Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

Best Bas-B Loadout and Build

Modern Warfare 3 - Best Bas-B Loadout and Build

The Bas-B is a type of Battle Rifle in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (MW3). Learn the best loadout and build setup for the Bas-B, including its camo challenges, how to unlock, attachments, and stats.

Bas-B Best Loadout and Build

Bas-B Attachment Setup

Muzzle VT-7 Spiritfire Suppressor L
Barrel Bruen Venom Long Barrel
Stock Ravage-20 Heavy Stock
Magazine 45 Round Mag
Optic SL Truesight 2.5x

This Bas-B build focuses on further improving gun control and firing stability to eliminate your opponents with ease from medium to long-range since you won't be able to move around fast with this Battle Rifle.

The Bruen Venom Long Barrel, Bruen Venom Long Barrel, and VT-7 Spiritfire Suppressor L all increase bullet range and lessen the Bas-B's recoil. The suppressor will open you up for some sneaky plays as you won't be detectable on the radar when shooting.

You'll also want to go for the 45 Round Mag for more ammunition, allowing you to take on multiple enemies. For Optics, you can settle for a SL Truesight 2.5x so you can zoom-in a bit closer on your targets.

List of All Attachments

Bas-B Loadout Setup

Weapon Loadout
Vest Infantry Vest
Gloves Marksman Gloves
Gear Mag Holster
Field Upgrade Munitions Box
Tactical Smoke Grenade
Lethal Breacher Drone

This Loadout for the Bas-B is kitted out with the Infantry Vest so you can Tac-Sprint for a longer duration, since your movement is impaired with this weapon.

The Mag Holster allows you to reload faster as Battle Rifles in general have a slow reload time. Your aim should be more stable as the Marksman Gloves reduces swaying while Aiming Down Sights (ADS)

Smoke Grenades can also be deployed to hinder the vision of your opponents if you find yourself defending a lot of angles. You can even send out a Breacher Drone to help clear out corners and flush out enemies lurking behind tight corridors.

▶ List of Perks ▶ List of Equipment

How to Get Bas-B

How to Unlock Bas-B in MW3

Base Game MW3 GunModern Warfare 3 Gun
How to Unlock Unlocked at Level 7.

How to Level Up Fast

Bas-B Camo Challenges

All Bas-B MW3 Camos

Camo Challenge
Sunset Blur Get 50 kills with the BAS-B
Phantom Glitch Get 50 kills while Fully Auto with the BAS-B
Orange Sands Get 10 kills while using a magnification scope attachment with the BAS-B
White Satin Get 15 headshot kills with the BAS-B
Gilded BAS-B Get 3 Operator kills with 1 magazine 10 times with the BAS-B
Forged BAS-B Get 10 Multikills with the BAS-B
Priceless BAS-B Get 25 Supressed Clean Kills with the Bas-B
Interstellar BAS-B Complete 36 Priceless Camo Challenges
Reality Blur In Zombies, get 250 kills with the BAS-B
Spirit Glitch In Zombies, get 250 kills in the Medium or High Threat Zone with the BAS-B
Forest Sands In Zombies, get 250 kills with Frost Damage with the BAS-B
Black Satin In Zombies, get 20 consecutive kills with the BAS-B 10 times without taking damage
Golden Enigma BAS-B In Zombies, get 100 kills and successfully extract with the BAS-B in a single deployment.
Zircon Scale BAS-B In Zombies, get 300 kills with the BAS-B while it's Pack-A-Punched
Serpentinite BAS-B In Zombies, get 10 special or elite zombie kills with the BAS-B
Borealis BAS-B Complete 36 Serpentinite Camo Challenges

List of All Camo Challenges for Every Weapon

All Bas-B Attachments

Bas-B Barrels

Bruen Venom Long Barrel Short 8" Bruen SZ-45 Barrel Wyvern's Respite Long Barrel
Crippling Malice Integral Suppressor Bruen Wyvern Light Short Barrel

Bas-B Muzzles

Eight-Point Flash Hider TA Hul-Breach KL Kastovia DX90
Polarfire-S Cronen Dark KX30 Lockshot KT85
TY-LR8 Bore-490 Husher-65 Silencer
ZULU-60 SAKIN Tread-40 ZLR Talon 5
TZL-90 V3 Tempus GH50 GL Clear Breach
Echoline GS-X SA Leveler 55 Cronen SP-DR
HMRES Mod Suppressor EX-01 Match Compensator L4R Flash Hider
Purifier Muzzle Brake STER45 Skyfury Compensator VT-7 Soulstealer Suppressor
Sonic Suppressor Shadowstrike Suppressor VT-7 Spiritfire Suppressor L
HMRES Mod Suppressor L Monolithic Suppressor L Sonic Suppressor L
Colossus Suppressor L Bruen Harmonic Suppressor L STER45 Skyfury Compensator L
ELR Blackfire Compensator L T4LR Saber Compensator L EX-01 Match Compensator L
T51R Billeted Brake L Purifier Muzzle Brake L Casus Brake L
S-37C DL Breacher Device L Endless 30 Compensator ZEHMN35 Compensated Flash Hider

