Zenless Zone Zero Walkthrough Comments

Anton Trust Event and Best AnswersComment

Showing 1-10 of 10 entries


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    10 Anonymous7 monthsReport

    Forgot to add, it was at Midnight

    9 Anonymous7 monthsReport

    Found him on Sixth Street, in the alleyway to the left of the 141 Convenience Store, talking to a school kid. Telling him that "It was a thank you" increased trust.

    8 MiqoDaBaby™8 monthsReport

    The trust invite quest for Howl's news stand is not listed... 1. For an extra trust increase choose "What happened to your bro?" 2. Choose "Fine, I'll buy a magazine for you." to finish the event and earn a significant trust increase.

    7 MiqoDaBaby™8 monthsReport

    I'm sorry I forgot to mention it took place in the Afternoon.

    6 MiqoDaBaby™8 monthsReport

    At General Chop's it will say "trust event nearby." After you talk to Gen. Chop, Anton will talk to you about spicy noodles. I just chose the option about his enthusiasm and after the dialogue got a regular trust increase.

    5 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    At Bardic Needle on Sixth Street, choosing the option "Such a stunning timbre" will give you a significant trust increase.

    4 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    On Lumina Square, at the convenience store, Eridu's classic is a good answer to raise trust with anton.

    3 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    "Bros death growl must be intense" is a great increase during trust event when he is on top of a platform in the construction site talking about his band

    2 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    On sixth street at the convenience store, I got a significant trust increase by choosing the chocolate model choice

    1 Nova8 monthsReport

    At Lumina Square, Wildfire Rangers is also an answer to raise trust for Anton!

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