Shin Megami Tensei 3: Nocturne (SMT Nocturne)

First Kalpa Walkthrough and Item Locations

First Kalpa

This is a walkthrough for the First Kalpa in Shin Megami Tensei III HD Remaster (SMT Nocturne) for the Nintendo Switch, PS4, and Steam. Here you'll find a guide on how to complete this area, general tips, and a list of items that can be found.

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- Second Kalpa Walkthrough

How to Unlock First Kalpa

DLC Only Content

You will only be able to access this content if you are playing the Chronicle or Maniax version of the game.

List of DLC and Pricing

Accessible after defeating Matador

Only after defeating Matador in the Great Underpass of Ginza will you be able to access the First Kalpa in the Labyrinth of Amala.

Once you have retrieved Matador's Menorah of Foundation, head back to the Labyrinth of Amala and talk to the Lady in Black by examining the peephole there. The entrance to the First Kalpa will then be unlocked.

How to Beat Matador

First Kalpa Maps

Labyrinth of Amala


First Kalpa


First Kalpa Walkthrough

First Kalpa

1 You'll see a pedestal upon landing. Place the Menorah of Foundation on it.
2 A door behind it will open. head through it.
3 Immediately head to the eastern door and enter it.
4 Head to the northernmost door and enter it.
5 Follow the long, winding corridor until you find a ladder. Go down the ladder to B1.
Enter the door ahead and immediately enter the door right next to it. Beware! This room is full of traps that can send you to the floor below.
Hint: Check the lights on the ceiling. If a light is off, then the tile under it is a trap.
7 Head down the ladder to B2
8 Proceed along the corridor to the southernmost door. Walk through it and head up the stairs.
Enter the door and carefully follow this trajectory to avoid the traps.
10 Activate the switch in the room to unlock a door.
11 Return to the beginning of the First Kalpa (1F).
Head down this ladder.
13 Cross the corridor and go down the ladder at the southern end.
14 Run down to the end of the corridor, and examine the peephole in the next room for a cutscene.
15 After the cutscene, a door will open and you can now head down to the Second Kalpa.

First Kalpa NPCs

First Kalpa 1F NPCs

1 Shady Broker
2 Shady Surgeon
3 Kamala

Shady Broker

Shady Broker First Kalpa 1F

The Shady Broker in the 1st Kalpa will sell a demon to players for 15,000 Macca.

Players will get a special Pisaca that has amazing, world exploration skills.

Pisaca Skills and Stats

Shady Surgeon

Shady Surgeon First Kalpa 1F

The Shady Surgeon will heal players for a steep price. Remember his services if you run out of Recovery items.


Kamala First Kalpa 1F

Kamala is a unique NPC that gives hints as to the locations of new Fiend bosses in the Vortex World.

You can return to her every now and then to inquire whether there are Fiend bosses ready to fight and where they might be.

First Kalpa B2 NPCs

1 Souls Offering Rest

Souls Offering Rest

Souls Offering Rest First Kalpa B2

These two souls will offer the Demi-fiend a chance to rest up and heal. While they will heal your party, players will be teleported back to the dungeon entrance with a few more of their Macca missing.

First Kalpa Obtainable Items

First Kalpa 1F

Obtained from Items
1 Cache Cube Chakra Drop x 1
2 Cache Cube Bead x 1

First Kalpa B1

Obtained from Items
1 Cache Cube Bead x 1
2 Cache Cube Deathstone x 1
3 Mystical Chest Luck Incense x 1
4 Cache Cube Chakra Drop x 1
5 Mystical Chest Jade x 2
6 Cache Cube Attack Mirror x 1
7 Cache Cube Black Visor x 1
8 Cache Cube Deathstone x 1

First Kalpa B2

Obtained from Items
1 Mystical Chest Chakra Pot x 1

First Kalpa General Tips

A Healer Goes a Long Way

Sketchy Souls

You'd have to pay exorbitant amounts of Macca to get healed in the Labyrinth. It always pays to keep a good healer in your roster at all times.

The Soul pictured above sends you back to the beginning of the Labyrinth if you decide to let them heal you.

Look at the Ceiling to Avoid Traps

Look at the ceiling

The center room in B1 has traps that drop you to the lower floor, where you take damage. Look at the lights on the ceiling; if the light is out, that means there is a trap underneath.

Shin Megami Tensei 3: Nocturne Related Links

Story Walkthrough

Story Walkthrough

Story Walkthrough Guides

Prologue - Shinjuku Hospital WalkthroughShinjuku Hospital Walkthrough Shibuya and Yoyogi Park WalkthroughYoyogi Park and Shibuya Walkthrough
Amala NetworkAmala Network 1 Walkthrough Ginza Walkthrough and Boss GuidesGinza and the Great Underpass Walkthrough
Ikebukuro WalkthroughIkebukuro Walkthrough Assembly of Nihilo WalkthroughAssembly of Nihilo Walkthrough
Kabukicho WalkthroughKabukicho Walkthrough Asakusa and Obelisk WalkthroughAsakusa and Obelisk Walkthrough
Amala Network 2 WalkthroughAmala Network 2 Walkthrough Yoyogi Park 2 WalkthroughYoyogi Park 2 Walkthrough
Amala Temple WalkthroughAmala Temple Walkthrough Mifunashiro and Yurakucho WalkthroughMifunashiro and Yurakucho Walkthrough
Diet Building WalkthroughDiet Building Walkthrough Bandou Shrine WalkthroughBandou Shrine Walkthrough
Tower of Kagutsuchi WalkthroughTower of Kagutsuchi Walkthrough

Endings Guide: How to Get All Endings

Labyrinth of Amala Guides

First Kalpa GuideFirst Kalpa Area
Recommended level: 20
Second Kalpa GuideSecond Kalpa Area
Recommended level: 35
Third Kalpa GuideThird Kalpa Area
Recommended level: 50
Fourth Kalpa Walkthrough Fourth Kalpa Area
Recommended level: 65
Fifth Kalpa GuideFifth Kalpa Area
Recommended level: 75

DLC Dungeon Guides

Where the Demi-Fiend was Born GuideWhere the Demi-Fiend was Born Center of the Conception GuideCenter of the Conception


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