Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

Basilisk Best Loadout and Build

The Basilisk is a type of Handgun in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (MW3 2023). Learn the best loadout and build setup for the Basilisk, including its camo challenges, attachments, stats, and how to unlock.

Basilisk Best Loadout and Build

Basilisk Loadout Setup

Weapon Loadout
Primary VEL 46
Secondary Basilisk
Tactical Flash Grenade
Lethal Semtex
Field Equipment Med Box
Vest Infantry Vest
Gloves Quick-Grip Gloves
Boots N/A
Gear Mission Control Comlink
Conversion Kit -

Basilisk Attachment Setup

Optic Corio RE-X Pro
Laser Basilisk Grip Laser
Ammunition .500 Overpressured +P
Trigger Action Basilisk HT-7
N/A -

Basilisk Camo Challenges

All Basilisk MW3 Camos

This section is under priority investigation. Please check back soon!

All Basilisk MW2 Carry Forward Camos

Camo Challenge
Outcrop Get 40 kills with the Basilisk
Countryside Get 30 kills while ADS with the Basilisk
Dark Denim Get 10 point blank kills with the Basilisk
Chrysolite Get 30 kills with the Akimbo attachment equipped on the Basilisk
Gold Basilisk Get 3 kills without dying 10 times with the Basilisk
Golden Ivory Basilisk In Zombies, get 100 kills and successfully extract with the Basilisk in a single deployment
Bioluminescent Basilisk Complete 51 Arachnida Camo Challenges
Spinel Husk Basilisk In Zombies, get 300 kills with the Basilisk while it's Pack-A-Punched
Arachnida Basilisk In Zombies, get 10 special or elite zombie kills with the Basilisk

How to Get Basilisk

How to Unlock Basilisk in MW3

Base Game MW2 GunModern Warfare 2 Gun
How to Unlock Unlocked at Level 39.

Listed above is the How to Unlock method for the gun in Modern Warfare 2. The method might be different in Modern Warfare 3 and, if so, will be updated on release.

Also Available in MW3 Via Carry Forward

The Basilisk can also be used in Modern Warfare 3 through the Carry Forward feature for players who unlocked it in MW2.

For players who haven't unlocked this weapon or who do not own a copy of MW2, the Basilisk might still be unlocked through a separate challenge in MW3.

Carry Forward Explained

All Basilisk Attachments

Basilisk Barrels

FTAC Carnivora 7" Bryson Snubby 10.5” FTac Arrow
FTac Fang Ported 6.75" Corvus Cougar 500

Basilisk Muzzles

FSS VMW Flash Hider RVS607 Compensator FSS KL30
FTac H50 Ported

Basilisk Optics

Corio RE-X Pro XRK On-Point Optic Cronen Mini Pro
SZ SRO-7 Cronen Mini Dot Kazan-Holo
DF105 Reflex Sight SZ Mini Monocle CT90
Corvus Downrange-00 SZ Holotherm SZ Minitac-40
XTEN Angel-40 Corvus SOL-76 SZ Sigma-IV Optic
Corio Enforcer Optic SZ Recharge-DX Slimline Pro
Corio RV500 Slate Reflector Cronen Intlas MSP-12

Basilisk Receivers

Basilisk doesn't have Receivers.

Basilisk Rear Grips

Bryson WD-85 Grip Bryson Duel Grip SO RO-99 Grip
Akimbo Basilisk

Basilisk Underbarrels

Basilisk doesn't have Underbarrels.

Basilisk Stocks

Basilisk doesn't have Stocks.

Basilisk Lasers

Basilisk Grip Laser Corvus LZR-790 Revo-LSD 7MW

Basilisk Magazines

Basilisk doesn't have Magazines.

Basilisk Ammunitions

.500 Frangible .500 Hollowpoint .500 Armor Piercing
.500 Overpressured +P .500 Snakeshot .500 AET Rounds
.500 Hardened Rounds .500 High Grain Rounds .500 Low Grain Rounds

Basilisk Trigger Actions

Basilisk HT-7 Bryson Match Grade Bryson HTA

Basilisk Guards

Basilisk doesn't have Guards.

Basilisk Combs

Basilisk doesn't have Combs.

Basilisk Bolts

Basilisk doesn't have Bolts.

Basilisk Loaders

B-3ST Loader S40 Rapid Loader

Basilisk Stats Overview

Basilisk Max Level and Class

Class Handgun Rounds 5
Max Level 30 Reserve 20
Fire Modes Semi-Auto
A double-action revolver firing .500 Cal rounds, the Basilisk kicks hard but hits harder. Unstoppable in the right hands.

Basilisk Stats

Damage Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) - Damage
Fire Rate Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) - Fire Rate
Range Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) - Range
Accuracy Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) - Accuracy
Recoil Control Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) - Recoil Control
Mobility Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) - Mobility
Handling Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) - Handling

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Modern Warfare 2 (MW2) - GS MagnaGS Magna Modern Warfare 2 (MW2) - FTAC SiegeFTAC Siege Modern Warfare 2 (MW2) - TYRTYR


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