Shin Megami Tensei 3: Nocturne (SMT Nocturne)

Ikebukuro and Mantra HQ Walkthrough, Boss Battles, and Item Locations

Ikebukuro Walkthrough

This is a story walkthrough for Ikebukuro in Shin Megami Tensei III HD Remaster (SMT Nocturne) for the Nintendo Switch, PS4, and Steam. Here you'll find a guide on how to complete this area, story section, boss strategies, general tips, and a list of items that can be found.

Previous Next
Ginza and the Great Underpass Assembly of Nihilo

Ikebukuro Maps



Mantra Headquarters

60F - 64F

Ikebukuro Story Walkthrough

Ikebukuro Mall

1 At West Hall 1F, you may choose to ignore the Oni demon and go on straight ahead, or talk to it now IF you want to fight.
Fighting Oni is completely optional.
2 Walk down the stairs and enter through the door.
Cathedral of Shadows can be found on the 2nd East door.
Junk Shop can be located on the 3rd East door. Fountain of Life can be found on the 1st west door.
Terminal can be found on the 2nd West door.
3 Go through the first East door, and then climb the stairs. At the top, enter the North door to access Mantra's Headquarters.
We recommend saving the game before proceeding with this step.

Mantra Headquarters - Part 1

Mantra HQ

4 Upon entering, a cutscene will play, and you will then be locked away by Thor.
5 Examine both the left-side and right-side walls. After doing that, the Demon Guard will permit you to get out.
step 5
6 After being let out, turn right, then left, and enter the West door.
7 After the cutscene, a boss fight will ensue.
You have the option to prepare for this fight, Orthrus will let you decide if you are ready or not. We suggest equipping Shiranui Magatama for this fight.
Boss Fight orthrusBoss Battle: Orthrus
9 Immediately after the fight with Orthrus, you will face Yaksini.
You have the option to prepare for this fight, Yaksini will let you decide if you are ready or not. We suggest equipping Hifumi Magatama for this fight.
Boss Fight yaksiniBoss Battle: Yaksini
11 Immediately after the fight with Yaksini, you will face Thor.
You have the option to prepare for this fight, Thor will let you decide if you are ready or not. We suggest equipping Kamudo Magatama for this fight.
Boss Fight thorBoss Battle: Thor
13 After the battle, Thor will allow you to go see Gozu-Tennoh. Shortly after, you will be taken back to Ikebukuro Mall.

Obtain Narukami Magatama After the Battle with Thor

Thor will become impressed that you beat him, and will impart with you Narukami Magatama as a reward.

Mantra Headquarters - Part 2

14 You will have to return to Mantra Headquarters, but prepare for a Boss Fight with either Raidou or Dante.
We recommend you save the game and level grind up to at least Lvl.23. Likewise, we suggest equipping Kamudo Magatama.
Boss Fight Boss Battle: Raidou (Chronicles Pack)
Boss Fight danteBoss Battle: Dante (Maniax Pack)
16 After the fight, enter Mantra Headquarters again.
17 Continue forward and enter the door.
In the next room, there is an S-Terminal located at the Northwest door behind the Oni.
18 Enter the first East door. In the new hallway, turn left and head for the North door.
19 Go up the flight of stairs to reach 2F.
20 Follow the path and enter the West door.
21 Go straight and enter the West door. An elevator will be on the other side of the room.
22 Enter the elevator and go up to 3F.
23 On 3F, go to the East door.
24 Turn right to the Arena Platform, continue forward, and then turn right and enter the West door.
There is an Oni demon that can point you to where Gozu-Tennoh is.
25 Continue and get on the elevator. Go up to 60F.
26 Take the closest set of stairs and go up to proceed to 64F.
27 Go through the door located on 64F. Head straight and enter Gozu-Tennoh's Chamber. A cutscene will play.
28 Gozu-Tennoh will reward you a gift. He will also ask a question and your response will influence Reason alignment and affect the ending you get.
"I am at your service." (Yosuga)
"I decline." (Shijima)
"Let me think about it." (Musubi)
29 After this exchange, go back to Ikebukuro Mall to use the Amala Link to transport to Ginza and fulfill Gozu-Tennoh's command.
30 Head to Assembly of Nihilo to proceed with the story.

Response to Gozu-Tennoh Will Affect Reason


Your response to Gozu-Tennoh when he offers you to join the Mantra will point to your Reason alignment so far in the game, and this will affect the ending you get.

Response Reason
"I'm at your service." Yosuga
"I decline." Shijima
"Let me think about it." Musubi

Endings Guide: How to Get All Endings

Gozu-Tennoh Will Grant Two New Slots In Your Party


As a reward from Gozu-Tennoh, he will grant you a power that will free up two new vacant slots for putting demons in your party.

