Shin Megami Tensei 3: Nocturne (SMT Nocturne)

Tower of Kagutsuchi Walkthrough, Boss Battles, and Item Locations

Wower of Kagustuchi Walkthrough

This is a story walkthrough for Tower of Kagutsuchi in Shin Megami Tensei III HD Remaster (SMT Nocturne) for the Nintendo Switch, PS4, and Steam. Here you'll find a guide on how to complete this area, a story section, boss strategies, general tips, and a list of items that can be found.

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Tower of Kagutsuchi Maps

Tower of Kagutsuchi 1


Tower of Kagutsuchi 2


Tower of Kagutsuchi 3


Tower of Kagutsuchi Story Walkthrough

If you are aiming for the True Demon Ending, you must first clear the Fifth Kalpa in the Amala Labyrinth before proceeding to Tower of Kagutsuchi.

Amala Temple

1 After receiving the Yahiro no Himorogi from Yuko, fast-travel to Amala Temple. Head to the courtyard where the upside down temple is.
2 Head towards the upside down temple. A cutscene will play. Afterwards, walk up to the temple, examine it, and then enter to get inside the central temple. Another cutscene will play.
3 Fast-travel to Assembly of Nihilo to proceed with the story.

Assembly of Nihilo - The Obelisk

4 From the terminal, turn right to the West exit and leave the area.
5 On the overworld, head Southwest then go down the sloping pathwalks to enter the Obelisk.
6 On 132F of Obelisk, go around the block wall, and then ride the block to 135F. Continue forward and ride the block past the column to get to 140F.
7 From the lift, circle around 140F and ride the opposite block to 142F. Examine the light coming from above and ascend to 150F.
8 On 150F, examine the temple structure up ahead and enter the Tower of Kagutsuchi.

Tower of Kagutsuchi 1

We recommend using Float Balls or Liftoma for the area following the fight with Ahriman.

9 A cutscene will play as you enter the tower. Afterwards, ride the the block to move up to the next area.
10 Continue forward going South and enter the South door. Continue forward, past the Manikins, and ride the South block. Continue forward and enter the North door.
11 Continue forward until you reach a large square elevator platform thingy. Ride it to get to 175F. Climb up the stairs then turn right and enter the East door.
An S-terminal is located at the North door.
12 Continue climbing up the set of stairs until you reach 179F. Go through the door.
13 Immediately turn right, follow the length of the path and enter the left-side South door. Use the block to get to the other end of the area.
14 Enter the left-side South door, then turn left and enter the East door. Continue forward and enter another East door.
15 Turn right (ignore the door) and climb up the stairs. Follow the length of the path and ride the block located at the edge.
16 Get off the lift, circle around and climb up the stairs (West) to 187F.
17 Take the farthest block, then turn right going East and climb down the stairs to return to the previous point.
18 Climb up the stairs (West) again and this time take the nearer block to 188F.
19 Continue forward and use the upper 3rd block. Climb down the set of stairs up ahead.
20 Turn right, then turn left to the the path and climb up the stairs. Ride the middle block going down to 187F.
21 Orient the compass North, continue forward past two sets of stairs beside each other and ride the elevator up ahead.
22 On 196F, climb up the left-side stairs. Use the block to go up to 205F. Orient the compast West and head to the block to go up to 209F.

You can reach the S-Terminal by using the other block.
23 Climb the right-side stairs and keep climbing up the next flights of stairs until you reach the block to go up to 215F.
24 Ride the elevator up ahead to 223F. Enter the North door to trigger the boss fight. Boss Fight up ahead! Prepare before entering the door at 223F.
Boss Fight ahriman.jpgBoss Battle: Ahriman
26 Obtain the Earthstone after defeating Ahriman.
27 After defeating Ahriman, turn left and follow the narrow West path. Climb up the stairs and enter the door. Ride the elevator to 231F.
28 Continue forward going South and ride the block to 285F. From the platform, turn left going West and enter the West door.
A Fountain of Life is located at the North door.
29 Continue forward to the other end of the room then turn right to a narrow hallway and then ride the elevator to 302F.

