Shin Megami Tensei 3: Nocturne (SMT Nocturne)

Amala Temple Walkthrough, Boss Battles, and Item Locations

Amala Temple Walkthrough

This is a story walkthrough for Amala Temple in Shin Megami Tensei III HD Remaster (SMT Nocturne) for the Nintendo Switch, PS4, and Steam. Here you'll find a guide on how to complete this area, story section, boss strategies, general tips, and a list of items that can be found.

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Yoyogi Park 2 Mifunashiro and Yurakucho

Amala Temple Maps

Amala Network (3rd Entry)


Amala Temple

1F (Upper)
1F (Lower)

Amala Temple: Black Temple


Amala Temple: Red Temple


Amala Temple: White Temple


Amala Temple Story Walkthrough


1 After the cutscene with Hijiri in Asakusa, fast-travel to Ikebukuro and head to 64F Mantra Headquarters. Enter Gozu-Tennoh's chamber. A cutscene will play
2 After the cutscene, return to Asakusa and speak with Hijiri. After the cutscene, use the Terminal to go after Hijiri.
3 A cutscene with Isamu in the Amala Network will play. Your response to his question will not affect the ending of the game.

Amala Network

4 Starting at the Anomaly, go through the door in the room, and then head straight towards the light.
Prepare for a boss battle against Specter before proceeding with this step.
Boss Fight specter.jpgBoss Battle: Specter
6 Afterwards, exit the area to go to the Overworld.
7 Starting from Roppongi, head North and go up the slope. Turn right and go up the slope and enter the Amala Temple.

Amala Temple

We highly recommend buying Light Balls or learning Lightoma for the Black Temple.

8 Follow the length of the corridor by heading North until a short cutscene plays. Go through the door afterwards.
An S-Terminal is located at the West door.

Black Temple

9 Turn left and head towards Black Temple. Go through the door upon entering Black Temple 1F.
10 Enter the first West room and examine the crack on the floor.
11 Exit the room and go through the blue beam to reach 2F. Upon reaching 2F, continue forward going South and step on the blue beam to reach 3F.
12 On 3F, go up the stairs and examine the Black Torch. Put out the flame.
13 Go back to 2F. From the starting point, enter the 2nd West room and jump off the hole.
2nd West room
14 Down at B1, turn left and follow the path then enter the North door to access the Altar. Climb up the platform to fight Aciel. Prepare for a boss fight against Alciel before proceeding.
An S-Terminal is located at the South door.
Boss Fight alcielBoss Battle: Aciel

White Temple

16 After the fight, head over to the North Wing of the Amala Temple and enter the White Temple.
An S-Terminal is located in the East Wing of White Temple 1F.
17 Pace forward, turn left, follow the path, and go through the left-side West door. You will be warped to another room.
18 Head straight going North and go through the door. Head straight again and head for the North door. You will be warped to another room.
19 Head straight and go through the door. You will be warped to another room.
20 Go through the North door, and then turn right and enter the South door. You will be warped to another room.
21 Head towards the yellow beam to get to 2F. Pace forward and get warped to another room.
22 Turn left and go through the West door, then turn right go through the North door. You will be warped to another room.
23 Pace forward and go through the North door, then turn left and enter the West door. You will be transported to another room.
24 Immediately turn right and enter the East door. You will be transported to another room.
25 Pace forward and go through the North door, and then turn left and enter the West door.
26 Head towards the yellow beam to get warped to the White Temple Altar. Come up the altar to trigger the boss fight.
Prepare for a boss fight against Albion, Luvah, Urizen, Tharmas, and Urthrona before proceeding.
Boss Fight Albion and Zoas.jpgBoss Battle: Albion and Zoas
28 Obtain Adama Magatama after defeating Albion and the group of Zoas. Afterwards, head towards the white beam and examine it to exit the temple.

Red Temple

We recommend getting a Float Ball or learning Liftoma for this area.

