Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

Soulrender Best Loadout and Build

Modern Warfare 3 - Best Soulrender Loadout

The Soulrender is a type of Melee Weapon in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (MW3 2023). Learn the best loadout and build setup for the Soulrender, including its camo challenges, stats, and how to unlock.

Soulrender Best Loadout and Build

Soulrender Loadout Setup

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Soulrender Camo Challenges

All Soulrender MW3 Camos

Camo Challenge
Omnigenesis Get 50 Operator Kills with the Soulrender
Gilded Soulrender Get 10 Operator Kills while being out of the enemy's line of sight with the Soulrender
Forged Soulrender Get 10 Operator Kills while crouching or sliding with the Soulrender
Priceless Soulrender Get 15 kills from behind with the Soulrender
Interstellar Soulrender Complete 36 Priceless Camo Challenges
Neuronic In Zombies, get 250 kills with the Soulrender
Golden Enigma Soulrender In Zombies, Get 100 Kills and Successfully Extract with the Soulrender in a single deployment
Zircon Scale Soulrender In Zombies, Get 300 Kills with the Soulrender while it's Pack-A-Punched
Serpentinite Soulrender In Zombies, Get 10 Special or Elite Zombie Kills with the Soulrender
Borealis Soulrender Complete 36 Serpentinite Camo Challenges

How to Get Soulrender

Complete All Sector B21 Challenges

Modern Warfare 3 - Soulrender Battle Pass

The Soulrender can be unlocked by completing all challenges in Sector B21 of the Season 2 Battle Pass.

Here are all the challenges for Sector B21:

  • Get 5 Operator or Special Zombie kills with Throwing Knives.
  • Get 10 Operator or Special Zombie Melee Kills.
  • Get 15 Operator or Special Zombie kills with a Frag Grenade or Semtex.
  • Get 5 Operator or Special Zombie kills with the butt of a gun.

You can reach this Battle Pass sector by spending tokens to unlock new sectors. These tokens are earned by playing Multiplayer and Zombies.

Current Battle Pass End Dates and Rewards

Soulrender Stats Overview

Soulrender Max Level and Class

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Campaign - Soulrender
A ceremonial blade capable of razor-sharp cuts and deadly melee action in close-quarters combat.

Soulrender Stats

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