Tower of Kagutsuchi 2

We recommend using Float Balls or Liftoma and Light Balls or Lightoma for this area.

30 From the elevator, follow the corridor and then turn left going North and continue until you reach a wide area. Orient the compass South and enter the South door. Continue forward using the invisi-floors and move forward until you reach the other end of the area.
31 Turn left going East and enter the East door. Turn left and coss the long invisi-floor. Turn left again and cross an L-shaped invisi-floor. Take the first left turn and cross the long invisi-floor.
32 Enter the West door up ahead and climb the stairs. Ride the lift down to 302F, and then move forward and ride the lift to 322F.
33 Climb up the long slope. The camera orietation will change once you get to the top. Climb up another long slope and keep climbing up.
34 Enter the door at the top. Continue forward and enter the West door to battle Noah. Prepare for a boss fight against Noah before entering the West door.
Boss Fight noah.jpgBoss Battle: Noah
36 Obtain the Netherstone after defeating Noah.

Tower of Kagutsuchi 3

37 Return outside to the slopes. Take the elevator located at the edge. Climb up the stairs and enter the West door. Continue forward and ride the elevator to 402F.
Multiple facilities including Fountain of Life, Junk Shop, S-Terminal, and a Cathedral of Shadows are all located beyond the West door at 402F.
38 Climb up the stairs and ride the elevator to 418F. Pace forward for a cutscene. Prepare to battle Thor before proceeding.
Boss Fight Thor (2nd Encounter).jpgBoss Battle: Thor 2nd Encounter
40 After defeating Thor, climb up the right-side stairs. Pace forward and get warped to a new area in 418F. Continue forward going South then take the second right turn near the edge. Turn right going South, move forward and take the second left-side path going East. Turn right and pace forward until you get warped to a new area in 418F.
41 Continue forward South, then West, and then take the left turn South and follow the length of the path. Turn left and pace forward until you get warped to a new area in 418F.
42 Continue forward going North, turn left West, then turn right going North. Immediately turn left when a path going West opens up, and then immediately turn left again going South. Pace forward until you get warped to a new area in 418F.
43 Go to the Northernmost block to your left and get warped to another area in 418F. Turn around heading North and then take the first right-side path going East. Pace forward and get warped again.
44 In the new area, follow the path until you get warped again. Continue forward going South and ride the elevator to get to 431F.
45 Turn right, and then turn right again, enter the East door. Move forward and take the second right, turn left, turn right, take the first left. Ride the elevator up to 444F.

An S-Terminal is located at a North door.
46 Continue forward and follow the invisi-floors. Turn right to get warped to a new area in 431F.
47 Back in 431F, orient the compass South, move forward to the wide area and enter the South door.
48 Follow the path and climb up the slope. The camera orientation will change as you get to the top. Ride the block lift up to 444F.
49 Climb up the slope and enter the door. Continue forward and enter the West door.
An S-Terminal is located at the North door.
50 Turn right and follow the invisi-floor. Turn right going East and follow the invisi-floor.
51 Walk towards the Westernmost block and follow the invisi-floor. Ride the block to 462F.
An S-Terminal is located at the West door on 462F.
52 Enter the North door. Prepare for a boss fight against Baal before proceeding.
Boss Fight baal.jpgBoss Battle: Baal
54 Obtain Heavenstone after defeating Baal.
55 Continue forward by climbing up the right-side stairs. Enter the door, pace forward and then get warped. Ride the elevator in the new area to reach 475F.
56 On 475F, continue forward going South and ride another elevator going up 666F. A cutscene will play.
57 Continue forward going North and ride the block to get the ramp on the other side. Continue forward and examine the three columns.
An S-Terminal is located at the West door.
58 Offer the Earthstone, Netherstone, and Heavenstione to the three columns (order does not matter). A cutscene will play afterwards.
59 Step on the circular lift and go up to Kagutsuchi. Prepare for a boss fight against Kagutsuchi before proceeding.
Boss Fight kagutsuchi.jpgBoss Battle: Kagutsuchi
61 A cutscene will play after defeating Kagutsuchi. If you are gunning for the True Demon Ending and have finished Labyrinth of Amala, you will immediately face Lucifer after the cutscene. Otherwise, this is the end of the game.
Boss Fight Lucifer.jpgBoss Battle: Lucifer
63 You have completed the game.

