Shin Megami Tensei 3: Nocturne (SMT Nocturne)

Amala Network 2 Walkthrough, Boss Battles, and Item Locations

Amala Network 2 Walkthrough

This is a story walkthrough for Amala Network 2 in Shin Megami Tensei III HD Remaster (SMT Nocturne) for the Nintendo Switch, PS4, and Steam. Here you'll find a guide on how to complete this area, story section, boss strategies, general tips, and a list of items that can be found.

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Asakusa and Obelisk Yoyogi Park 2

Amala Network 2 Maps


Amala Network 2 Story Walkthrough

Shinjuku Medical Center - Asakusa

1 Fast-travel to Shinjuku Medical Center and head to 2F Annex B, then go to Room B204.
Prepare for a boss fight before proceeding.
Boss Fight black rider.jpgBoss Battle: Black Rider
Obtain the Menorah of Wisdom after defeating Black Rider.
3 Head back to Asakusa and speak with Hijiri. Tell him to take you to where Isamu is.

Amala Network

4 Go through the door and keep pushing foward North along the 4-split hallway.
5 Go North again, and head through the door.
6 Take the right-side hallway going Northeast.
7 Take the left-side hallway going Northwest. Go through the door (Anomaly). A cutscene with Hijiri will play.
8 Go through the door and follow the path. Climb up the stairs. Go through the door.
9 Take the right-side hallway and go through the door. Follow the path until you reach the 4-split hallway.
10 Continue straight ahead and go through the North door.
An S-Terminal is located at the West door.
A Healing Room is located at the East door.
11 Move forward until a short cutscene plays. Take the right-side hallway, continue forward until a short cutscene plays. Turn right, you will be transported back to the starting point.
12 Go forward again until a short cutscene plays. Take the right-side hallway again, and. then turn left this time. Continue forward going West, and then turn right to to where a cache cube is located.Pace forward, and then turn left and go through the door.
13 Head up the stairs to 1F and go through the door.
14 Take the right-side path going North East and continue forward until a short cutscene plays. Turn right to the dim hallway, you will transported back to the starting point.
15 Take the right-side path again and continue forward until the previous short cutscene plays. Turn right to the dim hallway again.
16 From the starting point, take the left-side path this time and continue forward until a short cutscene plays. Follow the path and turn left.
17 From the starting point again, take the right-side path and continue forward, and then turn right to teleport back to the starting point.
18 Take the left-side path and continue forward until a short cutscene plays. Go through the dim hallway. Take the right-side path after getting transported back to the starting point and then turn right again. Repeat the process until this is what your map looks like:
step 18
19 Take the left-side path and go through the dim hallway again. Immediately turn left to the opened pathway. If you spot a cache cube, you're in the right place. Keep going North and head through the door! Finally!
step 19
20 Take the left-side path. A cutscene will play. Turn left again and get teleported to the previous starting point. Take the right-side path this time, continue forward until a cutscene plays. Go through the door.
21 Turn left and go through the West door. A cutscene with Specter will play.
Prepare for a boss fight against Specter before proceeding with this step.
An S-Terminal is located at the North door.
Boss Fight specterBoss Battle: Specter
23 After the battle, continue forward and turn right until a short cutscene appears. Go through the door to get to the Anomaly. Another cutscene will play.
Your response will affect your Reason.
You want to pass?
"Yes." (No Effect)
"No." (No Effect)
"……" (Musubi)
What’s your name?
Say your name. (No Effect)
"……" (Musubi)
You like solitude?
"Yes." (Musubi)
"No." (No Effect)
"……" (Musubi)
Can you live on your own?
"Yes." (Musubi)
"No." (No Effect)
"……" (No Effect)
24 A cutscene will play. Your response to Isamu will affect the ending of the game.
"I can relate." (Musubi Flag 1 / 2)
"That’s messed up." (Reject Musubi)
"Hard to say." (No Effect)
25 Go through the door and head North to exit the Amala Network. A cutscene with Hijiri will play. You will return to Asakusa.