Face Raidou in the Chronicles Pack DLC

Raidou will be your opponent in the boss fight if you are playing the base game. He will introduce himself as someone who is tasked to hunt down a Fiend.

How to Get Raidou

Face Dante in the Maniax Pack DLC

In place of Raidou, Dante will be your opponent in the boss fight if you are playing Maniax Pack DLC. He will play a similar role and will introduce himself as someone who is tasked to hunt down a Fiend.

How to Get Dante

Ikebukuro Boss Fights


Orthrus Boss Fight

First off in the tournament is Orthrus. Exploit his weakness and you'll get through just fine.

Orthrus Boss Battle Guide

List of Strengths and Weaknesses

List of Boss Weaknesses

Orthrus is weak towards Ice and will be highly susceptible to Ice attacks. Exploit this weakness as much as you can, bring along demons that have Ice skills.

List of Boss Strengths
Attacks Fire
Absorb Fire
Void Nerve, Mind
Resist Curse

Orthrus utilizes Fire attacks. He will use both single-target and multi-target Fire attacks, so don't summon demons that have Fire weakness!

Likewise, Orthrus Absorbs Fire, Voids Nerve and Mind attacks, and Resists Curse. We suggest avoiding using these types of attacks as they will be useless against Orthrus.

Recommended Magatama to Use

We recommend equipping Shiranui Magatama, as it will enable Demi-Fiend to Null Fire.

How to Get Shiranui Magatama


Yaksini Boss Fight

Yaksini is a bit tougher than Orthrus but electrify her with Zio attacks to quickly end the battle.

Yaksini Boss Battle Guide

List of Strengths and Weaknesses

List of Boss Weaknesses

Yaksini is weak towards Elec and will be highly susceptible to Elec attacks. Exploit this weakness as much as you can, bring along demons that have Elec skill.

List of Boss Strengths
Attacks Force
Void Force, Light, Nerve, and Mind
Resist Curse

Yaksini uses Force attacks. It will use both single-target and multi-target Force attacks, so don't summon demons that have Force weakness.

Likewie, Yaksini Voids Force, Light, Nerve, and Mind attacks, and Resists Curse. We suggest avoiding using these types of attacks as they will be useless against Yaksini.

Recommended Magatama to Use

Equipping Hifumi Magatama will enable Demi-Fiend to Null Force. Likewise, bring along demons that can Block Force to disrupt Yaksini's turns.

How to Get Hifumi Magatama


Thor Boss Fight

Thor finally deigns to challenge you. Thor packs a wallop, so be ready with your healing spells.

Thor Boss Battle Guide

List of Strengths and Weaknesses

List of Boss Weaknesses
None, but Phys Attacks can go a long way.

Thor has no Elemental Weakness, however, utilizing Phys Attacks and Magic Attacks except for Force, Light, Nerve, and Mind, are effective in inflicting damage on Thor.

List of Boss Strengths
Attacks Elec
Reflect Elec and Light
Void Dark, Nerve, and Mind
Resist Curse
Recovery Diarama

Thor uses Elec Attacks. It will use both high damage single-target and multi-target Elec attacks, so don't summon demons that have Elec weakness.

Likewise, Thor can Reflect Elec and Light, Void Dark, Nerve, and Mind attacks, Resist Curse, and can heal itself with Diarama.

Recommended Magatama to Use

We reommend equipping Kamudo Magatama which will boost Strength and will increase your Phys Attack’s damage output. It will also boost Vitaility which will increase your HP, helping you stay longer in this fight.

How to Get Kamudo Magatama

Obtainable Magatamas


Narukami is rewarded to you after defeating Thor.

Thor Boss Battle Guide


Gaea can be accessed through the locked door near the jail cells in Mantra Headquarters (B1). It's behind a locked door that needs a specific amount of base STR to open!

How to Get Gaea Magatama

Raidou / Dante

List of Strengths and Weaknesses

List of Boss Weaknesses
None, but using both Phys and Magic skills can go a long way.

Neither Raidou nor Dante will have weaknesses, however you can still utilize both Phys and Magic attacks to inflict damage onto them.

List of Boss Strengths
Attacks Phys Attacks
Void Light, Instakill, Ailments
Resist Phys and Magic

Raidou / Dante will utilize Phys attacks, likewise they have a buff called Provoke that will buff their Phys attacks and drastically decrease your party's defense. They will also Void Light, Instakill, and any type of Ailment skill, so don't use them as it will not be fruitful.

While Raidou / Dante can resist both Phys and Magic attacks, they are not totally immune to it. Buff your attacks beforehand, and always dedicate a turn to debuff them in order to inflict more damage.

