Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) Walkthrough Comments


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    6 Anonymousabout 1 yearReport

    agree, lost another customer to dumb rules against snipers!

    5 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    So on wasteland my team was running around dying a lot I held down the tank area while getting kills with the M16 and got kicked also I was moving and shooting

    4 Rebelman2025over 1 yearReport

    If we can’t hold an area and can’t stay in one spot I’ll never buy a cod game again I spent thousands of dollars on this and now they wanna pull this crap all I can say hello battlefield goodbye cod

    3 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    Must have been decided on by someone who doesn’t live in the real world. Sniper rifles useless in Mw 3. Can’t hold a position for your team. You have to move from area to area within 2 min. No warning just kicked. How big is the area you have to move from. You can be moving from window to window constantly still kicked. This preoccupation with “camping” has been taken too far. Are you supposed to be a run and gun fool to not be kicked. This policy ruins the game.

    2 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    Yeah this is next level stupidity to implement this in a game I've been playing for 15+ years. Pay $70 for the new one and pray that they've fixed it and low and behold still booted for playing the game. I am nearly to Battlefield 2042 levels of uninstall and never buy/support again. Ridiculous.

    1 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    Absolutely discriminating camper, never buy again

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