Shin Megami Tensei 3: Nocturne (SMT Nocturne)

Puzzle Boy Stage 9 Solution

Shin Megami Tensei III Nocturne - Puzzle Boy Guide Stage 9
This is a guide to solving Stage 9 of the Puzzle Boy mini-game for Shin Megami Tensei III: HD Remaster (SMT Nocturne). Learn how to complete the Puzzle Boy Stage 9.

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Puzzle Boy Stage 9 Solution

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Puzzle Boy Stage 9 Step-by-Step Guide

1 From your starting position, take 1 step right and 6 steps up.
2 Now go left and pass through the swivels, following the red path.
3 From there, take 3 steps right.
4 Reset the position of this swivel by following the red path, again.
5 After you reset the swivel, go down and under the lengthwise 3-block. Push it up by 1 step.
6 Go down and around to arrive at the right side of the 3-block. Push it to the left until it hits the wall.
7 Take 1 step to the right, 2 steps up (through the swivel), and 1 step left to arrive at the top of the single block.
8 Push the single block down all the way until it hits the wall.
9 Take 1 step up, 1 step right, and 1 step down (through the swivel) in order to arrive at the right side of the single block.
10 Push the block into the hole to plug it.
11 The way to the blue cube is now clear. Complete the stage.

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