Tower of Kagutsuchi Boss Fights



Hikawa takes on the form of Ahriman. Play by his rules or else get yeeted early on in the game.

How to Beat Ahriman

First Form Weaknesses


Ahriman, in its first form, does not have any elemental weakness, and the attack types you can use will be dictated by Ahriman.

First Form Strengths

Attacks Fire, Ice, Force, Elec, Hell's Call (Instakill)
Reflect Light, Dark
Void Ailments

Ahriman uses both single-target and multi-target Magic attacks. Likewise, Ahriman has Hell's Call an instakill that it uses on an enemy that goes against battle rules in the first phase.

Ahriman reflects Light and Dark, and voids Ailments, so don't use these skills as you'll only be wasting your turn.

Second Form Weaknesses

None, but Phys attacks can go a long way

Ahriman, in its second form, does not have any elemental weakness, however, using buffed Phys attacks is highly recommended.

Second Form Strengths

Attacks Apocalypse (Almighty), Megidolaon, Phys
Reflect Light, Dark
Void Ailments
Support Dekunda, Dekaja

Ahriman uses multi-target Almighty and Phys attacks. We highly recommend summoning your demons with the highest Vit stats to survive its chain of attacks.

Ahriman reflects Light and Dark, voids Ailments, and has two Support skills including Dekunda and Dekaja which he seldom uses. On that note, buff your party and debuff Ahriman until you've reached the limit of the buff/debuff spells.



Isamu takes on the form of Noah in an attempt to enforce his Reason and to get rid of you once and for all.

How to Beat Noah

First Phase Weaknesses

None, but Phys attacks can go a long way

Noah does not have any elemental weakness. However, in the first phase, you can use Phys attacks before it casts Aurora.

First Phase Strengths

Attacks Fire, Ice, Elec, Force
Reflect Fire*, Ice*, Elec*, Force*, Phys
Void Light, Dark, Ailments
Support/Other Aurora

Noah uses single-target Fire, Ice, Elec, Force in the first phase. It voids Light, Dark, and Ailments, likewise it has a skill called Aurora which changes its elemental affinities.

The table below will show you which elemental Magic attack you can use as indicated by Noah's attack.

Noah's Attack Element You Can Use
Fire* Ice
Ice* Fire
Elec* Force
Force* Elec

Second Phase Weaknesses


Noah does not have any elemental weakness, and the Magic attacks you can effectively use will depend on Noah's elemental affinities after it casts Aurora.

Second Phase Strengths

Attacks Fire, Ice, Elec, Force, Domination
Reflect Fire*, Ice*, Elec*, Force*, Phys
Void Light, Dark, Ailments
Resist Almighty
Support/Other Aurora, Dekaja, Dekunda

In the second phase, Noah switches out to multi-target Magic attacks and uses Domination, a single-target attack that drains a massive amount of HP and MP.

Noah's elemental affinities will change every time it uses Aurora, however, it will always reflect Phys. The table below will show you which elemental Magic attack you can use as indicated by Noah's attack.

Noah's Attack Element You Can Use
Fire* Ice
Ice* Fire
Elec* Force
Force* Elec

Furthermore, Noah voids Light, Dark, and Ailments, and is highly resistant to Almighty. Noah has three support skills including Aurora which changes the element Noah reflects, Dekaja, and Dekunda.


Thor (2nd Encounter).jpg

Thor has come to stop you from interfering with the Yosuga agenda. Pummel Thor with boosted Phys and Magic attacks.

