Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

Das Haus Map and Hiding Spots

Modern Warfare 3 - Das Haus

Das Haus is a 6v6 multiplayer map in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (MW3). Read on to see the full interactive map, Hardpoint rotations, spawn points, best hiding spots, and tips and strategies for winning in Das Haus.

Das Haus Interactive Map

Das Haus Map Layout

Legend for Map Icons
Team Spawn Points Team Spawn Points

Hardpoint Rotations Hardpoint Rotations

Domination Domination Sites

Search and Destroy A Search and Destroy Sites

Locations Pin Locations (Toggle Name ON to see all names)

List of All Multiplayer Maps

Das Haus Hiding Spots

Orange and Blue Room

Modern Warfare 3 - Orange and Blue Room

The Orange and Blue Room has angles for shooting enemies passing through the Main Hallway and trying to take the objective in Central Pillars.

If multiple enemies are pushing you, you can safely retreat back into Orange or Blue Side, depending on which side you're on, and regroup with your teammates.


Modern Warfare 3 - Hideout

Hideout has angles for watching enemies in the Main Hallway, Training Room, and Central Pillars. You can place lethal equipment like Proximity Mines or Claymores on the stairs leading to Central Pillars to guard your flank.

List of All Lethal Equipment and Best Lethals


Modern Warfare 3 - Storeroom

Storeroom has an off-angle where you can surprise enemies rushing from Main Hallway to Blue Side. If enemies enter Storeroom from Main Hallway, they'll need to be careful of your teammates from Blue Side and your off-angle.

Das Haus Tips and Strategies

Das Haus Map Strategy
Map Explanation
Blue Arrow Fastest paths to objectives.

Orange Marker Caution! Encounter and camping hotspots.

Green Marker Control these spots with your team.

Prepare for Close Quarters Combat

Das Haus is a small map with plenty of corners where players can catch each other by surprise. SMGs are ideal for close range combat because of their high fire rate and quick pull-out time.

Utilize Equipment to Guard Flanks and Gather Info

Since Das Haus is a small map with lots of choke points and corners, it's easy to get value out of your equipment.

Maximize the usage of Lethal Equipment by using it to guard your flank, and Tactical Equipment to contest objectives and important zones.

List of All Equipment

Avoid Passing Through Main Hallway

Main Hallway has little cover and exposes you to a lot of angles, making it a generally unsafe path to pass through.

Take control of Main Hallway by using long range weapons like Sniper Rifles and Battle Rifles to support teammates who are pushing objectives.

A Beginner's Guide to Modern Warfare 3

Das Haus Best Loadout

Das Haus Rival-9 Loadout

Primary Secondary
Rival-9 Renetti
・The Rival-9 is a powerful SMG which is fast, handles well, has low recoil and is a killer choice for mid-to-close quarters combat in Das Haus. Stay near choke points and corners to surprise and quickly kill rushing enemies. Avoid Main Hallway because you may encounter enemies outside your effective range.
・The Renetti has a lot of versatility, deals decent damage, has decent range and great mobility. It can provide a quick swap when your primary runs out of ammo. With the right mods on the Renetti, it can become a powerful sidearm and can even go up against SMGs, but only in a pinch. The Infantry Vest synergizes fantastically with the Renetti as well.

Best Guns Tier List

Das Haus Map Info

Das Haus Available Game Modes

Das HausDas Haus
No. of Players Game Modes
6v6 ・Team Deathmatch
・Search and Destroy
・Kill Confirmed

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