Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

L/R Detector - How to Use and Unlock

Modern Warfare 3 - LR Detector

L/R Detector is a Gear Perk in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (MW3). Read on to learn how to use the L/R Detector and unlock the L/R Detector!

How to Use L/R Detector

Detect Enemies Targeting You

The L/R Detector alerts you of enemies who are aiming at you with lasers or red dot sights. This works in a similar way as the High Alert perk in Modern Warfare 2.

How to Unlock L/R Detector

Reach Level 43

The L/R Detector is unlocked for your loadout by reaching level 43 on the progression track. Play matches to complete Daily and Weekly Challenges to get XP fast!

How to Level Up Fast

L/R Detector Overview

L/R Detector Basic Info

Modern Warfare 3 - L/R Detector
L/R Detector
Type Gear
How to Unlock Reach Level 43
Description ・Warns of hostile laser and radiation sources.

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