Shin Megami Tensei 3: Nocturne (SMT Nocturne)

Yoyogi Park 2 Walkthrough, Boss Battles, and Item Locations

Yoyogi Park 2 Story Walkthrough

This is a story walkthrough for Yoyogi Park 2 in Shin Megami Tensei III HD Remaster (SMT Nocturne) for the Nintendo Switch, PS4, and Steam. Here you'll find a guide on how to complete this area, story section, boss strategies, general tips, and a list of items that can be found.

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Amala Network 2 Amala Temple

Yoyogi Park 2 Maps

Asakusa Tunnel


Yoyogi Park

Construction Site

Yoyogi Park 2 Story Walkthrough

Asakusa Tunnel

We recommend buying Light Balls or learning Lightoma for this area.

1 On the Overworld, head down South and cross the bridge. Keep going South and enter Yushima Station to gain access to Asakusa Tunnel.
2 Turn left and go through the ticketing barrier gates. Climb down the stairs to get to the platform.
3 Take the left-side stairs and continue forward. Go through the middle hole and descend the ladder to B3.
4 Go through the door and then turn left. Follow the corridor and go through the door.
5 Follow the corridor, go through the door, and climb up the ladder to B2. Go through the door and follow the corridor.
6 Turn right going West and climb up the platform. Climb up the stairs to Gaienmae Station.
7 Go through the ticketing barrier and climb up to exit the area.
8 On the Overworld, head West and traverse Jingumae-Harajuku, go through the road tunnel to get to Yoyogi Park.

Yoyogi Park

9 From the starting point, turn left going South and go through the West door, and then go through the South door. A cutscene with Yuko will play.
An S-Terminal can be located in the North wing of the park.
10 Your response to Yuko will influence your Reason.
"Consider it done." (No Effect)
"Not happening." (Shijima)
"Let me think." (Musubi)
11 After obtaining the Yoyogi Park Key, head through the North door to go back to East Plaza. Head towards the door next to the Troll demon and use the key.
12 Climb the stairs and go through the door. A short cutscene will play. Take the left path and continue moving forward until another short cutscene plays.
13 Once you get transported back to the starting point, take the left-side path again but immediate turn right between the two stacks of boulders.
right turn
14 Continue forward going West until you reach the North door, and then enter it.
15 Turn right and take the farthest path and go through the door. Take the right-most path and continue forward.
16 Follow the path and go through the door. Move forward and enter the North door. Continue forward again and go through the North door.
17 Again, continue forward and go through the North door. Go through the middle path and then turn left and go through the West door.
18 Take the left-side path, and then immediately turn right between two boulders and go through the door. A cutscene with Oberon will play.
19 Take the right-side path and go through the door. Continue forward and turn left and go through the South door.
An S-Terminal is located at the North door.
20 Move forward and trigger a High Pixie cross-formation.
21 Go through the right-side West door and trigger an X-formation. Follow the path and go through the farthest door.
22 Pace forward and turn left at the next intersection. Continue moving forward to trigger a cross-formation. Go through the door.
23 Follow the path and go through the door. Go through another door. A cutscene with Oberon and Troll will play.
24 Continue forward, turn left, and go through the 2nd North door. Go through another door, keep going straight and go through another door.
25 Turn left and then turn right and go through the North door. Pace forward and go through another North door.
26 Follow the path and examine the Comm tower. Prepare for a boss fight against Girimekhala, immediately followed up by Sakahagi.
An S-Terminal is located in this room:
Boss Fight Girimekhala.jpgBoss Battle: Girimekhala
Boss Fight sakahagi.jpgBoss Battle: Sakahagi
29 Obtain the Yahiro no Himorogi after defeating Girimekhala and Sakahagi.
30 Start pacing towards the S-Terminal, a cutscene will play shortly. Continue and use the S-Terminal to go back to the Terminal in Yoyogi Park East Plaza.
31 Head back to Yukiko to hand over the Yahiro no Himorogi. A cutscene will play.
32 Your response will affect the ending of the game.
Do you fear the suffering and humiliation?
"...I’m terrified." (Neutral Flag 1 / 2)
"I can take it." (Freedom Flag 1 / 3)
Do you fear the deceit, the torment?
"...I’m terrified." (Neutral Flag 2 / 2)
"I can take it." (Freedom Flag 2 / 3)
33 After the cutscene, go back to the Construction Site and head to this room located in the Southwest to access the West Plaza.
34 From the starting point, take the right-side path and enter the East door in the North wing of the plaza. locationPrepare for a boss fight against Mother Harlot before proceeding.
Boss Fight mother harlotBoss Battle: Mother Harlot
36 Obtain the Menorah of Beauty after defeating Mother Harlot.
37 Fast-travel to Asakusa and watch the cutscene with Hijiri to proceed with the story.

