Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

Squad Finder Message Board

MW3 Squad Finder Board

This is Game8's Squad Finder Board for Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3 2023). Use this Activision ID message board to find squads and other people to play with for the Zombies and Multiplayer modes!

Related Guides
Multiplayer Modes Zombies Mode

Squad Finder Message Board Rules

  • No submissions that are offensive toward other users.
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  • No posting submissions irrelevant to this board.
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Note: If you violate any of these conditions, your submission may be deleted and you may be banned from posting.

Message Board

Submissions: 42
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42 Petey6721 daysReport

does anyone still play? or want to help someone that is not a good player

41 Hips36 monthsReport

need red worm aswell

40 Hips36 monthsReport

I need to defeat the red worm for the schematics but every game i am the only one. Squads i join tend to stay in T1 and T2.. Playing on xbox by the way.

39 BongVonRipsky◆1ffGOk58sI7 monthsReport

Need a Sergeants beret for the giraffe toy for the new rift.



37 Voidzz◆Guhg4NCseQ8 monthsReport

36 Voidzz◆Guhg4NCseQ8 monthsReport

What for?

35 Voidzz◆Guhg4NCseQ8 monthsReport

Trying too find mw3 ranked teammates sliver3

34 Anonymous8 monthsReport

I need cod teammates

33 Anonymous8 monthsReport

im d1 runit

32 Rhinob59◆1TJ8El0/EE10 monthsReport

Looking for a good rank team warzone. Min of plat 3

31 Anonymous10 monthsReport

Wana play zombies Mw3

30 Anonymous10 monthsReport


29 Anonymous10 monthsReport

ADD ME igetyou7

27 Anonymous10 monthsReport

🎮 Calling All Adult Gamers! 🎮 Are you tired of playing solo or dealing with immature players in your online gaming adventures? Come check out ✨Crusade of Piercing Light✨ our active, adult-only Discord server dedicated to all things gaming. 🌟 Why Join Us? 🌟 ✨Gaming Galore: Whether you're into FPS, RPGs, MOBAs, or indie games, you'll find plenty of fellow gamers to team up with for epic battles and unforgettable adventures. Discord invite code: CPL4LIFE

26 Anonymous11 monthsReport

Looking for a team to farm Easter egg mission in tier 3-

25 Anonymous12 monthsReport

Looking for a team to do red worm

24 Anonymous12 monthsReport

Id is xXMrPillowXx looking to run bad signal to open portal(quest items) and for completing red worm(still missing lg aether tool)

23 I have sigl12 monthsReport

22 Anonymous12 monthsReport

I’m trying to find a squad to enter the dark aether with. I’m trying to get schematics Cataleya_KILLA2#2205146

21 Anonymous12 monthsReport

Im interested in getting better at tier 3 and finally unlock dark aether. Tier 2 is way too easy for me most of the time but I have a hard time staying in tier 3 for too long (without abusing op weapons) my id is badoperator#9149922

20 Anonymous12 monthsReport

Looking for some people to group up and play with! I play hardcore search and destroy needing homies that like to play late night and most nights if possible! Hit me up! discord is Jaydeezy add me up!

19 Anonymousabout 1 yearReport

I'm interested Tester7248#2130883 send me request I got one maybe 2 more ppl who will be down also

18 Anonymousabout 1 yearReport

Anyone looking to unlock dark Aether ? I know how to do it. Just need a team

17 Anonymousabout 1 yearReport

Trying to go to dark aether

16 Anonymousabout 1 yearReport

Moh Ive got all schematics besides flawless crystal just need to farm T3 contracts

15 Anonymousabout 1 yearReport

im interested

14 Anonymousabout 1 yearReport

I am looking for a squad or just a couple of players to complete dark aether contracts and get classified schematics such as dog bone , aether blade etc.

13 Anonymousabout 1 yearReport

I am looking for a squad to complete IV and aether storm missions

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