Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

RGL-80 Best Loadout and Build

The RGL-80 is a type of Launcher in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (MW3 2023). Learn the best loadout and build setup for the RGL-80, including its camo challenges, attachments, stats, and how to unlock.

RGL-80 Best Loadout and Build

RGL-80 Loadout Setup

Weapon Loadout
Primary Holger 556
Secondary RGL-80
Tactical Battle Rage
Lethal Frag Grenade
Lethal 2 Frag Grenade
Field Equipment Munitions Box
Vest Demolition Vest
Gloves Scavenger Gloves
Boots Lightweight Boots
Gear EOD Padding
Conversion Kit -

RGL-80 Attachment Setup

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RGL-80 Camo Challenges

All RGL-80 MW3 Camos

Camo Challenge
Gilded RGL-80 Get 10 kills by hitting the enemy with a direct impact with the RGL-80
Forged RGL-80 Destroy 25 enemy equipment with the RGL-80
Priceless RGL-80 Get 25 double kills with the RGL-80
Interstellar RGL-80 Complete 36 Priceless Camo Challenges
Golden Enigma RGL-80 In Zombies, get 100 kills and successfully extract with the RGL-80 in a single deployment
Borealis RGL-80 Complete 36 Serpentinite Camo Challenges
Zircon Scale RGL-80 In Zombies, get 300 kills with the RGL-80 while it's Pack-A-Punched
Serpentinite RGL-80 In Zombies, get 10 special or elite zombie kills with the RGL-80
Pathosis In Zombies, get 250 kills with the RGL-80
Strain Get 25 kills with the RGL-80

How to Play RGL-80

Best Used for Crowd Control

The RGL-80 fires off explosive rounds and also has the ability to stun and daze those affected by it, perfect for crowd control and clearing out an area swarmed with a group of enemies huddled up together.

Destroy Enemy Vehicles

Since the RGL-80 is a grenade launcher, it also has the ability to destroy enemy vehicles in Ground War, making the RGL-80 a great support weapon for your team.

How to Get RGL-80

How to Unlock RGL-80 in MW3

Base Game MW3 GunModern Warfare 3 Gun
How to Unlock TBD

All RGL-80 Attachments

RGL-80 Barrels

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RGL-80 Muzzles

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RGL-80 Optics

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RGL-80 Receivers

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RGL-80 Rear Grips

This section is currently under investigation.

RGL-80 Underbarrels

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RGL-80 Stocks

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RGL-80 Lasers

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RGL-80 Magazines

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RGL-80 Ammunitions

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RGL-80 Trigger Actions

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RGL-80 Guards

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RGL-80 Combs

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RGL-80 Bolts

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RGL-80 Loaders

This section is currently under investigation.

RGL-80 Stats Overview

RGL-80 Max Level and Class

Class Launcher Rounds 6
Max Level N/A Reserve 0
Fire Modes Semi-Auto
An infantry carried, revolving grenade launcher that fires 40mm projectiles that explode on impact.

RGL-80 Stats

Damage Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) - Damage
Fire Rate Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) - Fire Rate
Range Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) - Range
Accuracy Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) - Accuracy
Recoil Control Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) - Recoil Control
Mobility Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) - Mobility
Handling Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) - Handling

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Torque 35


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