Shin Megami Tensei 3: Nocturne (SMT Nocturne)

How to Get Vimana Magatama: Vimana Stats and Skills Learned

This is a guide to Vimana, a Magatama in Shin Megami Tensei III HD Remaster (SMT Nocturne) for the Nintendo Switch, PS4, and Steam. Read on to learn how to get the Vimana Magatama, the skills you can learn from it, its stats, strengths, weaknesses, and effects when Vimana acts violently.

How to Get Vimana Magatama

Can be purchased at Asakusa.

How to Get Vimana Magatama

The Vimana Magatama can be purchased at the Junk Shop in Asakusa.

How to Farm Macca

Vimana Available Skills

Skill List
Tempest Life Surge Endure
Hades Blast Javelin Rain

Vimana “Acts Violently” Effects

Chance for a full recovery for your party.
Chance to Stun you.

Vimana Stats, Weaknesses, and Resistances

Strengths and Weakness

Strengths Weakness
- -
Null Drain
Nerve -


Strength Magic Vitality Agility Luck
7 1 3 2 5

The Rumble Magatama

Vimana specializes in all-out Physical rumbles with enemy parties. All of it skills are dedicated to damaging all foes and giving you resources to do it, while not having any exploitable weakness!

Party-Wide Phys Attacks

All of its learnable offensive skills are party-wide Phys attacks, which makes it the perfect Magatama for players who want to end things quick with a big opening move.

Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne Related Magatamas


List of Magatama

List of Magatamas

List of Magatamas
dark magatamaMarogareh neutral MagatamaWadatsumi light magatamaAnkh light magatamaIyomante
dark magatamaShiranui neutral MagatamaHifumi neutral MagatamaKamudo light magatamaNarukami
dark magatamaAnathema dark magatamaMiasma light magatamaNirvana neutral MagatamaMurakumo
light magatamaGeis neutral MagatamaDjed dark magatamaMuspell neutral MagatamaGehenna
light magatamaKamurogi dark magatamaSatan light magatamaAdama neutral MagatamaVimana
dark magatamaGundari light magatamaSophia dark magatamaGaea neutral MagatamaKailash
masakados magatamaMasakados

Magatama Tier List


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