Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

How to Unlock Corio RV500 Attachment

The Corio RV500 is a gun attachment found under the Optics attachment category of Modern Warfare 3 (MW3). Check out our guide to learn how to unlock the Corio RV500, its compatible guns, as well as a preview of its optic and crosshair!

How to Unlock Corio RV500

Level Up Guns in MW3 Multiplayer Modes

The Corio RV500 attachment can be unlocked by leveling up the following guns in MW3 multiplayer, Zombies, or Warzone:

Weapon Required Level
Modern Warfare 3 -BasiliskBasilisk Raise the Basilisk to Level 5

Complete the Attachment's Armory Unlock Challenge

Alternatively, players who have reached Account Level 25 can opt to complete Armory Unlock challenges to get the Corio RV500 attachment, early.

Once you unlock this feature, modify your chosen gun at the Gunsmith and select the Corio RV500 from the Optic attachment slot of your weapon. This should activate its Armory Unlock contract, allowing you to complete Daily and Bonus Challenges to get it earlier.

Armory Unlock Challenges

Corio RV500 Optic and Crosshair

Corio RV500 Reticle View

Corio RV500 Compatible Guns

Guns That Can Use the Attachment
Modern Warfare 3 -BasiliskBasilisk Modern Warfare 3 -TYRTYR

Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) Related Guides

Modern Warfare 3 - Attachments

List of All Attachments

Attachment Types in MW3

Attachments By Type
Barrel Stock Ammunition Muzzle
Rear Grip Optic Underbarrel Magazine
Receiver Laser Comb Trigger Action
Guard Bolt Arm Rail
Carry Handle Lever Loader Wire
Conversion Kit

All Optic Attachments in MW3

All Related Attachments
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