Your Response to Aradia in Yoyogi Park Will Affect the Ending of the Game

  • Do you fear the suffering and humiliation?
  • Response Effect
    "...I’m terrified." (Neutral Flag 1 / 2)
    "I can take it." (Freedom Flag 1 / 3)

  • Do you fear the deceit, the torment?
  • Response Effect
    "...I’m terrified." (Neutral Flag 2 / 2)
    "I can take it." (Freedom Flag 2 / 3)

    Obtain the Menorah of Beauty After Defeating Mother Harlot.

    menorah of beauty

    You will obtain the Menorah of Beauty after defeating Mother Harlot in the West Plaza of Yoyogi Park.

    Yoyogi Park 2 Boss Fights


    Girimekhala Boss Fight

    Looking into Girimekhala's evil eye is said to bring misfortune. Physical attacks don't work on him.

    How to Beat Girimekhala


    None, but Magic Attacks can go a long way.

    Girimekhala does not have any elemental weakness, however, using Magic attacks is useful for dealing damage.


    Attacks Phys, Nerve, Panic, Curse
    Reflect Phys
    Void Light, Dark, Ailments
    Support Dekunda, Rakunda, Rakukaja, Tarukaja, Beast Eye

    Girimekhala utilizes Phys, Nerve, Panic, and Curse attacks, we suggest bringing along demons that can block these attacks to effectively cut off its turn. It also reflects Phys attacks, and void Light, Dark, and Ailment skills, so never use these types of attack on it as you'll only be wasting your turn.

    Girimekhala has an arsenal of Support skills including Dekunda, Rakunda, Rakukaja, Tarukaja, so we highly suggest not overinvesting in Debuffs and to raise your party's defense/evasion rate. Likewise, it also has Beast Eye which grants Girimekhala two extra turns.


    Sakahagi Boss Fight

    You've finally caught up to the Manikin-killing Sakahagi. This battle will be quick.

    How to Beat Sakahagi


    None, but Phys and Magic attacks can go a long way.

    Sakahagi does not have any elemental weakness, however, using both Phys and Magic attacks is useful for dealing damage.


    Attacks Fire, Ice, Elec, Force
    Void Light, Dark, Ailments

    Sakahagi utilizes multi-target Fire, Ice, Elec, and Force attacks, so we highly recommend summoning demons that can block these types of attacks. Sakahagi can void Light, Dark, and Ailment skills, so never use these types of attacks as you'll only be wasting your turn.

    Mother Harlot

    Mother Harlot Boss Fight

    Mother Harlot is the subjugator of the Beast that rules all men. She reflects physical attacks, so be prepared.

    How to Beat Mother Harlot


    None, but Magic Attacks can go a long way.

    Mother Harlot does not have any elemental weakness, however, using Magic attacks is useful for dealing damage.


    Attacks Almighty, Mind, Curse, Phys
    Reflect Phys
    Absorb Elec
    Void Light, Dark, Ailments
    Support Dragon Eye, Focus, Dekunda

    Mother Harlot utilizes Almighty attacks that cannot be blocked or countered, however, raising your party's defense/evasion rate can help with dodging the attacks. Likewise, she uses Mind, Curse, and Phys attacks, so we recommend summoning demons that can block these types of attacks.

    Mother Harlot can reflect Phys attacks, absorb Elec, and void Light, Dark, and Ailment skills, so never use these types of attacks as you'll only be wasting your turn. She also has three Support skills including Dragon Eye which grants her four extra turns, Focus, and Dekunda.