29 After the fight, head over to the East Wing of the Amala Temple and enter the Red Temple.
30 Head towards the North door in 1F, then turn left and go through the West door.
31 Turn left and enter the South door, and then turn left again and enter the East door.
32 Pace forward and go through the East door.
33 Head for the North door again and enter the first East door.
34 Take the 2nd left-side path and get warped to a cursed dimension.
35 Pace forward and head towards the North door.
36 Continue forward and turn left going West, and turn left again going South. Go through the South door.
37 Turn right and enter the West door, go through the beam, and enter the West door.
38 Go through the North door, and then turn left and enter the West door.
39 Take the second right-side path and go through the North door. Continue forward and enter the East door. Move along the corridor and enter the fourth South door.
40 Move forward, turn right, and hop on the red beam to get to 2F.
41 On 2F, move forward and go through the South door.
42 Turn right and enter the West door. Turn right again and enter the North door. Paced forward ang get warped to a cursed dimension.
43 Go through the North door, turn right and enter the East door, and turn right again and enter the South door. Go through the beam and go through the South door.
44 Enter the left-side South door and get warped. Turn right, pace forward, and enter the North door.
45 Turn left and enter the West door, move forward and enter the North door, move forward again and enter the North door.
46 Turn right and enter the East door, move forward and enter the East door, and then turn right and enter the South door.
47 Turn right and enter the West door, go through the beam, and then turn right and enter the North door.
48 Turn right and enter the East door, turn right and enter the South door, move forward and enter the Southeast door, then enter the Southwest door, and go through the middle West door. Then hop on the red beam to get to the Red Temple Altar.
49 Climb up the stairs to trigger the boss fight.
Prepare for a boss fight against Skadi.
Boss Fight Skadi.jpgBoss Battle: Skadi
51 A cutscene will play after the battle. Afterwards, examine the white beam to exit the temple.
52 Head over to the center of the Amala Temple then examine and enter the upside-down pyramid.
53 A cutscene will play. If you triggered Musubi Flag 1 / 2, your response to Isamu's following question will affect the ending of the game. Otherwise, your response to his question will have no effect.
Will you do it, for the sake of Musubi?
"All right." (Musubi Flag 2 / 2)
"No way." (Reject)
54 Pace forward and a cutscene with Yosuga-aligned demons will play.
55 Fast-travel to Mifunashiro to proceed with the story.

Obtain Adama Magatama After Defeating Albion and the group of Zoas

Obtain Adama Magatama after defeating Albion and the group of Zoas in the White Temple.

Response to Isamu Will Affect the Ending of the Game If Musubi Flag 1 / 2 was Triggered

If you triggered Musubi Flag 1 / 2, your response to Isamu's following question will affect the ending of the game. Otherwise, your response to his question will have no effect.

Response Effect
All right. Musubi Flag 2 / 2
No way. Reject

Endings Guide: How to Get All Endings

Amala Temple Boss Fights


Specter Boss Fight

Specter returns for a third round. This is the toughest he's ever been, so don't underestimate him.

How to Beat Specter (3rd Encounter)


None, but Phys Attacks can go a long way.

Specter does not have any elemental weakness, however, using Phys attacks is useful for dealing damage.


Attacks Almighty
Reflect Magic
Void Light, Dark, Nerve, Mind, Last Resort
Support Gathering, Dekaja

Specter utilizes Last Resort, a heavy Almighty attack that cannot be blocked or dodged. Specter reflects all Magic attacks, as well as, void Light, Dark, Nerve, Mind skills, and Last Resort, so never use these types of attacks as you'll only be wasting your turn.

In that sense, we highly recommend summoning your demons that have the highest Str and Vit stats, to survive Last Resort and to deal the most damage you can with Phys attacks.

Specter also has two support skills including Gathering which it uses to replicate 5 more Specters only at the start of battle and 1 more Specter as the battle progresses, and Dekaja which cancels out all debuffs in one turn.


Aciel Boss Fight

Aciel has come from the depths of hell, seeking Magatsuhi. Beware his Tempest attacks.

How to Beat Aciel


None, but Phys and Magic attacks can go a long way

Aciel does not have any elemental weakness, however, using both but Phys and Magic attacks is useful for dealing damage.


