Shin Megami Tensei 3: Nocturne (SMT Nocturne)

Puzzle Boy Stage 6 Solution

Shin Megami Tensei III Nocturne - Puzzle Boy Guide Stage 6
This is a guide to solving Stage 6 of the Puzzle Boy mini-game for Shin Megami Tensei III: HD Remaster (SMT Nocturne). Learn how to complete the Puzzle Boy Stage 6.

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Puzzle Boy Stage 6 Solution

Puzzle Boy Stage 6 Video Guide

Puzzle Boy Stage 6 Step-by-Step Guide

1 Push block A 1 step left then, from the top, 1 step down in order to plug the hole.
2 Go to the bottom of block B, and push it up by 1 step.
3 Go to the right side of block B and push it 2 steps to the left.
4 Go to the left side of block B and push it 1 step to the right to allow you to pass.
5 Go down 1 step and flip the swivel by take 1 step to the right.
6 Now push block C to the left until it hits the wall.
7 The swivel should now be free to rotate clockwise. Flip it by from the block where the arrow starts.
8 Go back to the right side of block B, push it to the left by 1 step, then push it from the top by 2 steps to plug the hole.
9 The path to the blue cube should now be free. Complete the stage.

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