Recommended Magatama to Use

We reommend equipping Kamudo Magatama which will boost Strength and will increase your Phys Attack’s damage output. It will also boost Vitaility which will increase your HP, helping you stay longer in this fight.

How to Get Kamudo Magatama

Ikebukuro Obtainable Items

Ikebukuro: B2

Obtained from Items
1 Cache Cube Bead x 1

Ikebukuro: B1

Obtained from Items
1 Cache Cube Repulse Bell x 1

Ikebukuro: 1F

Obtained from Items
1 Cache Cube It's a trap! Your party takes damage.
2 Cache Cube Bead x 2
3 Mystical Chest Strength Incense x 1
4 Mystical Chest Chakra Pot x 1

Mantra Headquarters: B1

Obtained from Items
1 Cache Cube
Door can only be opened with 24 base Str.
Gaea Magatama
2 Mystical Chest
Accessible after a certain point in the story
Bead of Life

Mantra Headquarters: 1F

Obtained from Items
1 Cache Cube Mamudo Rock x 1

Mantra Headquarters: 2F

Obtained from Items
1 Cache Cube Attract Pipe x 1

Mantra Headquarters: 3F

Obtained from Items
1 Cache Cube Bead x 1
2 Mystical Chest
Accessible after a certain point in the story
Strength Incense x 1

Mantra Headquarters: 60F - 64F

Obtained from Items
1 Cache Cube 3000 Macca

Ikebukuro General Tips

Prepare for the Boss Fights

There will be several Boss Fights that will ensue in this area. Be sure you're prepared.

Check out our guides to know different bosses' strengths and weaknesses, how to beat them, which Magatama to equip, and more.

All Boss Battle Guides

Level Up to At Least Lvl.22

Keep strengthening Demi-Fiend and your demons in order to last longer in this area. You can expect your stats to be exhausted in this area as many boss fights will ensue.

Leveling Guide: Best Leveling Areas

Obtain Kamudo Magatama Beforehand

Kamudo Magatama will be vital in the boss battles against Thor and Raidou/Dante. This magatama will boost your HP and Str, making you last longer and inflict more damage.

How to Get Kamudo Magatama

Obtain Hifumi Magatama Beforehand

Hifumi Magatama will be vital in the boss battle against Yaksini. This magatama will protect you from its Force attacks, nulling the attacks, making Yaksini lose its turns.

How to Get Hifumi Magatama

Obtain Shiranui Magatama Beforehand

Shiranui Magatama will be vital in the boss battle against Orthrus. This magatama will protect you from its Fire attacks, nulling the attacks, making Orthrus lose its turns.

How to Get Shiranui Magatama

Shin Megami Tensei 3: Nocturne Related Links

Story Walkthrough

Story Walkthrough

Story Walkthrough Guides

Prologue - Shinjuku Hospital WalkthroughShinjuku Hospital Walkthrough Shibuya and Yoyogi Park WalkthroughYoyogi Park and Shibuya Walkthrough
Amala NetworkAmala Network 1 Walkthrough Ginza Walkthrough and Boss GuidesGinza and the Great Underpass Walkthrough
Ikebukuro WalkthroughIkebukuro Walkthrough Assembly of Nihilo WalkthroughAssembly of Nihilo Walkthrough
Kabukicho WalkthroughKabukicho Walkthrough Asakusa and Obelisk WalkthroughAsakusa and Obelisk Walkthrough
Amala Network 2 WalkthroughAmala Network 2 Walkthrough Yoyogi Park 2 WalkthroughYoyogi Park 2 Walkthrough
Amala Temple WalkthroughAmala Temple Walkthrough Mifunashiro and Yurakucho WalkthroughMifunashiro and Yurakucho Walkthrough
Diet Building WalkthroughDiet Building Walkthrough Bandou Shrine WalkthroughBandou Shrine Walkthrough
Tower of Kagutsuchi WalkthroughTower of Kagutsuchi Walkthrough

Endings Guide: How to Get All Endings

Labyrinth of Amala Guides

First Kalpa GuideFirst Kalpa Area
Recommended level: 20
Second Kalpa GuideSecond Kalpa Area
Recommended level: 35
Third Kalpa GuideThird Kalpa Area
Recommended level: 50
Fourth Kalpa Walkthrough Fourth Kalpa Area
Recommended level: 65
Fifth Kalpa GuideFifth Kalpa Area
Recommended level: 75

DLC Dungeon Guides

Where the Demi-Fiend was Born GuideWhere the Demi-Fiend was Born Center of the Conception GuideCenter of the Conception


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