Bas-B Optics

Corio RE-X Pro Forge Tac Delta 4 Aim Op-V4
XRK On-Point Optic SZ SRO-7 Drexsom Prime-90
Teplo Clear Shot Kazan-Holo VLK 4.0 Optic
DF105 Reflex Sight Thermo-Optic X9 HMW-20 Optic
Hybrid Firepoint Luca Bandera Scope SZ Lonewolf Optic
Monocle CT90 Corvus Downrange-00 SZ Holotherm
Angel-40 4.8x TX4 Havoc VX350 Thermal Optic
Teplo-OP3 Scope DR582 Hybrid Sight ARES Clear Shot
FTac Charlie7 SZ Bullseye Optic Schlager Night View
Cronen Zero-P Optic XTEN Angel-40 BPZ40 Hybrid
SZ Vortex-90 Corvus SOL-76 3X RFL-Optic
DS Farsight 11 SZ Oscar-9 Schlager 3.4x
SZ Battle Optic SZ Aggressor-IR Optic Corio Enforcer Optic
SZ Recharge-DX KR Marauder 9 Riser Vigilant-30 C-Iron
Corio ELT-10 2.5X Intlas CAS-14 SL Truesight 2.5x
Nydar Model 2023 MK. 3 Reflector KR V4 1X Riser
KR V4 1X Riser AOK 4.0x RQ-9 Recon AOK 4.0x RQ-9 Recon
FSS Spectre Microtherm Slate Reflector Caucasus Reflex Sight
Chrios Holo XTen ERX-10 Mini KR Mortis Precision 2.5X
Corio Eagleseye 2.5X TOS Nightfall 2.5X Thermal Optic TOS Nightfall 2.5X Thermal Optic
Corvus Ghostview SZ HM5 Precision Hybrid Optic Cronen Intlas MSP-12
JAK Bullseye Dragon's Eye Optic Rhino Reflex
KR Intlas LSJ-3

Bas-B Rear Grips

D37 Grip Bruen GR-500 Tourney Tac Grip

Bas-B Underbarrels

VX Pineapple Cronen Grooveshot Grip OP-X9 Foregrip
Commando Foregrip TV Wrecker Grip Corvus Masterkey
FTac Ripper 56 Demo Cleanshot 40 Demo Firm Grip
FSS Sharkfin 90 Cornerstone Bipod Bruen Sync Shot Grip
XTEN Gravedigger Level Aim Bipod XTEN Drop Grip
Bruen Tilt Grip Demo Imp-44 Grip Bipod V9 Grip
Phase-3 Grip Operator Foregrip Agent Grip
XTen Nexus Grip EXF Backdraft Grip Bruen Warrior Grip
XTen Stable Shot Edge-47 Grip SPW 40mm HE
SPW 40mm Drill Chewk Angled Grip XTen TX-12 Handstop
Kimura RYN-03 Vertical Grip Kimura RYN-03 Vertical Grip SL Skeletal Vertical Grip
Bruen Tactical Vertical Grip Bruen Pivot Vertical Grip Ftac SP-10 Angled Grip
Bruen Bastion Angled Grip Bruen Heavy Support Grip XRK Edge BW-4 Handstop
Holger Vertical Grip FTAC MSP-98 Handstop DR-6 Handstop
XTEN Phantom-5 Handstop FTAC RS-9 Stealth Angled Grip Kimura Seraphic Vertical Grip
JAK Purifier Core BP2

Bas-B Stocks

Heavy Support Stock FSS Ravager-45 Stock FSS Titan Stock
Ravage-20 Heavy Stock Bruen LAUR4 Light Precision Stock Stockless Mod
Bruen Flash V8 Light Stock Bruen Minuteman Stock

Bas-B Lasers

SL Razorhawk Laser Light CS15 Scarlet Mounted Laser CS15 Scarlet Box Laser
Pro Sapphire Box Laser Verdant Hook Box Laser

Bas-B Magazines

45 Round Mag 30 Round Mag

Bas-B Ammunition

.277 Low Grain .277 Frangible .277 Hollowpoint
.277 Armor Piercing .277 Overpressure+P .277 High Velocity
.277 Incendiary .277 Fury High Grain .277 Round Nose
.277 Mono

Bas-B Trigger Actions

Bas-B doesn't have Trigger Actions.

Bas-B Guards

Bas-B doesn't have Guards.

Bas-B Combs

Bas-B doesn't have Combs.

Bas-B Bolts

Bas-B doesn't have Bolts.

Bas-B Loaders

Bas-B doesn't have Loaders.

Bas-B Stats Overview

Bas-B Max Level and Class

Class Battle Rifle Rounds 20
Max Level 29 Reserve 80
Fire Modes Full-Auto/Semi-Auto
A highly controllable and powerful Battle Rifle chambered in 6.8 Wrath designed for all-around reliability and performance.

Bas-B Stats

Damage Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) - Damage
Fire Rate Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) - Fire Rate
Range Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) - Range
Accuracy Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) - Accuracy
Recoil Control Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) - Recoil Control
Mobility Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) - Mobility
Handling Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) - Handling

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1 KD7 months

It would be awesome if we got conversion kit stats


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