Zenless Zone Zero (ZZZ)

Another Bowl of Noodles! Quest Guide

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Zenless Zone Zero - Another Bowl of Noodles! Commission Guide

Another Bowl of Noodles! is a Trust Commission in Zenless Zone Zero 1.4 (ZZZ) for Soukaku. See how to unlock Another Bowl of Noodles!, a walkthrough on how to complete this Trust Mission, and its rewards here!

Another Bowl of Noodles! Quest Information

Another Bowl of Noodles! Trust Quest Details

Location Sixth Street, Waterfall Soup
Client Soukaku
Time Anytime

Another Bowl of Noodles! is a Trust Commission for Soukaku, where you invite Soukaku over at Sixth Street for a wonderful bowl of noodles.

List of Commissions

Raises Trust with Soukaku

All Soukaku Trust Commissions
Warm and Sweet Intentions Another Bowl of Noodles!

Trust Commissions increase a certain character's Trust when you complete them. Whenever you get an invite from one of your teammates, be sure to respond and help them with their cause!

Soukaku's Trust Events and Best Answers

How to Unlock Another Bowl of Noodles!

Invite Soukaku

Another Bowl of Noodles! trust commission can be unlocked after sending Soukaku an invite and choosing the Let's go eat noodles option.

Note that selecting the Let's go eat hotpot option will trigger the Warm and Sweet Intentions commission instead.

Warm and Sweet Intentions Quest Guide

Another Bowl of Noodles! Quest Walkthrough

Pick Up Soukaku at the Metro Station

Pick Up Soukaku at the Metro Station

Pick up Soukaku at the Sixth Street Metro Station and follow her to the Waterfall Soup.

Metro Station Guide

Another Bowl of Noodles! All Answers and Results

Soukaku Best Answers for Trust

Question Dialogue Choices
Maybe... I'll get the same as you? Or something different? The same.
Something different.
Proxy, you come to this ramen place a lot, right? I'm sure I'll love whatever flavor you like! Because you think everything's delicious?
Because you trust my taste?

Choosing The same. dialogue option will get you a significant trust increase with Soukaku!

Another Bowl of Noodles! Rewards

Trust Increase With Soukaku

Another Bowl of Noodles! Rewards

Completing the Another Bowl of Noodles! trust commission will reward you with a trust increase with Soukaku!

How to Increase Agent Trust Level

Zenless Zone Zero Related Guides

All Side Commissions

All Soukaku Trust Commissions

All Trust Commissions
Invite Warm and Sweet Intentions
Invite Another Bowl of Noodles!


2 Anonymous2 months


1 Daedalus3 months

The guide is incomplete. Pick the last answer 'Because you trust my taste' for another trust increase.


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