Attacks Almighty, Phys
Reflect Dark
Absorb Light, Ailments
Support Dekaja, Dekunda, Dragon Eye

Aciel utilizes Almighty attacks including Mana Drain and Sol Niger, a multi-target attack that reduces foes' HP to 1. Likewise, it also uses Phys attacks, so we highly recommend to always use an Attack Mirror or Tetrakarn to avoid situations where all it takes for Aciel to kill you is by attacking after it drops your HP to 1.

Aciel can reflect Dark and absorb Light and Ailment skills, so never use these types of attacks as you'll only be wasting your turn. It also has three Support skills including Dekaja, Dekunda, and Dragon Eye which grants Aciel four extra turns.

Albion, Luvah, Urizen, Tharmas, and Urthrona

Albion and Zoas Boss Fight

Albion can only think of devouring. Beware his army of Zoas.

How to Beat Albion & Zoas

Albion Weaknesses

None, but Phys Attacks can go a long way.

Albion does not have any elemental weakness, however, using Phys attacks is useful for dealing damage.

Albion Strengths

Attacks Phys
Void Light, Dark, Ailments
Support Call Zoa

Albion utilizes both single-target and multi-target Phys attacks, so we highly recommend bringing along demons that can block this type of attack. Albion can void Light, Dark, and Ailments so never use these types of attacks as you'll only be wasting your turn.

Albion uses Call Zoa that summons four Zoas at the beginning of the battle and which Albion uses to revive a Zoa that has been finished off.

Luvah Weaknesses


Luvah Strengths

Attacks Force
Reflect Force
Void Light, Dark, Ailments
Support Samarecarm

Luvah utilizes both single-target and multi-target Force attacks, so don't bring along demons that are weak towards Force.

Luvah can reflect Force, and void Light, Dark, and Ailment skills, so never use these types of attacks as you'll only be wasting your turn. Likewise, it has Samarecarm which is mainly used to revive Albion.

Urizen Weaknesses


Urizen Strengths

Attacks Fire
Reflect Fire
Void Light, Dark, Ailments
Support Samarecarm

Urizen utilizes both single-target and multi-target Fire attacks, so don't bring along demons that are weak towards Fire.

Urizen can reflect Fire, and void Light, Dark, and Ailment skills, so never use these types of attacks as you'll only be wasting your turn. Likewise, it has Samarecarm which is mainly used to revive Albion.

Tharmas Weaknesses


Tharmas Strengths

Attacks Ice
Reflect Ice
Void Light, Dark, Ailments
Support Samarecarm

Tharmas utilizes both single-target and multi-target Ice attacks, so don't bring along demons that are weak towards Ice.

Tharmas can reflect Ice, and void Light, Dark, and Ailment skills, so never use these types of attacks as you'll only be wasting your turn. Likewise, it has Samarecarm which is mainly used to revive Albion.

Urthona Weaknesses


Urthona Strengths

Attacks Elec
Reflect Elec
Void Light, Dark, Ailments
Support Samarecarm

Urthona utilizes both single-target and multi-target Elec attacks, so don't bring along demons that are weak towards Elec.

Urthona can reflect Elec, and void Light, Dark, and Ailment skills, so never use these types of attacks as you'll only be wasting your turn. Likewise, it has Samarecarm which is mainly used to revive Albion.


Skadi Boss Fight

Skadi is tired of Magatsuhi and thirsts for your blood. Physical attacks don't work on her, so plan your moves wisely.

How to Beat Skadi


None, but Magic attacks can go a long way

Skadi does not have any elemental weakness, however, using but Magic attacks is useful for dealing damage.


Attacks Phys, Light, Force, Curse
Absorb Phys
Void Light, Dark, Ailments
Support Tarukaja, Rakukaja, Dekaja, Dekunda, Dragon Eye

Skadi utilizes Phys, Light, Force, and Curse attacks so we highly recommend summoning demons that can block these types of attacks to cut off Skadi's turns.

Skadi absorbs Phys, so never use Phys attacks as the damage you'll deal will only turn into HP for Skadi. Likewise, she can void Light, Dark, and Ailment skills, don't use these types of attacks as you'll only be wasting your turn.

She has five Support skills including Tarukaja, Rakukaja, Dekaja, Dekunda, and Dragon Eye which grants Skadi four extra turns.

