Shin Megami Tensei 3: Nocturne (SMT Nocturne)

List of Genma Type Demons

This is a list of all Genma Type Demons in Shin Megami Tensei III HD Remaster (SMT Nocturne). For a list of Genma Type Demons, read on!

List of Genma Type Demons

Demon Level St. Ma. Vi.. Ag. Lu.
Kurama Tengu iconKurama Tengu 38 13 17 13 17 8
Hanuman iconHanuman 46 17 12 15 19 13
Cu Chulainn iconCu Chulainn 52 21 15 17 14 15

Demon Races Related Links

demons partial final.png

List of Demons

All Demons By Races

Avatar Avian Beast
Brute Deity Divine
Dragon Element Entity
Fairy Fallen Femme
Fiend Foul Fury
Genma Haunt Holy
Jirae Kishin Lady
Megami Mitama Night
Others Raptor Seraph
Snake Tyrant Vile
Wargod Wilder Yoma

List of Best Demons


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