    Yoyogi Park 2 Obtainable Items

    World Map

    Items on the World Map

    Obtained from Items
    1 Jingu Gaien
    Right after exiting Asakusa Tunnel
    5000 Macca

    Asakusa Tunnel: Station

    Obtained from Items
    1 Cache Cube Repulse Bell x 1

    Asakusa Tunnel: B2

    Obtained from Items
    1 Cache Cube Medicine x 2
    2 Cache Cube 8000 Macca

    Asakusa Tunnel: B3

    Obtained from Items
    1 Mystical Chest Bead Chain
    2 Cache Cube It's a trap! Ambushed by 3 Titans.
    3 Cache Cube Soma Droplet x 1
    4 Cache Cube It's a trap! Your party gets inflicted with silence.

    Yoyogi Park: Plazas

    Obtained from Items
    1 Cache Cube Life Stone x 3

    Yoyogi Park: Construction Site

    Obtained from Items
    1 Cache Cube Life Stone x 2
    2 Mystical Chest Balm of Rising x 1
    3 Mystical Chest Luck Incense x 1
    4 Cache Cube Chakra Drop x 1
    5 Mystical Chest Sapphire x 1
    6 Mystical Chest Bead Chain x 1
    7 Cache Cube Sacred Water x 1
    8 Cache Cube Medicine x 3
    9 Cache Cube
    Trigger the pixies above Item #10 to teleport to this Cache Cube
    Life Stone x 2
    10 Cache Cube Chakra Drop x 1
    11 Cache Cube Bead x 1
    12 Cache Cube Revival Bead x 1
    13 Mystical Chest
    Trigger the pixies on the left side to teleport near this Mystical Chest
    Bead of Life x 1

    Yoyogi Park 2 General Tips

    Raise Demi-Fiend's Magic Stat

    Two out of three of the bosses you fight in this area can only be beaten by using Magic attacks, so we highly recommend raising Demi-Fiend's Magic stat to increase your attack's damage output.

    Look at The Maze Formation from Platforms

    You can pinpoint which paths are going to be blocked by High Pixies by looking at them up from the platforms on the construction site.

    Shin Megami Tensei 3: Nocturne Related Links

    Story Walkthrough

    Story Walkthrough

    Story Walkthrough Guides

    Prologue - Shinjuku Hospital WalkthroughShinjuku Hospital Walkthrough Shibuya and Yoyogi Park WalkthroughYoyogi Park and Shibuya Walkthrough
    Amala NetworkAmala Network 1 Walkthrough Ginza Walkthrough and Boss GuidesGinza and the Great Underpass Walkthrough
    Ikebukuro WalkthroughIkebukuro Walkthrough Assembly of Nihilo WalkthroughAssembly of Nihilo Walkthrough
    Kabukicho WalkthroughKabukicho Walkthrough Asakusa and Obelisk WalkthroughAsakusa and Obelisk Walkthrough
    Amala Network 2 WalkthroughAmala Network 2 Walkthrough Yoyogi Park 2 WalkthroughYoyogi Park 2 Walkthrough
    Amala Temple WalkthroughAmala Temple Walkthrough Mifunashiro and Yurakucho WalkthroughMifunashiro and Yurakucho Walkthrough
    Diet Building WalkthroughDiet Building Walkthrough Bandou Shrine WalkthroughBandou Shrine Walkthrough
    Tower of Kagutsuchi WalkthroughTower of Kagutsuchi Walkthrough

    Endings Guide: How to Get All Endings

    Labyrinth of Amala Guides

    First Kalpa GuideFirst Kalpa Area
    Recommended level: 20
    Second Kalpa GuideSecond Kalpa Area
    Recommended level: 35
    Third Kalpa GuideThird Kalpa Area
    Recommended level: 50
    Fourth Kalpa Walkthrough Fourth Kalpa Area
    Recommended level: 65
    Fifth Kalpa GuideFifth Kalpa Area
    Recommended level: 75

    DLC Dungeon Guides

    Where the Demi-Fiend was Born GuideWhere the Demi-Fiend was Born Center of the Conception GuideCenter of the Conception


    6 cherry3 months

    god this whole guide wiki is a mess

    5 Anonymous4 months

    "leave the area and proceed with story..." WHAT AREA BRO???????????


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