26 Head for Nakamise-Dori's East exit and leave the area.
27 Head to the North Asakusa building located in the inner ring.
28 Climb up the set of stairs and turn right. Climb up and then exit the area.
29 Enter the nearby building to the Southeast. Follow the path and talk to the Hua Po demon for valuable information regarding Hikawa.
30 Turn left and head down the stairs. Turn left again and use the S-Terminal to return to Asakusa proper and then fast-travel to Ikebekuro and meet Hikawa at Mantra Headquarters.


31 Head to Mantra Headquarters until you reach the stairs leading up to the main entrance. A cutscene with Hikawa will play.
32 Your response to Hikawa will affect the ending of the game.
"Actually, I do." (Shijima Flag 1 / 2)
"You’re deluded." (Reject Shijima)


33 Fast-travel to Asakusa. A cutscene with Hijiri will play.
34 Go to Mifunashiro via the Asakusa buildings. A cutscene with Futomimi and a group of Manikin will play.
35 Exit the area and return to the nearby bulding.
36 Head back towards Nakamise-Dori. For convenience, you can use the S-Terminal located inside the building nearby Mifunashiro.
37 Go to the West door along Nakamise-Dori. Follow the corridor until you reach the prompt about a "terrifying demon."
Prepare to face Pale Rider before proceeding.
Boss Fight pale riderBoss Battle: Pale Rider
Obtain the Menorah of Majesty after defeating Pale Rider.
39 Exit the area to proceed with the story.

Obtain the Menorah of Wisdom After Defeating Black Rider

You will obtain the Menorah of Wisdom after defeating Black Rider in Shinjuku Medical Center.

Your Response to Isamu in Amala Network Will Affect the Ending

Your response to Isamu in Amala Network will affect the ending of the game.

Response Effect
"I can relate." (Musubi Flag 1 / 2)
"That’s messed up." (Reject Musubi)
"Hard to say." (No Effect)

Your Response to Hikawa in Mantra Headquarters Will Affecting the Ending

Your response to Hikawa in Mantra Headquarters will affect the ending of the game.

Response Effect
"Actually, I do." (Shijima Flag 1 / 2)
"You’re deluded." (Reject Shijima)

Obtain the Menorah of Majesty After Defeating Pale Rider.

Obtain the Menorah of Majesty after defeating Pale Rider.

Amala Network 2 Boss Fights

Black Rider

Black Rider Boss Fight

One of the horsemen who watch over the Menorah. Watch out for his curse attacks.

How to Beat Black Rider


None, but Phys and Magic attacks can go a long way.

Black Rider does not have any elemental weakness, however, using Phys and Magic attacks is useful for dealing damage.


Attacks Almighty, Curse, Ice
Void Light, Dark, Ailments
Support Dekaja, Dragon Eye, Call Souls

Black Rider utilizes multi-target Almighty attacks, which cannot be blocked, a multi-target Curse attack that inflicts mute, and a multi-target Ice attack. We recommend bringing along demons that can block Curse and Ice to cut off Black Rider's turns.

Black Rider can void Light, Dark, and Ailment skills, so never use these types of skills as you'll only be wasting your turn. Likewise, Black Rider has Dekaja which removes all buffs in your party, Dragon Eye which grants Black Rider four extra turns, and Call Souls that Black Rider uses to summon Legions.


Specter (2nd Encounter) Boss Fight

Specter returns for round 2. He has a few new tricks up his sleeve.

How to Beat Specter (2nd Encounter)


None, but Phys attacks can go a long way.

Specter does not have any elemental weakness, however, using Phys attacks is useful for dealing damage.


Attacks Almighty
Void All Magic Elements, Light, Dark, Nerve, Mind, Last Resort (Phys)
Support Gathering, Dekunda

Specter utilizes both single-target and multi-target Almighty attacks in this battle. Almighty attacks cannot be blocked or countered, but you can dodge by raising your party's Evasion rate.

Specter voids all elemental Magic attacks, so use Phys attacks in this battle at all times. It also has two Support skills including Gathering which Specter only uses at the start of the battle to generate 5 more of it, and Dekunda which cancels all your debuffs on the enemy.

Pale Rider

Pale Rider Boss Fight

Pale Rider is here to pass the final judgment upon you. Do not come into this fight unprepared.

How to Beat Pale Rider


None, but Phys Attacks can go a long way.

