Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

Reclaimer 18 Best Loadout and Build

The Reclaimer 18 is a type of Shotgun in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (MW3). Learn the best loadout and build setup for the Reclaimer 18, including its camo challenges, attachments, stats, and how to unlock.

How to Get Reclaimer 18

Complete All Challenges of Sector 23 in the Season 4 Battle Pass

The Reclaimer 18 can be unlocked by completing all challenges of Sector 23 in the Season 4 Battle Pass. In addition, you will also need to get 5 Operator Headshot or Special Zombie critical kills with Shotguns.

Current Battle Pass End Dates and Rewards

Reclaimer 18 Best Loadout and Build

Reclaimer 18 Loadout Setup

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Reclaimer 18 Attachment Setup

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Reclaimer 18 Camo Challenges

All Reclaimer 18 MW3 Camos

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All Reclaimer 18 Attachments

Reclaimer 18 Barrels

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Reclaimer 18 Muzzles

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Reclaimer 18 Optics

This section is currently under investigation.

Reclaimer 18 Receivers

This section is currently under investigation.

Reclaimer 18 Rear Grips

This section is currently under investigation.

Reclaimer 18 Underbarrels

This section is currently under investigation.

Reclaimer 18 Stocks

This section is currently under investigation.

Reclaimer 18 Lasers

This section is currently under investigation.

Reclaimer 18 Magazines

This section is currently under investigation.

Reclaimer 18 Ammunitions

This section is currently under investigation.

Reclaimer 18 Trigger Actions

This section is currently under investigation.

Reclaimer 18 Guards

This section is currently under investigation.

Reclaimer 18 Combs

This section is currently under investigation.

Reclaimer 18 Bolts

This section is currently under investigation.

Reclaimer 18 Loaders

This section is currently under investigation.

Reclaimer 18 Stats Overview

Reclaimer 18 Max Level and Class

Reclaimer 18
Class Shotgun Rounds TBD
Max Level TBD Reserve TBD
Fire Modes TBD

Reclaimer 18 Stats

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Reclaimer 18


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