Shin Megami Tensei 3: Nocturne (SMT Nocturne)

List of Combat Items

This is a list of all Combat Items in Shin Megami Tensei III HD Remaster (SMT Nocturne) for the Nintendo Switch. PS4, and Steam. Read on to see a list of all Combat Items in the game and their effects!

List of Combat Items

This is a list of all Combat items in SMT Nocturne. Combat items help players deal, nullify, or repel damage during battle. Some items help players flee from losing battles.

Item Effect
Maragi Rock Low Fire damage to all foes.
Mabufu Rock Low Ice damage to all foes.
Mazio Rock Low Elec damage to all foes.
Mazan Rock Low Force damage to all foes.
Tetraja Rock Protects party from Light/Dark attacks.
Mamudo Rock Dark: Chance to instakill all foes.
Makajam Rock Curse: Chance to inflict Mute on one foe.
Poison Arrow Curse: Low damage to all foes. May inflict Poison.
Wagtail Plume Mind: High chance to inflict Charm on all foes.
Smoke Ball Escape from most battles without fail.
Attack Mirror Repels Physical attacks once next turn. Affects entire party.
Mahama Rock Light: Chance to instakill all foes.
Magic Mirror Repels Magical attacks once next turn. Affects entire party.
Megidola Rock High Almighty damage to all foes.
Megido Rock Medium Almighty damage to all foes.
Dekaja Rock Negates all -kaja effects on all foes.
Spyglass Displays an enemy's info. Reusable.
Blessed Fan Light: Chance to instakill all foes. Reusable.

Can Be Used to hit Weakspots

Since the Demi-Fiend can only possess a limited amount of skills, focusing on learning all types of skills is just not efficient. These combat items are extremely helpful for the Demi-Fiend so he can apply a weak hit to enemies or apply buffs to allies!

Press Turn Battle System Guide

Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne Related Items


List of All Items

Items by Type

Item By Categories
Combat Items Recovery Items Overworld Items Gems
Exp and Macca Items Incenses Key Items Reusable Items


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