Pale Rider does not have any elemental weakness, however, using Phys Attacks is useful for dealing damage.


Attacks Almighty, Dark/Mind, Phys, Ice
Absorb Last Resort
Void Light, Dark, Ailments, Ice
Support Dragon Eye, Call Evil

Pale Rider utilizes an attack called Pestilence which is a single-target Almighty instakill effective on targets afflicted with poison, a single-target Mind instakill attack called Eternal Rest that is effective on targets afflicted with Sleep, a multi-target Ice attack, and a multi-target Phys attack that afflicts Poison. We recommend bringing along demons that can block Ailment skills, Dark, Phys, and Ice attacks to effectively cut off Pale Rider's turns.

Pale Rider can absorb Last Resort, and void Light, Dark, Ailment, and Ice attacks, so never use these types of attacks as you'll only be wasting your turn.

Likewise, Pale Rider has Dragon Eye which grants its party four extra turns, and Call Evil which Pale Rider uses to summon Loa demons that mainly use Dark, Mind, and Almighty attacks.

Amala Network 2 Obtainable Items


Obtained from Items
1 Cache Cube Dis-Charm x 1
2 Cache Cube Medicine x 1


Obtained from Items
1 Cache Cube Life Stone x 1


Obtained from Items
1 Cache Cube Chakra Drop x 1
2 Cache Cube Magic Mirror x 1
3 Cache Cube Magic Mirror x 1
4 Cache Cube It's a trap! Your party takes damage.

Amala Network 2 General Tips

Be Patient in the Amala Network and Follow the Steps Closely

Specter will make it hard for you to reach Isamu in Amala Network by messing with the paths and walls in the area. Be patient and follow the guide to get out of the maze ASAP.

Level Up Demi-Fiend to at Least Lvl.65

At this point in the game, Demi-Fiend should be at least lvl.65 to take on the bosses in the area. Likewise, you will able to possess more powerful demons as Demi-Fiend grows stronger.

Leveling Guide

Shin Megami Tensei 3: Nocturne Related Links

Story Walkthrough

Story Walkthrough

Story Walkthrough Guides

Prologue - Shinjuku Hospital WalkthroughShinjuku Hospital Walkthrough Shibuya and Yoyogi Park WalkthroughYoyogi Park and Shibuya Walkthrough
Amala NetworkAmala Network 1 Walkthrough Ginza Walkthrough and Boss GuidesGinza and the Great Underpass Walkthrough
Ikebukuro WalkthroughIkebukuro Walkthrough Assembly of Nihilo WalkthroughAssembly of Nihilo Walkthrough
Kabukicho WalkthroughKabukicho Walkthrough Asakusa and Obelisk WalkthroughAsakusa and Obelisk Walkthrough
Amala Network 2 WalkthroughAmala Network 2 Walkthrough Yoyogi Park 2 WalkthroughYoyogi Park 2 Walkthrough
Amala Temple WalkthroughAmala Temple Walkthrough Mifunashiro and Yurakucho WalkthroughMifunashiro and Yurakucho Walkthrough
Diet Building WalkthroughDiet Building Walkthrough Bandou Shrine WalkthroughBandou Shrine Walkthrough
Tower of Kagutsuchi WalkthroughTower of Kagutsuchi Walkthrough

Endings Guide: How to Get All Endings

Labyrinth of Amala Guides

First Kalpa GuideFirst Kalpa Area
Recommended level: 20
Second Kalpa GuideSecond Kalpa Area
Recommended level: 35
Third Kalpa GuideThird Kalpa Area
Recommended level: 50
Fourth Kalpa Walkthrough Fourth Kalpa Area
Recommended level: 65
Fifth Kalpa GuideFifth Kalpa Area
Recommended level: 75

DLC Dungeon Guides

Where the Demi-Fiend was Born GuideWhere the Demi-Fiend was Born Center of the Conception GuideCenter of the Conception


4 Anonymousover 1 year

if you play on merciful obviously it's going to be easier for you.

1 Anonymousalmost 2 years

dunno what it means by be atleast level 65 as I'm only level 43 and i beat them with little issues. I'm guessing that was for the highest difficulty or something


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