Shin Megami Tensei 3: Nocturne (SMT Nocturne)

List of Recovery Items

This is a list of all Recovery Items in Shin Megami Tensei III HD Remaster (SMT Nocturne) for the Nintendo Switch. PS4, and Steam. Read on to see a list of all Recovery Items in the game and their effects!

List of Recovery Items

This is a list of all Recovery items in SMT3. Recovery items help players regain HP, dispel negative status effects, restore MP, or revive fallen allies.

Item Effect
Medicine Fixed HP recovery for one ally.
Life Stone Slight HP recovery for one ally.
Dis-Poison Cures Poison for one ally.
Revival Bead Revives one ally with slight HP.
Dis-Charm Cures Charm for one Ally.
Chakra Drop Slight MP recovery for one ally.
Bead Full HP recovery for one ally.
Dis-Stun Cures Stun for one ally.
Dis-Mute Cures Mute for one ally.
Dis-Stone Cures Stone for one ally.
Muscle Drink Recovers an ally's HP or MP. May cause side effects.
Balm of Rising Revives one ally with full HP.
Soma Droplet Moderate HP/MP recovery for one ally.
Soma Full HP/MP recovery for one ally.
Great Chakra Full MP recovery for the party.
Chakra Pot Full MP recovery for one ally.
Bead Chain Full HP recovery for the party.
Divining Water Checks to see if a demon is capable of evolving.
Sacred Water Cures Bind/Sleep/Panic for the party.
Bead of Life Full HP/MP recovery for the party.
Chakra Elixir Slight MP recovery for one ally. Reusable
Soul-Return Revives one ally to full HP. Reusable.

Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne Related Items


List of All Items

Items by Type

Item By Categories
Combat Items Recovery Items Overworld Items Gems
Exp and Macca Items Incenses Key Items Reusable Items


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