Obtainable Magatamas


Adama can be acquired after defeating Albion!

Amala Temple Obtainable Items

World Map

Items in the World Map

Obtained from Items
1 Azabu
South of Amala Temple
5000 Macca

Black Temple: 1F

Obtained from Items
1 Cache Cube Megido Rock x 1
2 Cache Cube Light Ball x 1
3 Mystical Chest Luck Incense x 1

Black Temple: B1

Obtained from Items
1 Cache Cube Bead x 1
2 Mystical Chest Soma x 1

Red Temple: 1F

Obtained from Items
1 Cache Cube Bead x 1
2 Mystical Chest Agility Incense x 1

Red Temple: 2F

Obtained from Items
1 Cache Cube Life Stone x 3

White Temple: 1F

Obtained from Items
1 Cache Cube Life Stone x 2
2 Mystical Chest Soma x 1
3 Cache Cube It's a trap! Ambushed by 3 Legion.
4 Cache Cube Revival Bead x 1
5 Cache Cube
To access this Cache Cube, enter the door marked "a"
Medicine x 1
6 Cache Cube
To access this Cache Cube, enter the door marked "a"
Bead x 1

White Temple: 2F

Obtained from Items
1 Cache Cube
Enter the door marked "a" from the room above to teleport to this Cache Cube
Blessed Fan x 1
2 Mystical Chest
Enter the door marked "b" to teleport to this Mystical Chest
Chakra Pot x 1

Amala Temple General Tips

Level Up to at least lvl.70

We highly recommend to level up to at least lvl.70 for this area so you can keep up with all the bosses in the Amala Temple.

Get Light Balls or Learn Lightoma for the Black Temple

We recommend buying Light Balls or learning Lightoma for the Black Temple as the dungeon will be shrouded in darkness.

Get Float Balls or learning Liftoma for Red Temple

We recommend getting a Float Ball or learning Liftoma for Red Temple as the dungeon is made up of cursed rooms and hallways.

Shin Megami Tensei 3: Nocturne Related Links

Story Walkthrough

Story Walkthrough

Story Walkthrough Guides

Prologue - Shinjuku Hospital WalkthroughShinjuku Hospital Walkthrough Shibuya and Yoyogi Park WalkthroughYoyogi Park and Shibuya Walkthrough
Amala NetworkAmala Network 1 Walkthrough Ginza Walkthrough and Boss GuidesGinza and the Great Underpass Walkthrough
Ikebukuro WalkthroughIkebukuro Walkthrough Assembly of Nihilo WalkthroughAssembly of Nihilo Walkthrough
Kabukicho WalkthroughKabukicho Walkthrough Asakusa and Obelisk WalkthroughAsakusa and Obelisk Walkthrough
Amala Network 2 WalkthroughAmala Network 2 Walkthrough Yoyogi Park 2 WalkthroughYoyogi Park 2 Walkthrough
Amala Temple WalkthroughAmala Temple Walkthrough Mifunashiro and Yurakucho WalkthroughMifunashiro and Yurakucho Walkthrough
Diet Building WalkthroughDiet Building Walkthrough Bandou Shrine WalkthroughBandou Shrine Walkthrough
Tower of Kagutsuchi WalkthroughTower of Kagutsuchi Walkthrough

Endings Guide: How to Get All Endings

Labyrinth of Amala Guides

First Kalpa GuideFirst Kalpa Area
Recommended level: 20
Second Kalpa GuideSecond Kalpa Area
Recommended level: 35
Third Kalpa GuideThird Kalpa Area
Recommended level: 50
Fourth Kalpa Walkthrough Fourth Kalpa Area
Recommended level: 65
Fifth Kalpa GuideFifth Kalpa Area
Recommended level: 75

DLC Dungeon Guides

Where the Demi-Fiend was Born GuideWhere the Demi-Fiend was Born Center of the Conception GuideCenter of the Conception


6 Anonymous9 months

White Temple 2F Mystical Chest is a Life Stone not a Chakra Pot

3 Anonymousover 3 years

the picture was wrong i’m so mad wtf


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