How to Beat Thor (2nd Encounter)


None, but Phys and Magic attacks can go a long way

Thor does not have any elemental weakness, however, using either boosted Phys or Magic attacks is useful for dealing damage.


Attacks Elec, Phys
Reflect Elec and Light
Void Dark, Nerve, and Mind
Resist Curse
Support Tarukaja, Focus, Makakaja, Dekunda, Dekaja, Dragon Eye

Thor utilizes both single-target and multi-target Elec attacks, and single-target Phys attacks. We recommend bringing along demons that can block these types of attacks.

Thor reflects Elec and Light and resists Dark, Nerve, and Mind, so don't use these skills as you'll only be wasting your turn.

This time around, Thor has six Support skills including Tarukaja, Focus, Makakaja, Dekunda, Dekaja, and Dragon Eye which grants Thor four extra turns .



Chiaki has fused with her demon sponsor to manifest into Baal. Baal will have two Hallel summons by its side.

How to Beat Baal

Baal Weaknesses

None, but Phys and Magic attacks can go a long way

Baal does not have any elemental weakness, however, using Phys and Magic attacks is useful for dealing damage.

Baal Strengths

Attacks Bael's Bane, Almighty, Light
Reflect Light
Void Dark and Ailments
Support Beast Eye, Divine Will

Baal uses a single-target Curse attack called Bael's Bane which morphs an enemy into a fly and renders it weak to Light, likewise, she also uses multi-target Almighty and Light attacks.

Baal reflects Light and voids Dark and Ailments skills. She also has two Support skills including Beast Eye (grants two extra turns) and Divine Will used to summon Ose Hallel and Flauros Hallel.

Ose Hallel Weaknesses

None, but Phys and Magic attacks can go a long way

Ose Hallel does not have any elemental weakness, however, using Phys and Magic attacks is useful for dealing damage.

Ose Hallel Strengths

Attacks Phys, Elec, Ice
Reflect Light
Void Dark
Resist Ailments
Support Diarahan, Dekunda, Dekaja, Tetrakarn, Makarakarn, Rakunda, Dragon Eye

Ose Hallel utilizes multi-target Phys, Elec, and Ice attacks. It reflects Light, voids Dark, and resists Ailments.

This enemy has an arsenal of Support skills making it a high-priority target once summoned. It will usually top up Baal's HP using Diarahan. Finish off Ose Hallel immediately to prevent this fight from going longer and exhausting your resources.

Flauros Hallel Weaknesses

None, but Phys and Magic attacks can go a long way

Baal does not have any elemental weakness, however, using Phys and Magic attacks is useful for dealing damage.

Flauros Hallel Strengths

Attacks Phys, Elec, Fire
Reflect Light
Void Dark
Resist Ailments
Support Diarahan, Dekaja, Tarukaja, Makakaja, Sukukaja, Tetrakarn

Flauros Hallel utilizes multi-target Phys, Elec, and Fire attacks. It reflects Light, voids Dark, and resists Ailments.

This enemy has an arsenal of Support skills making it a high-priority target once summoned. It will usually top up Baal's HP using Diarahan. Finish off Flauros Hallel immediately to prevent this fight from going longer and exhausting your resources.



Kagutsuchi awaits you at the top of the tower. Make sure you have Endure to last through this battle.

How to Beat Kagutsuchi

First Form Weaknesses

None, but Phys and Magic attacks can go a long way

Kagutsuchi does not have any elemental weakness, however, using boosted Phys or Magic attacks is effective in dealing sufficient amounts of damage.

First Form Strengths

Attacks Vast Light, Fire, Ice, Elec, Force, Almighty, Normal Almighty Attack
Void Light, Dark, Ailments
Support Dekunda, Dekaja, Phase Shift

In Kagutsuchi's first form, it utilizes an undodgeable Almighty skill called Vast Light which can only be activated during a Full Moon. This attack costs Kagutsuchi 2 turns.

