming enemies. Don't linger too long, and only take a split second's peep before shooting an enemy then heading off toward the next vantage point.

Don't Stay Out in Open Areas

Try to get out of areas like the parking lot, loading dock, and the playground, since you will be easily sniped here. The garage is also a risky place to stick around, as people usually camp the door that leads from the garage to the movie store.

Enter via the back alleys and through tunnels to lessen your chances of being shot from hidden vantage points.

Stay Mobile Always

Always sprint whenever you can, and try to incorporate advanced movement tips to your arsenal, like sliding around corners or going prone in the middle of a 1-on-1 gunfight to become a harder target. Improving your survivability with our combat tips will increase your chances of coming out victorious.

A Beginner's Guide to Modern Warfare 3

Skidrow Best Loadout

Skidrow MCW Loadout

Primary Secondary
MCW Renetti
・The MCW with the right mods grants no recoil and great handling with superior mobility. It feels like holding an Auto Sniper Rifle with a 30-rounds magazine. It's great at long range, mid range and close range. The MCW is a great weapon for both beginners and advanced players.
・The Renetti has a lot of versatility, deals decent damage, has decent range and great mobility. It can provide a quick swap when your primary runs out of ammo. With the right mods on the Renetti, it can become a powerful sidearm and can even go up against SMGs. The Infantry Vest synergizes fantastically with the Renetti as well.

Skidrow Map Info

Skidrow Available Game Modes

No. of Players Game Modes
6v6 ・Team Deathmatch
・Search and Destroy
・Kill Confirmed
・Gun Game

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