Zenless Zone Zero Walkthrough Comments

Soldier 11 Best Builds and TeamsComment

Showing 1-18 of 18 entries


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    18 Harin14 daysReport

    soldier 11 just got her story added, she still fun to play and even has a deep story now

    17 Anonymous14 daysReport

    got it from burnice pity😭 now i hesitate to pull burnice again (i think i need to save some poly again😭)

    16 Anonymous14 daysReport

    LOL just noticed that in Mindscape, it says C1, C2 Etc. like Genshin, not M1 or M2

    15 Soldier 11 enjoyer6 monthsReport

    using her EX is many small hits, thats boosts her dmg almost to max right after using it, so she need less time to heat up to max, thats why swing jazz is brings more value than just +8 critrate or +10% atk.

    14 Anonymous6 monthsReport

    Game seriously wanted me to have her. I wanted Rina or Grace but got 11 and then got a dupe 3 pulls later. At least I didn't lose the 50/50 to her and snagged Jane! Her and Lucy do make a really powerful team and if you get a dupe the energy generation 11 gets seriously boosts her DPS!

    13 Anonymous6 monthsReport

    Can someone tell me why Swing Jazz (2-pc) is the best disc set? Why not Hormone Punk or Woodpecker Electro? Is using her Special Attack better than just using her Basic Attack even if I can time it perfectly? Hell, the timing is much much more forgiving than DMC's Nero's EXact. I know Hormone Punk (2-pc) is in the second place. I just want to know why Energy Regen is placed higher.

    11 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    should i build her? and by that i mean should i build a fire character with their exclusive team? because rn i only run zhu yuan with anby/nicole most of the time and they are the most "built" for now. but i wanna know if you need to build more characters of other elements going forward (i'm currently level 36)

    10 Not Anonymous8 monthsReport

    it seems to me that the main problem of Soldier 11 is that the developers did not give her a name .... she is perceived as a secondary character because of this! Was it difficult to give her a name and create a more powerful image instead of making an easy Anby clone?

    9 Not Anonymous8 monthsReport

    Soldier 11 is a really great character with a powerful firepower, I combined her with Koleda and Ellen and my team destroys everyone without exception at S rank, whatever level is done, of course in the future there may be other powerful characters, but I think she is underestimated by many now as well as Koleda, which spreads Stun on everyone without exception in a few seconds

    8 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    Unfriendly spotted

    7 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    She has a high chance of getting power crept in the future once a limited Fire Attack character gets added to the game. Seriously, this is a weakness? You know that all characters released on 1.0 potentially will get power crept in the future right?

    6 doritosgotmelike8 monthsReport

    roger i'll run that team then thank you!

    5 Anonymous9 monthsReport

    Wanted the ice furry maid, got the fire starter soldier instead as my first s-rank. Probably was the better choice for me.

    3 Anonymous9 monthsReport

    Soldier 11 + Lucy + Piper have been speed running early-mid game for me

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