Likewise, it uses multi-target Fire, Ice, Elec, Force, Almighty attacks. Furthermore, its normal attack is of an Almighty element instead of the usual Phys.

The enemy voids Light, Dark, Ailments. It also has three Support skills in its first form, including Dekunda, Dekaja, and Phase Shift.

Kagtuschi's Defense rate is influenced by the moon cycle. Kagutsuchi uses Phase Shift to shift forward the moon cycle by 2 phases.

The table below illustrates the moon phase, the damage modifier and the amount of damage Kagutsuchi receives during specific moon phases.

Moon Phase Amount of Damage Kagutsuchi Receives
New Moon 200% of total damage
2/8 150% of total damage
Half 100% of total damage
6/8 75% of total damage
Full Moon 50% of total damage

During the second phase of the battle, Kagutsuchi takes on its second form and the moon phase is fixed at a Full Moon. However, the damage Kagutsuchi receives will remain at 100% of total damage.

Second Form Weaknesses

None, but Phys and Magic attacks can go a long way

Kagutsuchi does not have any elemental weakness, however, using boosted Phys and Magic attacks is effective in dealing sufficient amounts of damage.

Second Form Strengths

Attacks Infinite Light, Fire, Ice, Elec, Force, Almighty, Normal Almighty Attack
Void Light, Dark, Ailments
Support Dekunda, Dragon Eye

Kagutsuchi's second form utilizes an undodgeable massive Almighty skill called Infinite Light. This attack costs Kagutsuchi 2 turns.

Likewise, it uses multi-target Fire, Ice, Elec, Force, Almighty attacks. Furthermore, its normal attack is of an Almighty element instead of the usual Phys and becomes a multi-target attack.

The enemy voids Light, Dark, Ailments. It also has two Support skills in its second form, including Dekunda and Dragon Eye which grants Kagutsuchi four extra turns.



Lucifer is the final boss of the game if you are following the True Demon Ending. Make sure you have Pierce to win this fight.

How to Beat Lucifer


None, but having Pierce and Freikugel goes a long way

Lucifer does not have any elemental weakness and will be able to resist Phys, Magic, and Almighty. However, having Pierce and Freikugel in your arsenal will help you deal a sufficient amount of damage.


Attacks Evil Gleam (Mind),
High King (Almighty + Bind),
Root of all Evil (Almighty + Ailments),
Almighty, Fire, Ice
Void Light, Dark, Ailments
Resist Phys, Magic, Almighty
Support Diarama, Diarahan*, Dekunda, Dekaja

Lucifer has three powerful skills called Evil Gleam, High King, and Root of all Evil. Likewise, Lucifer has an arsenal of multi-target normal Almighty, Fire, and Ice attacks.

Evil Gleam is a multi-target Mind attack that inflicts Charm.
High King is a multi-target Almighty attack that inflicts Bind.
Root of all Evil is a multi-target Almighty attack that has various random effects on enemies.

Root of all Evil's Effects
Halves HP (High Chance)
Takes 75% of HP (Low Chance)
Takes 90% of HP (Low Chance)
Inflicts Poison (Low Chance)
Inflicts Stun (Low Chance)
Inflicts Mute (Low Chance)

The enemy voids Light, Dark, and Ailments, and is highly resistant to Phys, Magic, and Almighty attacks. We recommend learning Pierce for this battle.

Lucifer has various Support skills that include Diarama, Dekunda, and Dekaja. If you are playing the Chronicle DLC, Lucifer will also have Diarahan alongside the three other Support skills.

Obtainable Magatamas


Kailash can be purchased in the Junk Shop in Tower of Kagutsuchi 3.

