Shin Megami Tensei 3: Nocturne (SMT Nocturne)

Burial Chamber Guide

Shin Megami Tensei III Nocturne - Burial Chamber Guide (1).png
This is a guide to the Kalpa Dungeon Burial Chambers in Shin Megami Tensei III HD Remaster (SMT Nocturne) for the Switch, PS4, and Steam. Read on to learn more about what Burial Chambers are and how to access them.

What are Burial Chambers?

They are Special Rooms in Kalpa Dungeons

Burial Chamber Room

Burial Chambers are special rooms scattered throughout each level of the Amala Labyrinth. Inside are the tombstones of the bosses players have previously defeated.

Re-live Boss Fights

Re-live Forneus Boss Battle

These rooms will allow players to fight defeated bosses, multiple times. The difference is that players fight these old battles with their current stats and demonic roster.

How to Use Burial Chambers

Obtain the Black Visor

Black Visor Location

In order to use the tombstones inside these chambers, players will have to obtain the key item, Black Visor.

It can be found behind the locked silver door in the 1st Kalpa Dungeon.

Interact with Tombstone

Burial Chamber Tombstone Interaction

After obtaining the Black Visor, players are free to interact with a tombstone in order to re-live a boss fight.

Note, the rewards will not be that great. Even when playing on Merciful, EXP and Macca rewards will not multiply.

Keep Score

Burial Chamber Keeping Score

After each fight, the tombstone will record how many turns it took for the player to kill the boss. This can be improved by trying multiple times, or by leveling up and coming back.

List of Burial Chambers

Forneus and Troll Burial Chamber

The Forneus and Troll Burial Chamber is found in the 1F level of the First Kalpa Dungeon. It is the circular room in the southeast corner of the 1F.

Orthrus and Yaksini Burial Chamber

The Orthrus and Yaksini Burial Chamber can be found in the B1 level of the First Kalpa. This area can be accessed through an invisible wall in the northwest corner of the 1F level.

Kaiwan and Ose Burial Chamber

The Kaiwan and Ose Burial Chamber is found in the B3 level of the Second Kalpa Dungeon. It can be accessed through the western doorway of the B3 Room with Invisible Walls.

Moirae Sisters and Mizuchi Burial Chamber

The Moirae Sisters and Mizuchi Burial Chamber can be found in the B3 level of the Second Kalpa Dungeon. It can be accessed through the northern doorway of the B3 Room with Invisible Walls.

Kin-Ki, Fuu-Ki, and Sui-Ki Burial Chamber

The Kin-Ki, Fuu-Ki, and Sui-Ki Burial Chamber can be found in the Strength Section (1F level) of the Third Kalpa Dungeon. Players will need to have 25 base Strength to explore the entire Strength Section.

Ongyo-Ki, Black Frost, and Mara Burial Chamber

The Ongyo-Ki, Black Frost, and Mara Burial Chamber can be found in the Luck Section (1F level) of the Third Kalpa Dungeon. Players will need to have 18 base Luck to explore the entire Luck Section.

Specter and Sakahagi Burial Chamber

The Specter and Sakahagi Burial Chamber can be found in the 1F level of the Fourth Kalpa Dungeon. It can be accessed by going through the left hall with invisible walls, after first entering the Kalpa.

Players will first need to kill the boss, Beelzebub, to clear this Burial Chamber's corridor of the curse. Otherwise, they will take a lot of damage before they can reach it.

Aciel, Albion, and Skadi Burial Chamber

The Aciel, Albion, and Skadi Burial Chamber can be found in the Road to Hell level of the Fourth Kalpa Dungeon. It can be accessed by entering the 12 Meters of Eternity portal at the Kagutsuchi phases of 1, 3, 5, or 7.

Note that the first two doors leading to this Burial Chamber are invisible. So keep an eye on the walls to your right as you go down the first corridor in the Road to Hell.

Mithra and Thor Burial Chamber

The Mithra and Thor Burial Chamber can be found in the B2 level of the Fifth Kalpa Dungeon. It can be accessed by taking the northeast ladder in the floor above.

Do note that the Thor boss battle here is your 2nd encounter with him in the Tower of Kagutsuchi, level 3.

Ahriman, Noah, and Baal Avatar Burial Chamber

The Ahriman, Noah, and Baal Avatar Burial Chamber can be found in the B5 level of the Fifth Kalpa Dungeon. It can only be accessed by fusing Metatron and presenting him to the locked door in the B4 level.

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