Tower of Kagutsuchi Obtainable Items

Tower of Kagutsuchi 1: 167F

Obtained from Items
1 Cache Cube Float Ball x 1
2 Mystical Chest Vitality Incense x 1
3 Cache Cube Bead x 1
4 Mystical Chest Agility Incense x 1
5 Cache Cube Soma Droplet x 1
6 Mystical Chest Strength Incense x 1

Tower of Kagutsuchi 1: 179F

Obtained from Items
1 Cache Cube Megidola Rock x 1
2 Mystical Chest Great Chakra x 1

Tower of Kagutsuchi 1: 186F

Obtained from Items
1 Cache Cube Bead x 1

Tower of Kagutsuchi 1: 201F

Obtained from Items
1 Mystical Chest Chakra Pot x 1

Tower of Kagutsuchi 1: 215F

Obtained from Items
1 Mystical Chest Bead of Life x 1

Tower of Kagutsuchi 2: 285F

Obtained from Items
1 Cache Cube It's a trap! Ambushed by 1 Rangda and 2 Abaddon
2 Cache Cube Attack Mirror x 1
3 Mystical Chest Pot of Death x 1

Tower of Kagutsuchi 2: 298F

Obtained from Items
1 Mystical Chest Soma x 1
2 Mystical Chest Chakra Pot x 1

Tower of Kagutsuchi 2: 322F

Obtained from Items
1 Mystical Chest Soma x 1

Tower of Kagutsuchi 3: 402F

Obtained from Items
1 Cache Cube Life Stone x 3

Tower of Kagutsuchi 3: 418F

Note: Refer to the map in the above section to figure out the teleport routes.

Obtained from Items
1 Cache Cube 20000 Macca
2 Mystical Chest Bead Chain x 1
3 Mystical Chest Soma x 1
4 Cache Cube It's a trap! Ambushed by 3 Shadows and 3 Mots
5 Cache Cube Soul-Return x 1

Tower of Kagutsuchi 3: 431F

Obtained from Items
1 Cache Cube Soma Droplet x 1
2 Mystical Chest Great Chakra x 1

Tower of Kagutsuchi General Tips

Level Up to At Least Lvl.90

We highly recommend leveling up to at least Lvl.90 for Tower of Kagutuschi to be able to effectively square up against the bosses in this area.

Leveling Guide: Best Leveling Areas

Use Float Balls or Liftoma, and Light Balls or Lightoma

We recommend using Float Balls or Liftoma for the area following the fight with Ahriman. Likewise, we recommend using Float Balls or Liftoma and Light Balls or Lightoma for this Tower of Kagutsuchi 2.

Summon Your Most Powerful Demons

It's all or nothing at this point. Summon your most powerful demons to melt through the enemies in this area.

List of Best Demons

Shin Megami Tensei 3: Nocturne Related Links

Story Walkthrough

Story Walkthrough

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Ikebukuro WalkthroughIkebukuro Walkthrough Assembly of Nihilo WalkthroughAssembly of Nihilo Walkthrough
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Amala Network 2 WalkthroughAmala Network 2 Walkthrough Yoyogi Park 2 WalkthroughYoyogi Park 2 Walkthrough
Amala Temple WalkthroughAmala Temple Walkthrough Mifunashiro and Yurakucho WalkthroughMifunashiro and Yurakucho Walkthrough
Diet Building WalkthroughDiet Building Walkthrough Bandou Shrine WalkthroughBandou Shrine Walkthrough
Tower of Kagutsuchi WalkthroughTower of Kagutsuchi Walkthrough

Endings Guide: How to Get All Endings

Labyrinth of Amala Guides

First Kalpa GuideFirst Kalpa Area
Recommended level: 20
Second Kalpa GuideSecond Kalpa Area
Recommended level: 35
Third Kalpa GuideThird Kalpa Area
Recommended level: 50
Fourth Kalpa Walkthrough Fourth Kalpa Area
Recommended level: 65
Fifth Kalpa GuideFifth Kalpa Area
Recommended level: 75

DLC Dungeon Guides

Where the Demi-Fiend was Born GuideWhere the Demi-Fiend was Born Center of the Conception GuideCenter of the Conception


1 Anonymousover 2 years

this guide is very hard to follow, and some stuff doesn't line up properly like the 3rd floor


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